
Top 25 OpenAI articles on Substack

Latest OpenAI Articles

Kara Swisher, Sam Altman, and the OpenAI Board

Helen Toner finally explains what the board was thinking
I’ve written here before about Altman and his apparent lies, and why I thought the (nonprofit!) board was right to call him out, and occasionally about how Kara Swisher blocked me on X for saying that. (Her view was that Sam was basically innocent and the board was cloddish, writing “
Gary Marcus ∙ 75 LIKES
sean pan
Self-regulation of potentially the most powerful technology in existence. How the fuck did we get here?
Finally, the objective analysis we all needed. Keep it coming

We don't trust you: Google, OpenAI and Instagram Gurus

I'm gonna share what happened in marketing, you don't have to judge it, but I'm gonna judge it. (Friday Review)
Platforms are trying to fix audience’s save and forget problem. TikTok is now promoting your past downloads in FYP. What did IG do? They shared a new post about creating videos over 90 secs, Didn’t they advocate against it? One for Distribution, One for
Jaskaran ∙ 7 LIKES
Bianca Dămoc
Your first point on kids wanting to be creators out of fear of being forgotten...
I think that's the reason we do anything on social media. Not just create. Likes, shares, comments. As if to say, I was here, I saw, I matter, I have opinions.
Dejaih Smith
Loved the copy upgrade for the razor 🪒 “We got your face like chiroprac-tic” #Andre3000stan

Selling Your House For Firewood

Media companies are cutting deals with OpenAI that they will regret.
I am not a business guru. Nor will I ever be a business guru, due to rampant discrimination against socialists in the business world. But if I was a business guru, one my core guiding principles would be “do not plant the seeds for my own industry’s demise.” Sadly, it feels like this principle is being lost in my own industry toda…
Hamilton Nolan ∙ 88 LIKES
Leanne Potts
Automate the CEOs.
Please print that on a t-shirt and sell it here. Another great piece.
Diana van Eyk
You make very important points here, Hamilton.
Trust can never be generated by AI, and trust, I believe, is the new gold.

OpenAI: Exodus

Previously: OpenAI: Facts From a Weekend, OpenAI: The Battle of the Board, OpenAI: Leaks Confirm the Story, OpenAI: Altman Returns, OpenAI: The Board Expands. Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike have left OpenAI. This is almost exactly six months after Altman’s temporary firing and The Battle of the Board, the day after the release of GPT-4o, and soon after a n…
Zvi Mowshowitz ∙ 59 LIKES
This is one of the closest matches for the catch-22 in the novel Catch-22 that I've ever seen:
"If you were truly worried about this you would blow up your life and savings, in this way that I say would make sense, despite all explanations why it doesn’t.
You didn’t.
So clearly you are not worried.
Nothing to worry about.
You did.
So clearly you are an idiot.
Nothing to worry about."
Also, at this point, I'm fairly certain Sam Altman is a sociopath. If I were an AI doomer, this would really scare me.
The equity clawback is not totally unheard of. Skype and Zynga and others have “played hardball” with equity contracts. It’s disappointing from an employee point of view though.
One important note is the whole nonprofit PPU structure already is much more controlled by the company than most cases. You don’t just exit at an IPO or acquisition, you are relying on future cooperation by OpenAI. If they want to play hardball with these contracts in the future, to make them less valuable to ex-employees, they will have many more opportunities to do so.
It does all seem like one thing. OpenAI has almost been torn apart by the struggles between the doomer faction and the product faction. Now the product faction seems to have won the struggle and is consolidating its political control.

