Taylor Swift

Top 25 Taylor Swift Articles on Substack

Latest Taylor Swift Articles

Exciting News!

I am excited to announce that 3 of my haikus have been selected in to be in the “Florida Bards Poetry Anthology 2024”! They have selected haiku #10 #20 and #32 to be in the book. There will be a book launch in June. The haikus are from my book “The View From My Deck, Haikus Inspired By Nature”. Needless to say I am thrilled!
Tim Huff ∙ 3 LIKES

December 20, 2020

Vodcast Week #3

Hello Vodcasters! It’s already been three weeks since the launch of Vodcast’s newsletter. We are growing really fast, therefore, we are building something very unique on the backend of the newsletter. We will announce it VERY soon. Meanwhile, Comment YES if you want to receive Vodcast twice a week.
Ismael Diaby ∙ 1 LIKES

June 13, 2022

Nightswim & Listening

Taking refuge in oneself through partnership.
🌱 Help me grow! 🌱 Nightswim When I sense that our daughter has dropped off to sleep, I ease myself quietly out of the cabin and pursue the path down through the darkness of the forest, carrying my towel. The canopy is sparse and a moonless sky glitters with stars overhead. The tracks are so familiar that I can get around without a torch.
Nicola T ∙ 4 LIKES
Swarnali Mukherjee
Thank you dearest friend for invoking this wisdom through your intimate space and sharing it with us. I feel like I needed to read this sublime meditation on partnership and what it means in both times difficult and easy. Many blessings to you and yours 🌼💜
Renee Faber
Your wisdom weaves through your poetry. Thank you for writing and sharing with us.

June 3, 2023


&, for what it's worth, it is hard.
You can download the ebooks for the first three volumes of Surrender Now using these links.
Nicola T ∙ 9 LIKES
Renee Faber
My eyes swept through your beautiful prose, and I felt the wise truth and felt the fear of that truth. And of course, the sorrow of how that truth lit inside of you through Raphael.
Vipul Bhesania
Nicola, this was so beautifully written! “I was never your mother: we were compatible presences performing a brief, milky dance to the music of the infinite; and our love lives on in that music” - wow. Thank you for sharing. The topic of grief is interesting in terms of relationships. I lost a very close friend last year. Initially I was weeping because he was physically no longer here. It was important for me to shed tears to mark the ending of us relating through the physical form. Over time I realised that we have since started a new relationship - one where he guides from the astral realms. He isn’t really gone, the way he serves has simply changed. In that way, I feel him closer in my heart with each passing day ❤️

What is the right tech for a web-based chat?

A retrospective on writing ChatStrike's chat interface
ChatStrike is a startup in the recruiting technology space centered around, you guessed it, chat. When Cameron Levy first approached me to work on a chat application for recruiters, choosing the right technology stack took serious consideration. At Platonic Systems, we default to purely functional programming unless there are compelling reasons not to. …
Isaac Shapira and Platonic Systems

August 20, 2021

Weekly Recap - Crypto Hits $2T Market Cap (Get Smarter in 5 Min)

Over the last 7 days Solana is up 63%, Cardona 25% & Ripple 20%. $90M hack of Liquid Exchange in Japan. Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin joins Dogecoin foundation & will help shape its future
💡What’s in it for Me: Get Smarter in 5 Minutes Hi everyone 👋. Welcome back to ‘The Weekly Recap’, where I curate a reading list of insightful articles, market updates & bite-sized learnings nuggets to get you caught up for the week. If you're reading this and haven't signed up, join the 190+ others by clicking below, and to the regular readers, thank y…
Saurav Bhatia

September 17, 2021

Weekly - Solana Crypto Attack Halts Growth,Price down 20% (Get Smarter in 5 Min)

The market moves sideways $2.2Tn, Solana has a hiccup, experiences denial of service attack, network goes down & token falls 20%. All in a regular Crypto week!
💡What’s in it for Me: Get Smarter in 5 Minutes Hi everyone 👋. Welcome back to ‘The Weekly Recap’, where I curate a reading list of insightful articles, market updates & bite-sized learnings nuggets to get you caught up for the week. If you're reading this and haven't signed up, join the 260+ others by clicking below, and to the regular readers, thank y…
Saurav Bhatia

November 25, 2022

tpd #10 | product market o que?

a importância do product-market fit para o sucesso do produto (e da empresa)
Uma coisa que ouvimos falar com frequência no mundo de produto é: como nós vamos atingir o product-market fit? ou como nós sabemos que atingimos o product-market fit? ou ainda o que vem depois de atingirmos o product-market fit? Todas essas perguntas são extremamente válidas pois elas são uma das maiores dores do time de produto e consequentemente da emp…
Caio Rocha ∙ 2 LIKES

Shooting From the Corner: Abilene Christian (0-1)

Well, shit
Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 4 LIKES
I will miss your columns almost as much as I will miss the former basketball school from which I claim a law degree.
Please feel the need to write fill in the blanks columns about recruits, transfers, and new coaching staff [rumors or news] from time to time.
Thanks again, Johnny.
Panhandle Girl
Feel your pain. Last night was heartbreaking. Thank you for all the great columns this year!

