Mental Health

Top 25 Mental Health Articles on Substack

Best Mental Health Articles

Writing and mental health

You don't have to be mad to work here.
I have slowly come to understand that my main job is staying sane. I have been a professional writer since 1992. I haven’t had another job since then. In the thirteen years after I left college, I did…
Nick Hornby ∙ 308 LIKES
Eleanor Anstruther
I long ago realised that everything I write is in some way intended to get my parents to notice me. Sigh. (I'm 53, one of them is dead and the other is well on the way out the door) Hey ho and onward. There's no unpicking pre verbal hard wiring. I live with it (and sometimes find it funny.)
Natasha Gregson Wagner
Love this so much, Nick, but wasn't it Shelly Duvall not Sissy Spacek in The Shining???xx

Crypto, mental health, and retirement

Chasing an early retirement with crypto may not be what you are looking for.
Most people join crypto thanks to a fantasy. It’s usually a mix between wanting to become rich and hitting that special number. You’re so determined to quit that 9 to 5 job, that you’d do anything for it. Sounds great on paper. But there is a catch.
Duo Nine⚡YCC ∙ 17 LIKES
Jay Savala
Create your own story!!!!
My first bull run was the 2020 - 2021. I was soooo early that I thought every thing was easy. My portfolio went as high as 400k - which is an insane amount for me. Unfortunately, I gave my gains all back to the market. Luckily I had about 30% btc n eth, otherwise I'd have nothing today. I'm now sitting at about 120k and it's 85% btc n eth. Although I was depressed during the bear market, I learned my lesson. A heavy BTC portfolio save you!

Parent drug overdoses: The true cause of the adolescent mental health crisis?

Probably not. Here’s why.
Within a few days at the beginning of May, two papers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) came to the same grim conclusion: More American children are losing their parents to drug overdoses. The first, by Benjamin-Samuel Schluter and colleagues, estimated that 759,000 children in the U.S. lost a parent to a drug overdose between 1999 and 2020. The
Jean M. Twenge ∙ 8 LIKES
Mike Males
I appreciate Dr. Twenge engaging this crucial issue, but her analysis suffers from omission of key data, orange-apples comparisons of survey and vital statistics, flawed geographical comparisons, and other serious problems. Essentially, she is arguing that 800,000 overdose deaths, 12 million overdose-related hospital emergencies, 10+ million drunken and drug offenses, etc. among ages 30-59 (the parents, parents’ partners, relatives, teachers, coaches, etc.) – all soaring during the 2010-2022 period, when teens' depression was rising – would not be a major cause of teenagers’ poor mental health. (In 2022, SAMHSA reported some 4 million drug-related ER treatments in the 26-64 age group in the US, a pattern of rising adult drug abuse occurring across the Western world.) I don’t want to bog down this comments section, but if interested in my response, see: https://mikemales.substack.com/p/how-jean-twenge-et-al-get-the-middle

Ottawa CMH Board greenlights funding for Momentum Center, but future contract in doubt

The Momentum Center has received funding through the end of the 2024 fiscal year after multiple attempts by the Ottawa Impact majority on the Community Mental Health Board of Directors.
OTTAWA COUNTY — The Momentum Center in Ottawa County has now received funding through the end of the 2024 fiscal year after multiple attempts by the Ottawa Impact majority on the Community Mental Health Board of Directors to cut off public monies for the organization.
Sarah Leach ∙ 11 LIKES
Ann W
These anti-Momentum Center folks live in the land of stereotypes and misconceptions. I'm really tired of their rhetoric.

The mental health consequences of social justice fundamentalism

Data shows that the farther left you lean, the more anxious, depressed, and unhappy you are
In their 2015 article and 2018 book, “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Greg and Jonathan Haidt argue that cognitive distortions (practices like catastrophizing, black and white thinking, overgeneralizing, discounting positives, and emotional reasoning) and overprotecting children results in an external
Greg Lukianoff and Andrea Lan ∙ 253 LIKES
Zander Keig
As a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have seen firsthand the shift you describe. That's why in the summer of 2020, I moved away from providing individual psychotherapy sessions to conducting psychoeducation webinars. Now I teach large groups of people how to regulate their emotions, tolerate distress, mitigate conflict, manage stress, avoid burnout, get a good night's sleep, and many other necessary strategies and tools. It is rewarding work and I thoroughly enjoy doing it.
John K. Wilson
One potential problem with this analysis: What if liberals are not more likely than conservatives to suffer from mental health problems, but are more likely to report them? If conservatives are more repressed than liberals, they might suffer from depression but be less likely to admit it and seek help. Or they might seek treatments (such as turning to religion) that allow them to deal with problems without admitting to them.
Another potential problem with this analysis: What if this correlation, if real, is causation in the other direction? In other words, what if liberalism does not cause mental illness, but people with mental illness are more likely to be liberal because their own problems cause them to have more empathy for the suffering of others?