Johansson's beef with OpenAI points to unclear laws on voice cloning

No one is sure if it's legal to reproduce a celebrity's voice without permission.
Last September, users gained the ability to speak to ChatGPT using one of five voices dubbed Breeze, Cove, Ember, Juniper, and Sky. Then earlier this month, OpenAI announced a new model, GPT-4o, that could understand the user’s tone of voice and vary its own tone in response. Due out in the coming weeks, this feature should enable more lifelike conversa…
Timothy B Lee ∙ 41 LIKES
Carter Williams
The F/A-18 Mission computer incorporated speech in 1980. Digitized from a real voice. With audio cues like "Pull Up" when too close to the ground. Years later, pilots who had been saved by the gentle female voice wanted to know the name of the woman behind the voice. We tried to figure it out, but Gene Adams, the inventor, had passed away by then. Not sure we ever did get to the bottom of it.
Malcolm Sharpe
On the specific case of OpenAI and Johansson, it's worth listening to back-to-back comparisons to judge for yourself whether Sky actually sounds like Johansson. Here are two examples:
To my ear, they sound distinctly different.

The OpenAI board was right

Even on little things, Sam is not consistently candid.
A week ago, OpenAI released an exciting new demo, featuring a voice character with a sexy breathy voice that was supposed to remind you of Scarlett Johansson’s AI agent character in the fabulous film Her. Lots of people gushed over it. (Some worried about the sexism, as well they should, but that’s a story for another day. And of course I daresay the de…
Gary Marcus ∙ 169 LIKES
Birgitte Rasine
LinkedIn is alight with the ScarJo bombshell.
"No" means no, Sam. Be it in English, or every other language on the planet.
sean pan
And these are the people who promise that they will give us a perfect world with UBI.
This is why we need to discuss what they are really doing and #PauseAI.

Import AI 375: GPT-2 five years later; decentralized training; new ways of thinking about consciousness and AI

…Are today's AGI obsessives trafficking more in fiction than in fact?...
Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about AI research. Import AI runs on lattes, ramen, and feedback from readers. If you’d like to support this (and comment on posts!) please subscribe. SPECIAL EDITION! GPT2, Five Years On: …A cold eyed reckoning about that time in 2019 when wild-eyed technologists created a (then) powerful LLM and used it to make some ver…
Jack Clark ∙ 39 LIKES
You mentioned the P(Doom) debate. I’m concerned that this debate may focus too much on the risk of extinction with AGI, without discussing the risk of extinction without AGI. For a proper risk assessment, that probability should also be estimated. I see the current p(Doom) as very high, assuming we make no changes to our current course. We are indeed making changes, but not fast enough. In this risk framing, AGI overall lowers the total risk, even if AGI itself carries a small extinction risk
It’s a plausible story to me that we entered a potential extinction event a few hundred years ago when we started the Industrial Revolution. Our capability to affect the world has been expanding much faster than our ability to understand and control the consequences of our changes. If this divergence continues, we will crash. AI, and other new tools, give us the chance to make effective changes at the needed speed, and chart a safe course. The small AGI risk is worthwhile in the crisis we face.
Rohit Krishnan
This was an excellent, excellent, retrospective on GPT-2 and the difficulties of arbitrarily "creating a power floor" in AI regulation.
The best idea is still to increase our knowledge, monitor the models, run evals, understand how they work, and then we will know enough that come the right time we know enough to know how to solve the problems they might cause!

The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled

GPT-4o, Gemini integration with Google for Education, LearnLM, an exclusive interview with Shantanu Sinha, and more!
🚨 Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about new events and content! 🚨 The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled By Ben Kornell
Sarah Morin, Alex Sarlin, and Ben Kornell ∙ 10 LIKES
Jacob Kantor

What should we learn from OpenAI’s mistakes and broken promises?