Got anything you want discussed?

Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 13 LIKES
I think most of my questions have been brought up by others. I have no idea what to honestly expect from this team and good lord I saw that bracketology has us as a one seed, which is obviously a trap. Please pull us back down to the reality that will surely come cause this is Texas Basketball.
But I do also enjoy you giving a good run down to the rest of the conference. Also recruiting (or just transfer portals now?) which I do not really follow.
Will we ever know the happiness of watching players grow from freshmen to seniors or will Beard's transfer portal mastery quash that?

Shooting From the Corner, Kansas/Tech (1-1)

I am a combination of tired and hungover I cannot adequately describe so let’s get to it. Micro Level, Kansas (W, 75-72 OT) SWEEP This is fun, Texas should do it more often. I watched the end of the game late due to work, and based upon the length of the DVR recording I suspected the game was heading to OT as I told my fiancee good night and went back to th…
Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 2 LIKES
"The atrocious Mac McClung three-point foul call aside - McClung threw himself against a set Kai Jones like he was a monster climbing a building in the next Rampage movie - the refs were pretty solid today."
That singularly atrocious call was doubly painful because it was the turning point of the game. At least, I think it was.

The Least Substantive Recruiting Article Ever, 2020 Edition

I am totally out of my depth
The roster construction is being handled in other pieces, this is going to be just about recruiting and thus fairly short because lolllllll I am not the guy for this. As per my yearly reminder, if you want to keep up with recruiting follow guys like
Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 4 LIKES
I know nothing about recruiting as well but I'm all in on seeing a dude named Chet in the NBA

Shooting From the Corner, Oklahoma State (1-0)

Texas enters business class, enjoys the free alcohol
It’s 70 degrees in DFW as I type this recap, which is decidedly not “Christmas” weather but I got to drive with the windows down on my way to pick up al pastor tacos from a Mexican meat market, so all-in-all I’d call it an unexpected bonus in the waning days of a hellscape year. Much in the same vein, Texas basketball being ranked in the top 10 while Lo…
Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 5 LIKES
I knew “B” was Brock b/c I follow his playing time like a true fanboy. Guessed correctly on Sims. Had no idea whether “A” was Kai, AJ1, or Brown. I know I win something glittery for two out of three because Groucho and Alex Trebek. Are there any living game show hosts? I don’t think so.
Meanwhile, I am reduced to watching these LHN games on an audio stream. Craig and Eddie stack up well against most TV guys to the point that I often listen to them over any team that includes, say, Bill Walton. I favor your picks of TV guys, but like Jay more than Raftery, who was a year behind me in HS and made All State. I throw that in so everyone will know that I am old and went to HS in NJ. I digress. Jay calls out refs and various other hoops hypocrites with a sort of “Frontline” authoritative voice of doom, that I favor.
This was an excellent post, BWG. Thanks.
Stacey Dunbar


I spent way too much time on this
So, how has your day been? Good? Anything noteworthy happen recently? Yea, me neither. When I wrote the ACU recap, I didn’t have any inside information on what may happen with Shaka Smart. I didn’t realize I would effectively nail how the scenario would play out, and I wish I was half this accurate when it comes to picking stocks. This is one of the most us…
Bitterwhiteguy ∙ 6 LIKES
Royal or Boynton make the most sense from an experience at their age sense. Beard seems like Weltich II, to me. If Ivey plays a pro style and can coach at that level, slam dunk.
I think you nailed it again.
With his defense-first style I think Beard is the safest and surest bet for consistent regular season success. Even though at times it is about as painful to watch as a poetry reading contest hosted by a stuttering academy. Beards team win in the regular season and produce very consistently game to game. But we’ve seen with Barnes, regular season success only means so much to Texas fans. If given a choice I think the vast majority of Texas fans would take 5th or 6th place finishes if it meant more sweet 16/elite 8 chances. That’s what Shaka was really meant to produce I think.
Now so far, Beard has had excellent success in the dance, but I believe ultimately the most consistent winners in March are the teams with the best and most consistent offenses. Yes Virginia beat Tech for the championship in 2019, but Virginia also was the first 1 to lose in the first round the year before and got dropped in the first round again this year. When your goal is turn every game into a 60-55 rock fight sometimes you end up on the wrong side of 60.
All that is why I think I’d prefer to go with Ivey. Now, maybe Ivey goes back to his Barnes roots and we start playing in your shirt man to man again. But from what I’ve heard he’s a true pace and space disciple. Plus I’ve heard from basketball guys I very much respect that Royal is absolutely the real deal as far as having a basketball mind. I also just like the idea of one of the toughest and most underrated players we’ve ever had coming here and having success versus someone who has a tendency to throw grown man-baby tantrums on the court.

