Taylor Swift

Top 25 Taylor Swift Articles on Substack

Latest Taylor Swift Articles

March 5, 2022

Week 1️⃣ moving countdown!

T-7 Days ya'll.
Can’t believe it! Daisy and Rufio are at the vet right now, getting their final international pet health certificates issued. This time next week we’ll be departing LAX on our final leg to San Jose. All kinds of emotions have come up throughout the last 10 weeks of preparation. Moments of panic and second-guessing, but those fade fast to excitement. We’…
Jen Lankford ∙ 4 LIKES
Shelley Woods
Woot, Woot-So excited for you Jen!🎉

February 27, 2022

Win A Rare Chicken!

We’re launching in just 2 days! 🚀 To help raise awareness about Chicken DAO, we’re giving away 10 chickens for free. To win a chicken, all you have to do is follow the steps below. Step 1. Retweet this tweet. This is our main promotional tweet, if we can get as many of you guys retweeting it, we’re more likely to sell out faster, meaning more liquidity fo…
chickendao ∙ 5 LIKES
Sooo cute n adorable!!
Alexandre Kandelaft
Looking forward to see the results :D

The sacrifices that count

As if yours
Happy new month It's the first newsletter of the month and I'm particularly excited about it because of the circumstances surrounding it. So much has happened between the time of the previous newsletter and this. I finished writing the exams for the semester, I explored two other towns, took plenty pictures, spent much time using Adobe Lightroom and did ma…
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 5 LIKES

Figure in, figure out

You'll figure out, won't you?
This is around the 50th newsletter I'm sending out on this app. Perhaps when it's the anniversary (May 12), I'll give a story on how it all started. For me, it's the intentionality of actually typing the words out every week. So much has improved since I wrote my first mail and so much is improving too.
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 6 LIKES
Why do I find this letter funny?😂🤲
Especially your experience in school.
"Just start."
Thank you.

January 16, 2023

Favourite pidgin quotes (3)

Your indomie quick done no mean say who dey cook beans lazy
Hii guys It's a new week already and I can feel the goodness that this week is filled with here already. I hope you make the most use of the week. Low-key I'm really happy that I can send this mail on a Monday morning despite the schedules. Thank you for always reading.
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 4 LIKES

Give up and rest!

You sef don try...
For me, it's the way the names of some of my readers pop up in my head while writing. Happy weekend guyssss. Since the election earlier fixed for tomorrow, Saturday in Nigeria has been postponed, there probably won't be much 'owanbe' tomorrow. All of us will be at home together.
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 13 LIKES
It's the way you mix humour with reality.☺️🥺❤️
Thank you for the motivation.
Adekunle Matthew
Nice one here

September 26, 2022

Roses and Chrysanthemums.

Give people flowers while they can smell them
I still don’t understand how we went from 1st of September to 26th in like 2 weeks fr. Happy new week guyss.Thanks for reading Flourikay’s Newsletter! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. This is the last newsletter from me for this month and as always I’m excited to write to you again so let’s get into it.
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 6 LIKES
The hard girl got me😂😂.
But yeah I really love this
Spreading the love. Thanks for this Hun

September 12, 2022

What’s your success story?

Obviously a perspire speech
Men and gentleladies it’s a brand new week. Happy new month officially. Trust the month has been going quite well at your end. Straight to business. Have you ever heard someone say they know someone who got a breakthrough at something. You’ll hear a rookie trader say I know someone that bought a house and two cars just with crypto.
Kolawole Flourish ∙ 5 LIKES

U.S. Steel sale isn't a done deal? Cleveland-Cliffs sure doesn't think so

Plus: Get ready for permitting legislation; a boom of oilfield evictions; Minnesota's CD8 race is on; recycling LTV
Jerry here… It’s been a busy week in the Northland and it’s only Tuesday, so we’re making a brief return from what I’ll call a strategic pause at Iron Range Today.Thanks for reading Iron Range Today! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Iron Range Today ∙ 1 LIKES