It’s increasingly clear that OpenAI has not been consistently candid. What follows from that?
A year ago, Sam Altman was treated like a head of state; OpenAI could do no wrong. But lately, he and they have made a lot of mistakes, and broken a lot of promises. Here’s just a small sample: OpenAI called itself open, and traded on the notion of being open, but even
Gary Marcus ∙ 140 LIKES
Susan Trefethen
Citizen lack of awareness, understanding and interest is a real problem. We do not do our homework.
Don't forget the plentiful of fanboys and sycophants who constantly sing OpenAI and ilks praises, sweeping the points you listed under the rug as small bumps on the road to their "greatness". They've certainly done their parts.
On a light note, just for a laugh, here is my recent interaction with Llama 3 the latest and greatest open source LLM from Meta. As expected I got correct solution for the classic farmer/wolf/goat/cabbage crossing river problem from Llama 3 as the problem must have been within the training set. I then asked a follow-up question "What if I have two wolves in this case?". Here is Llama 3's response:
"A twist! With two wolves, you can't leave them together with the goat, as they might harm it. Here's a solution:
1. Take a goat across the river first and leave it on the other side.
2. Go back to the original side and pick up one of the wolves.
3. Take the wolf across the river and leave it on the other side with the goat.
4. Go back to the original side and pick up the second wolf.
5. Take the second wolf across the river and leave it with the other wolf and the goat.
This way, you've never left the wolves together with the goat, and everyone is safe and sound on the other side!"
So this is the kind of system whose underlying technology will lead us to AGI? UBI? A bright future for humanity?
What a joke?

Leopold Aschenbrenner - China/US Super Intelligence Race, 2027 AGI, & The Return of History

The trillion dollar cluster...
Chatted with my friend Leopold Aschenbrenner about the trillion dollar cluster, unhobblings + scaling = 2027 AGI, CCP espionage at AI labs, leaving OpenAI and starting an AGI investment firm, dangers of outsourcing clusters to the Middle East, & The Project.
Dwarkesh Patel ∙ 20 LIKES
Nathan Lambert
Honestly this feels like he (and other intelligence explosion people) has a huge blind spot. The exponential is *one way* AGI *could* happen but it requires the log linear graph to continue without interruption.
With this logic, we would’ve already had “the big earthquake” a few times. There’s nothing assuring scaling to keep working, it’s one narrow path. Feels sort of like smart people have been brainwashed to believe this.
It’s a good thought experiment, but it’s certainly not proven reality.
(AI + Real Life) x Purpose
Well, folks... it finally happened. I finally found a reason to use AI to summarize something for me.

i'm obsessed with the fully conscious baby

+ ScarJo says ScarNO to OpenAI, and police have opened a probe into Matthew Perry's death
Um first of all HI to our 55 new paid supporters!!!! I’m so obsessed with you and adore having you over on Close Friends and in the book club chats!!!! If you wanna join the cutest fucking community on the internet, I’m still running a sexy 50% off sale because the cost of living sux 𓆩♡𓆪
shit you should care about ∙ 47 LIKES
red sauce and tomato sauce are the same but ketchup's different

OpenAI chases Her

ChatGPT left the textbox and where AI is leading society.
Tom and I recorded an episode of The Retort on OpenAI’s culture shift with this announcement — it’ll be out Friday. Subscribe if that sounds interesting!
Nathan Lambert ∙ 31 LIKES

Understanding the real threat generative AI poses to our jobs

There will be no robot jobs apocalypse, but there's still plenty to worry about. How *will* generative AI impact our jobs?
Hello, and welcome back to Blood in the Machine: The Newsletter. (As opposed to Blood in the Machine: The Book.) It’s a one-man publication that covers big tech, labor, and AI. It’s all free and public, but if you find this sort of independent tech journalism and criticism valuable, and you’re able, I’d be thrilled if you’d help back the project. Enough…
Brian Merchant ∙ 72 LIKES
Small but important note -- even if you don't have a union, if you and your coworkers *collectively* take some form of action (e.g. a jointly signed letter to management expressing concern about poorly-implemented AI), that is still legally protected by labor law, so it would be illegal for your employer to engage in any kind of retaliation. It's called "concerted activity" if you wanna get technical about it, but the legal standard is basically "do something with at least one other person."
> "Who stands to profit, after all, from the rise of job-stealing software that costs
> a monthly fee to license?"
As well as being about as reliable as a Yugo's transmission. And who has to fix the problems? PEOPLE! And just as people need time off for vacations and illnesses, software "takes time off" when it's down. These idiots who want to fire everyone and just use software doesn't understand that.
I know someone whose company went all out a few years ago with getting all sorts of time-saving, money-saving software. They laid off 25% of their workers. Now they have more problems than they can count, are far behind, and are spending much more money (on software) to achieve the same results. Last December for the first time ever they could not pay out bonuses because all their money went to fixing the software that was going to save them all that money. And this is "reputable" software, from companies like Salesforce, Oracle and Google. At conferences they talk to others in their industry who tell the same story, so it's not just them. When I asked my friend why they did this when it was clearly a losing move, she replied, "Because everyone else [i.e., their competitors] is doing it." Brilliant. Reminds me of Apple's infamous "Lemmings" commercial. It angered people who saw it, but Apple told the truth, and everyone hated them for it.