December 7, 2020

Morning Belz, Dec. 7

A date which will live in infamy.
HHS Secretary: Every American should have vaccine by July — Axios Chinese company trying to raise 84,000 hogs at one site — Reuters Remote learning widens racial disparities — Washington Post Reporters murdered regularly in Mexico — Guardian QAnon gaining steam in Japan —
Adam Belz

July 13, 2021

Morning Belz, July 13

Right to repair.
Whenever my Toyota minivan needs its oil changed, the above message comes up behind the steering wheel: “Maintenance required. Contact your dealer.” This is a low-grade outrage every time I see it. Don’t tell me who to contact, you insolent inanimate object. I’ll contact whoever I want to contact. And if you have the wherewithal to know it’s time for me …
Adam Belz ∙ 1 LIKES

January 25, 2021

Morning Belz, Jan. 25

Dominion files $1.3bn lawsuit against Giuliani — CNN Chicago Teachers Union steadfast in wanting to stay remote — Tribune Hey! Hiking the minimum wage is just broadly popular — Noah Smith Navalny: This is Putin’s secret palace — Deutsche Welle 3000 arrested at protest demanding Navalny’s release —
Adam Belz

July 8, 2021

Morning Belz, July 8

Rural density pictures.
The two images above are from the Racial Dot Map, created from 2010 Census data at the University of Virginia. The image on the left is Walker, Iowa, with a little cluster to the north of it that represents the boarding school where I grew up. The image on the right is Chickamauga, Ga. The images are zoomed to the same scale. Each dot represents a perso…
Adam Belz ∙ 1 LIKES
Rural population density is really interesting. I've worked out at Cono (Ridge Haven) for several summers and one winter now, and as a lifelong southerner the difference in rural settlement always seemed really interesting to me. I always attributed it to topography and differences in political economy. Thanks for sharing the Racial Dot Map!

January 7, 2021

Morning Belz, Jan. 7

My take on yesterday.
So it’s come to this. The pathetic magical realism that a disturbing percentage of the American population is living in has propelled a group of them to storm the U.S. Capitol in the middle of the certification of a lawful election, forcing members of Congress to take cover, ransacking offices, smashing windows and doors, and then quietly walking away w…
Adam Belz ∙ 6 LIKES
Mary Kathryn Christiansen
Thank you. You've done lots of hard work to arrive at this complicated understanding of a very complicated political and cultural situation. I agree that the attack on the capitol was not a coup as we have seen them overseas -- an organized attack with a goal to forming a new government. But I don't think those rioters would have minded if that had happened somehow, if they could have had some permanent impact, stayed in the building for a week, gotten Trump to visit, forced the legislators out of their own building. That sounds ridiculous, but all that happened yesterday was also ridiculous. The only thing lacking for it to be a coup attempt was more planning. Violence was not lacking.
And while I agree that that group was not, by definition, a white supremacist group with a membership role of white men, I cannot get past the fact that it was a sea of white male faces. That it wasn't anything close to 16% black. I know you've interviewed black Trump supporters, and they're out there. But it's pretty tricky to put any significant black participation together with Confederate flags.
I appreciate so much your dogged effort to get to the bottom of what makes all this tick. I still cannot understand the WHY behind Trump's appeal, in spite of that man's answer to your question on the video: "Love." That made me shake my head. Every gut instinct I've ever had about Donald Trump says slimy fellow. But we are living in many different bubbles in the US, and although they may seem bizarrely magical or comic book, they are so deadly. We've blamed the loss of neighborhood on so many things like TV or internet or whatever. But perhaps the bubbles are to blame. I hope you don't mind me replying so much to your work.

November 19, 2020

Morning Belz, Nov. 19

Ponzi suspect flees FBI in submersible scooter. Yep — CBS Sacramento 2 Iron Range state legislators quit the Dems, form indy caucus — Star Tribune Conspiracy theories: more common than you might think! — Scott Sumner Are insurers on hook for pandemic losses? The fight is on —
Adam Belz

March 2, 2021

Morning Belz, March 2

Just links.
The Left is not pleased with Joe Biden on the minimum wage — Jacobin Ahead of Chauvin trial in Mpls, to board up or not board up? — Star Tribune Africa’s future is future of humanity (based on pop. projections) — Noah Smith Far right groups falling apart in aftermath of Capitol riot —
Adam Belz ∙ 1 LIKES

January 18, 2021

Morning Belz, Jan. 18

On the road.
Gripping dispatch from Senate chambers with the horns guy — New Yorker A history of the GOP and Trumpism — WSJ Inauguration: Drove up to the DMV yesterday. Virginia! What a state. Talked to people at several gas stations along Interstates 75 and 81, including one who claimed to have gone to high school in Phoenix with the capitol riot horns guy, and one l…
Adam Belz ∙ 2 LIKES

June 4, 2021

Morning Belz, June 4

China doing some hard thinking on int’l propaganda — Neican Americans are done with “promoting democracy” — Ian Bremmer Another Black man shot by cops in Mpls — Star Tribune No evidence of aliens, but can’t rule it out! — NYT Protracted apology for using the word “tribe” —
Adam Belz

April 16, 2021

Morning Belz, April 16

Bessemer, Alabama.
Sitting in Bessemer, Ala., right now, ready to start interviewing people as soon as my photographer arrives in a few minutes. I’m feeling optimistic, though I don’t expect a lot of employees will be easy to get on camera talking about the union vote. The Amazon Fulfillment Center (named BHM1), is on the outskirts of Birmingham, next to a waterpark. It’s…
Adam Belz