September 28, 2023

Walz takes a bonding victory lap on the Range

Plus: Cliffs getting hostile?; USW President Tom Conway dies; stories around Minnesota and a fundraising request (from a kid, not us!)
Governor Walz visits state-funded workforce, bonding projects in Chisholm and Hibbing Gov. Tim Walz visited Detroit Diesel in Hibbing and the under-construction public safety building in Chisholm on Wednesday, in what amounted to an overdue victory lap on state bonding and workforce development efforts.
Iron Range Today ∙ 2 LIKES

December 31, 2023

The Three W’s of Christian Living

An interview with Rik Danielsen
Never Forget Eternity https://www.amazon.ca/Never-Forget-Eternity-Christian-Living/dp/1951890116/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1R16LTYAT04L4&keywords=rik+danielsen&qid=1644064400&sprefix=rik+danielsen%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-2 You Picked the Wrong Stagecoach https://www.amazon.ca/You-Picked-Wrong-Stagecoach-Territory/dp/1951890272/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1R16LTYAT04L4&keywords=rik+dan…
Drew Eldridge

June 28, 2020

No es sólo Estados Unidos

Atleta A y la cultura de abuso y silencio.
Aviso: en este texto voy a mencionar casos de abuso sexual y detalles gráficos. Si sos menor de edad o si sufriste abuso sexual, recomiendo que reconsideres leerlo o lo hagas con la contención adecuada.
Romina Castellini ∙ 5 LIKES

January 9, 2022

Entendiendo la gimnasia de la NCAA

Con Marina González Lara, gimnasta de la selección española y de las Cyclones de Iowa State
Durante mucho tiempo no me cerró la idea de la gimnasia en la liga universitaria. Mirando para atrás, estaba atado a una idea de gimnasta completamente errada (joven, flaca, “seria”), pero sobre todo a una idea del deporte errada: ¿qué pasa si la gimnasia es menos solemne y las atletas se divierten en suelo bailando hip-hop? ¿Es menos gimnasia? ¿La gent…
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

September 28, 2023

Notas de Amberes: Jueves 28 de setiembre

Podium training y horarios de la QR
Este es un breve resumen diario del Mundial de Amberes 2023: novedades de GAF, con una pizca de GAM. El Mundial va del 30 de setiembre al 8 de octubre. Suscribite para recibirlo en tu mail.
Romina Castellini ∙ 1 LIKES

June 13, 2021

Hija de la luna

El retiro oficial de Mustafina, el equipo olímpico británico y los trials de USA.
Hace unos días estuve charlando de gimnasia en Zona Mixta de UNI Radio. Empezamos hablando de reglas de vestimenta de GAF, pasamos por un panorama de la gimnasia en Uruguay y llegamos hasta Tokio. Podés escucharlo en este link.
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

July 16, 2023

Subite a la Gabbyneta

Fasten seatbelts que esto ya es el año preolímpico
Es el año 2001, se usan los breteles finitos y estás mirando Popstars, a ver si a Lourdes la seleccionan para la nueva banda. A unos 12000 km, una nena de 6 años que se llama Gabrielle Christina Victoria está aprendiendo a hacer ruedas de carro en su primera clase de gimnasia. Un poco más de una década después sería campeona olímpica por primera y no po…
Romina Castellini ∙ 10 LIKES

October 8, 2023

Notas de Amberes: Sábado 7 de octubre

Rebeca campeona y el Hungría gate
Este es un breve resumen diario del Mundial de Amberes 2023: novedades de GAF, con una pizca de GAM. El Mundial va del 30 de setiembre al 8 de octubre. Suscribite para recibirlo en tu mail.
Romina Castellini ∙ 3 LIKES

September 24, 2023

Las chances de América para París

Preparando la calculadora para la clasificación en Amberes
“El mundial está a la vuelta de la esquina” es tremendo cliché pero tremendamente cierto. El sábado que viene se prenden las luces de la última chance de clasificación para muchos países de nuestra región y todos los ojos van a estar puestos en la fase de clasificación para hacer ajustes de cara a los Juegos Panamericanos.
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES