Taylor Swift

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November 24, 2021

NFTs Overall Look

Dear Chefs, Today we will taste "Cards", let's take a look over some basic information before diving into details regarding to "Burning" and "Crafting" - the main dishes we will serve you today. There are currently 3 types of Card you will have the opportunity to own in Dine Together.
Dine Together ∙ 15 LIKES

October 18, 2023

Unveiling the Secret Formula: Master the Art of Estimating Google Workspace Migration Effort for Seamless Transition!

Discover Proven Strategies to Estimate Time, Effort, and Resources for a Smooth Google Workspace Transition.
Migrating to Google Workspace can be a transformative journey for any organization, but proper planning and estimation are vital for a successful transition. In our blog post, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you estimate the time and effort required for a smooth migration. From initial assessment and planning to data migration, user provisionin…
Ravi Gokulgandhi

Rare Club Nifty Newsletter #10

CryptoSkulls mania, token rewards and the importance of community
Welcome to the ‘Rare Club Nifty Newsletter’, a curated snapshot of what matters most. We provide informative and easily digestible content about the NFT space, with one publication a week. Subscribe for free at the bottom of the article. Includes NFT news, info on trending narratives, educational info, tips, projects to watch, occasional deep dives and m…
RogueRaven ∙ 2 LIKES

Rare Club Nifty Newsletter #1

The First Edition
Welcome to the ‘Rare Club Nifty Newsletter’, the perfect companion for NFT enthusiasts. We provide informative and easily digestible content about the NFT space, with one publication a week. We love everything NFTs, but have a keen interest in those of a gaming nature.

June 22, 2020

I need a wider control panel to create beautiful dashboards

Are you one of us who can't find what you're looking for in DataStudio panel?
I spend almost half of my day in Google Data Studio. it’s a powerful tool to brings data to the surface. Especially managers love seeing their outcomes in these dashboards. BUT, I can't stand for the narrow panel. I love naming my filters and metrics clearly and LONG but, with this panel I can not use this method effectively.
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

June 18, 2020

Visualisation of user flows

Is it hard to understand user flows?
Personally, I’m using whimsical (not a promoted post) to visualise the user flows. This is crucial for understanding the business in depth. Understand better to take clear actions. (If you can't see the GIF, wait a bit more or click the little icon above.)
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

June 18, 2020

Easier Facebook Ads conversion tracking

What? 3 weeks for conversion pixel implementation?
We all have been waited for a developer at some point in our life. This is our fault, we inflated their backlog by assigning tasks without cost-benefit analysis. This is another time’s subject. Ok, I hear a voice; “This is our everyday life and we need to track conversions right away. We are pouring money on Facebook Ads.”
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

April 26, 2022

Coming soon

This is %%publication_name%%, a newsletter about Web3, thoughts and ideas.
Daniele Salatti

Power & Love

January 2024 reflections
In preparation to perform, as he stood on stage lifting the microphone to his mouth and then lowering it, smiling, looking down, fidgeting — a brilliant musician friend of mine would often say, “Open your mouth, and let the words come out.” Once he opened his mouth and began to make sound, I’d wonder how he could ever feel nervous or blocked.…
Lindsay Linegar ∙ 5 LIKES
Jamie DeVries
I am so happy for you Lindsay, you deserve all this and more.

What is this and why now?

Ask A Queer Doctor begins!
What is Ask A Queer Doctor? Ask A Queer Doctor is a platform that I’ve created to talk with professionals about myths in their respective fields, with the aim to debunk them. I’m launching this space because medicine and science were my first loves, and I think the field is often shrouded in mystery. Think about it, you can’t read academic papers unless y…
Dani Janae

What's next

upcoming posts/episodes of AAQD
As I type this, I’m preparing for an interview with a queer family medicine doctor. This doctor has asked to remain anonymous so there will be no video content, but of course, the text and podcast versions of the interview will be available for you to consume. I met this doc through, you guessed it, Twitter!
Dani Janae ∙ 1 LIKES

13. Mother and Child

Case study of a brain that needs to shut up sometimes
I leave Rome in three weeks, give or take a few days. In that time, I’ll take an LSAT, hear back about my thesis, register for my fall courses, submit a final assignment, take two finals, enjoy a visit from a high school friend and then one from my family, hopefully visit the Park of the Aqueducts and go to at least one more museum and maybe get a secon…
Michal Goldstein ∙ 3 LIKES

August 26, 2022

Namesdao and Crypto Name Services

Note from the author This post was a standalone Namesdao only post. Then it was a Runtime Rambling headline post. Then I went down a research rabbit hole that made it evolve into a Namesdao/Crypto Name Service post. I test in prod and write on the go. Deal with it.

#2 Musically Yours - Aarti Sivakumar

Episode 2
In this podcast, Aarti Sivakumar, musician and voice artist, shares a beautiful poem in Kannada and its evocations in a dialogue with Hariprasad Varma. We hope you enjoy this conversation connecting music, beauty, and ideas in yoga from a subjective evocative space.
Hariprasad Varma

My heart is an onion

to whom can I safely reveal its layers?
Pull back the layers What would you find Mining to the depths Drilling down to the recesses of my mind As we dig deeper and deeper Can my soul be truly free Yet honestly still, when I go there Is that what I even need? I weep in my pillow I cry out in the dark Would anyone hear? Would my questions cause a spark... Run, Trace. Toil, Race. Go Back ba…
Jessica Jolley ∙ 4 LIKES

November 3, 2023

I know it's not meant to be easy...

but why does it have to be this dang hard?
[Well friends, I never claimed to be gifted with technology. Unfortunately I prematurely sent the email before working out all the kinks, *ehem* the poem’s format and all the links below (which by the way, previously did not work. shaking my perfectionistic head over here).
Jessica Jolley ∙ 2 LIKES

November 7, 2022

Week of Nov. 7th

Issue #9
If you want something promoted on the SAC Newsletter, please email earlhaigsac@gmail.com by Friday at 3 p.m. the previous week.
Earl Haig SAC

October 16, 2022

Risk Management and Leverage With Knox Vaults

This week we go over strategies possible with our vaults while answering frequently asked questions!
Introduction Over the past week, we pumped out content around risk management, holding our first ever Twitter Space and answering some of your questions, all while dropping a slight amount of alpha. Audits are finally finished, and our devs along with the rest of the team are working overtime (special kudos to our volatility wholesaler
Weka and Knox Finance Vault Tech

What Are Some Things to Do during Eucharistic Adoration?

Surprise! Welcome to the 10th issue of the Fit Shepherds’ newsletter. You didn’t expect me today, did you? I usually email this out on Thursday nights or Friday mornings. But I’m sharing this issue with you earlier than normal because tomorrow is Catholic Man Night at Our Lady of Mercy. (It starts at 6:30 p.m.) Part of the evening will include an hour o…

#1: Cutting tobacco | Excelling at art | If Tufte webbed | Design & fiction

art | science | digital culture | design | creativity | words | tech
Welcome to my newsletter of intersections and uncategorisations. You can read the introduction to find out a bit more about what will be a regular digest of thoughts inspired by my major interests and a subscriber-only set of mailings that reveal more of my personal creative journal and process.
David Harris ∙ 1 LIKES

19. A Man Made a Wager. He Lost.

“She kept talking about my father’s feeble-minded brother, but I always thought she meant you.”
One of the things that distinguishes The Sopranos from everything else on television is its literary storytelling tendencies. It obsesses over its characters’ inner lives, and it rejects the expectations of episodic and season- and series-long narrative structures in favor of meandering thematic exploration and delayed gratification. And it plays around…
Kellie Herson