Briefing: Google Meet's new audio, Granola and PayPal ads

Plus: OpenAI accusations, How to design for UI density, the most popular sign in options explored
Welcome to the 210+ new subscribers who joined us since last week! Over 45,000 readers from top tier tech companies like Netflix, Spotify, Microsoft, Apple, Google, Amazon and more get the DoP in their inbox. Join them here:
Rich Holmes ∙ 10 LIKES
Rob David
Excellent summary as always! Agree that PayPal ads seems inevitable in retrospect but not so sure if it's a good idea. I wonder what privacy protections there are.

What I Read This Week...

Fake studies have flooded academic journals, TV advertising is in secular decline, and OpenAI loses key team members over 'superintelligent' AI safeguarding
Watch All-In E179 Read our 2023 Annual Letter Caught My Eye… Fake studies have flooded the publishers of top scientific journals, leading to thousands of retractions and millions of dollars in lost revenue. Where do these studies come from? Scientists are paying 'paper mills’ hundreds and even thousands of dollars to list fabricated papers in scientific j…
Chamath Palihapitiya ∙ 68 LIKES
Torrance Stephens, PhD
This says a lot about Biden. tinyurl.com/3d4ea6mp
Hope he never comes back to my school.

John Schulman (OpenAI Cofounder) - Reasoning, RLHF, & Plan for 2027 AGI

how posttraining tames the shoggoth, and the nature of the progress to come...
Chatted with John Schulman (cofounder of OpenAI and led ChatGPT creation) how posttraining tames the shoggoth, and the nature of the progress to come... Watch on YouTube. Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast platform. Read the full transcript
Dwarkesh Patel ∙ 19 LIKES
Colin Brown
Thanks Dwarkesh really appreciate this. Although I am beginning to feel a real "law of diminishing returns" on the topic of when will AGI arrive and what will we do so it would be great if future podcasts didn't dwell too much on this area. I don't think anyone can give a thorough answer at this stage so it feels like we just need to "feel our way towards it".
I enjoyed the bits when you guys talked about models, pre and post training. Less from a "moat" perspective and more in terms of what is possible / what will change / how these approaches will develop. Keep up the good work
I enjoyed the interview, good stuff 👍

Is there something rotten at OpenAI?

Is it the AI or the people behind the AI we should be more worried about?
In the parable about the frog in the boiling pot, we're told the water starts out comfortable for the frog. It stays comfortable for just long enough for the frog to relax too much. Then, as the water starts to really heat up, it's too late for our frog.
Nick Milo ∙ 12 LIKES
“Sam Altman just lied to our faces, but we’re cool with it.”
Who's this "we"? I'm not cool with it.
Daniel Salas
Wow. Chatbots can be manipulated to protect their creators. Great insight, Nick.

A new A.I. influencer is producing some of the most criminal charts I've ever seen

Who is “Leopold Aschenbrenner"? PLUS: Bill Ackman, Vivek Ramaswamy, and the anti-woke finance grift.
Greetings from Read Max HQ! In today’s newsletter: Who is “Leopold Aschenbrenner,” and why is he suddenly a top A.I. influencer?; and A short history of the anti-woke finance grift, starring Bill Ackman and Vivek Ramaswamy. If you prefer to listen to Read Max rather than read it, a recording of me reading this newsletter
Max Read ∙ 35 LIKES
Joshua Hughes
Love this: "a cloying, manic self-assurance that somehow scans as “genius” to the credulous and the powerful and as 'extremely annoying bullshit' to literally anyone else." I taught and did research on neural networks right around when "deep learning" took off, and listening to consultants--let alone these "personalities"--hype AI at my company makes me want to lose my fucking mind. I can't even get anyone to look at a regression line and we're somehow going to solve all our problems with AI.
Henry Snow
Thank you for this important contribution to Type of Guy Studies! The Cowen connection is super interesting-- I've got a piece I haven't finished yet on the relationship between right-wing economics and AI, and think this will be a useful example. Cowen comes out of a right-wing economic lineage that is very susceptible to AI hype because of how it sees brains and the world. AI, as a black box with its throw-it-all-in-the-cauldron training, is easy for them to see as representing a kind of market-based "spontaneous order" (very Hayek) over deliberate "planning" of traditional computing. In this view it makes sense that AI would lead to superhuman AGI, which would naturally prove the superiority of market competition over deliberate lefty cooperation. The red-baiting is a nice touch here, and really brings some of these ideas full circle. (I think all of this also explains the shift away from EA you mention here... but I should really finish the piece instead of writing it in someone else's comment section)
Will be interesting to see how they react when AGI doesn't pan out...

Are We All Bozos On this Giant Experimental Bus?

This fall may well be the first big national test of this “new internet,” and, like the Internet Research Agency’s interventions in 2016, could well lead to disaster...
In one of the great and thought-provoking albums of all time, I Think We’re All Bozos on This Bus (1971), my dear old buddy Phil Proctor and his three brilliant colleagues in The Firesign Theatre envisioned a world constructed largely of holograms — including one that’s the President of the United States, directly inte…
Thom Hartmann ∙ 213 LIKES
Roy Shults
While the possibility of a real Skynet looms, there is a more immediate, pedestrian and obvious issue that presents itself. Anyone claiming to be a patriotic American (and understands what that actually means) and realizes that ALL of the foreign chatbot activities, especially those from our clear enemies China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, are promoting tfg for POTUS and trashing President Biden needs no other reason to vote for President Biden. I would argue that given that single reality, a vote for tfg is tantamount to treason. And yes, it really is that stark, and that bad.
Greeley Miklashek, MD
Gee, Thom, I thought you were going to tell us that all of your brilliant recent essays were actually the product of Chat GPT AI and you were actually sitting on a beach in Fiji. Was I wrong? As for the critical capacity of the average American in my neck of the woods, our ability to distinguish truth from make-believe went out the window some time ago. Afterall, folks down here in Ohio voted for J.D Vance and Jim Jordan, as well as Our Mad King (wannabe) Donald, who'd they'd allow to serve as president from a jail cell, or Mar-a-Lago under house arrest, while the Secret Service detachment lounge poolside. Crazy R Us.

🔮 The race to AI assistants; OpenAI exodus; GLP-1, risky films, insect protein ++ #474

An insider perspective on AI and exponential technologies
Hi, I’m Azeem Azhar. In this week’s edition, we explore Google and OpenAI product announcements and evaluate if they live up to the companies’ substantial investments. In the rest of today’s issue: Need to know: OpenAI loses the yin to its yang The latest departures at OpenAI could deepen a monoculture at the leading AI company.
Azeem Azhar and Nathan Warren ∙ 41 LIKES
Paola Bonomo
You quote Martin Wolf's review of Andrew Scott's latest book, The Longevity Imperative. I don't think I'm going to pick up the book because, even if the numbers are updated, the message appears to be pretty much the same as in the 2016 book he co-wrote with Lynda Gratton, The 100-Year Life (https://www.100yearlife.com/). Or is there something new that I'm missing?

OpenAI Wants To Get Big Fast, And Four More Takeaways From a Wild Week in AI News

Ignore the flirty bot, OpenAI’s big strategic play became clearer this week.
In a season of big AI news, few weeks have felt more significant than this one. OpenAI introduced its new GPT-4o model, Google unveiled a deeper AI vision, and Apple dropped more hints ahead of a massive AI-themed WWDC event. At Big Technology, we also hosted our first public event with Box CEO Aaron Levie, well-timed with the AI news. Our live podcast s…
Alex Kantrowitz ∙ 43 LIKES
Afonso Salcedo (Fonzie)
I’m personally really excited to see where this potential OpenAI/Apple partnership will lead us.
I wouldn’t read too much into Satya Nadella not appearing at the OpenAI event. Sam Altman didn’t appear either so this was positioned as a smaller event than the DevDay one. Also, with Mustafa Suleyman being hired to lead the consumer-focused Microsoft AI unit, I suspect we will see him more at OpenAI stuff. Completely agree it was a big week for GenAI and Microsoft Build is on the 21st so more to come.

Dingus of the week: Sam Altman

Siri, what is gaslighting?
Silicon Valley seems obsessed with finding ways to replace women. Grocery delivery. Food delivery. Laundry. Managing administrative tasks. All the things that Silicon Valley seeks to disrupt are roles that for a long time, and probably still for many of the tech bros, were done by mothers and wives.
lyz ∙ 317 LIKES
Altman's denial of what he so clearly did reminds me of how toddlers will sometimes close their eyes and think you can't see them.
I grew up in Silicon Valley and happen to be here visiting my parents right now. My mom volunteers at a blood bank. She says all the young tech bros that come in all ask her help finding girlfriends, not for sex but for cooking when their office cafeterias are closed on the weekend. SMH....This is a long way of offering an anecdote to say how right you and your analysis is, Lyz.

Chaos and tension at OpenAI

Safety seems to be taking a back seat
Aaron Turner
So many questions! (A) Should the public be worried? -- The public should be worried (in particular) about any AI system that is deployed at scale, so whatever the major AI labs such as OpenAI are doing should be top of this list. All contemporary AI (including the major LLMs such as ChatGPT) is at best only minimally aligned with human values. BY DEFINITION, a minimally-aligned AI system will inexorably inflict societal harm (in parallel with any benefits) when deployed. Therefore a minimally-aligned AI system that is deployed at global scale (such as ChatGPT) will necessarily inflict societal harm at global scale (although it's difficult to predict in advance exactly what form that harm will take, we will doubtless gradually find out over the next 10-20 years). The only good news in this regard is that contemporary LLMs are simply too dumb by themselves to represent a significant x-risk. (B) Will the (new) board at OpenAI take note? -- Internally, for sure; these are not stupid people. (C) Will they do anything to address the situation? -- Only if they perceive it to be a problem relative to their (highly rationalised) objectives. It may take external pressure, such as robust legislation, to significantly temper their (and thus the company's) behaviour (ditto re the other AI labs of course). (D) Will OpenAI’s status as a nonprofit remain in good standing? -- In my assessment, OpenAI is already firmly under the control of profit-motivated interests. It's entirely possible however that key people within the company, even board members, have not quite worked this out yet. (E) Will [this] help Elon Musk’s case? -- Quite possibly. (F) Does Sam care? -- I believe he cares deeply. I also believe HE believes he's doing the right thing, which (when Kool-Aid is involved) is not necessarily the same thing as actually doing the right thing. (G) Is this what he wanted? -- I suspect not, but HE needs to work this out (ditto re the rest of the board). (H) Is OpenAI’s push to commercialization coming at the expense of AI safety? -- 10,000%.
Joy in HK
One has to look long and hard with a magnifying glass to find examples of a profitable business willing to offset revenue for safety concerns. Ford Pinto, anyone?

May 25

One Thing About Scarlett Johansson: Her Legal Action Wig is Always On

The Friday Post.
Live from New York … Hung Up! You can read an event recap here. The way men misunderstood Her, the 2013 Spike Jonze movie, should be studied. (I saw a movie about a mustache. My friend Hilton memorably calls Her a movie about a…
Hunter Harris ∙ 182 LIKES
Amy Kamp
Fair enough but Courtney Love is the true white Azealia Banks
They knew that voice sounded like her and retroactively tried to get her on board is my bet but ScarJo is about her coins, especially royalty coins, which she would not get if she voiced that chatbot. It’s almost as if, AI likeness without future payouts is one of the reasons the actors guild strike happened. 🤔 I thought tech bros were the brightest of us all. 🤭