Is the adolescent mental health crisis real, or just an illusion?

What the New York Times got (spectacularly) wrong – and why the time for denial is over
The last few years have engendered a great deal of discussion about a mental health crisis among adolescents and young adults. Anxiety, depression, self-harm, and suicide have all increased in these age groups since 2010. But what if that’s all an illusion, simply a product of changes in screening practices and medical records? Maybe there isn’t an adolescent mental health crisis after all. That’s the case made by David Wallace-Wells in a recent
Jean M. Twenge ∙ 34 LIKES
Adrian Gaty
Of course you’re correct, but may I make an argument why the New York Times might have unwittingly stumbled into being right, too?
This is the key:
“ Wallace-Wells begins by pointing out that in 2011 there were “a new set of guidelines that recommended that teenage girls should be screened annually for depression by their primary care physicians and … required that insurance providers cover such screenings in full.””
What if depression increased not, as Wallace-Wells argues, because screening found more of it… but because *screening itself causes depression*??
My case for that is here:
In brief: doctors and teachers are “checking in” far far more than ever before on kids’ sad feelings, and just like the trans social contagion, you get what you measure.
So the times guy may be right, only not in the way he thinks…
David Myers
Excellent (cogent, incisive) analysis, Jean . . . I've been hoping you or Jon/Zach would respond to that NYT essay. Keep on . . .

Jun 4

Our New Religion Isn't Enough

Who is God?
These days it seems like everything is described as a new religion. Social justice is a new religion. So is climate activism. Trumpism, too. I saw a funny tweet recently about how girlboss feminism has now reinvented the Sabbath, with the shocking news that we might benefit from “one lazy day” a week. Even AI seems to be…
Freya India ∙ 1173 LIKES
Peter James
I loved this. It reminds me of a David Foster Wallace quote - “There is no such thing as not worshipping. Everybody worships. The only choice we get is what to worship. And the compelling reason for maybe choosing some sort of god or spiritual-type thing to worship is that pretty much anything else you worship will eat you alive.”
Justine 💙💙
Wow Freya. Thank you for this. You have a gift. These sentiments are exactly why I gave myself to Christ.
To anyone else reading this, I pray that you allow God to deliver you from whatever you’re seeking. Return to Him. The way has already been laid out. You don’t have to go searching. Just give yourself to God and He will show you. 🙏🏽
2 Corinthians 9:10 “For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat…”
If God can provide the seed, what can He not do?
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭13‬ ‭“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
You were thoughtfully created, every fiber of your being intricately designed. Everything you seek is within God’s hand, just as you were created in God’s hand.
All you have to do is surrender into His palm. God is here for you. God loves you. ❤️

Who Should Read “A Year of Mental Health”?

The “About You” page for my ideal readers, who often feel misunderstood yet also long to live meaningfully.
In a business book I wrote a while back, I outlined the concept of describing an ideal customer. Simply put, you need to understand who you’re trying to serve. “Everyone” is not a target market. So how about for this yearlong project—who is the ideal reader?
Chris Guillebeau ∙ 51 LIKES
Melissa Sandfort
In Internal Family Systems (IFS), the key to lasting, long-term transformation is healing our exiles — the parts of us that carry our deepest traumas.
Making surface-level changes softens up our personalities so that there is more space to address the deeper underlying wounds we carry. Which is why EVERY tiny shift we can make, from eating a can of non-dairy whipped cream versus a can of dairy whipped cream (if dairy phlegms us up) is worth it. (Shout out to my excellent harm-reduction strategy last night!)
In my opinion, NO tiny change goes unnoticed by our overall system. Every effort is worth it. AND the more strength we gather to address the deep, core wounds we carry (IFS calls them ‘burdens’), the more lasting change we will accomplish.
It takes a village of strategies to do this work. One, two, or ten techniques is not going to cut it. Whatever we can do to till the soil, loosen up the clods of gnarly old patterns and make our consciousness fertile, creative and generative — that’s what’s worth doing. And then if deeper work is needed, digging deeper to do that work. It sucks sometimes. If it takes a can of whipped cream for dinner, so be it. But whatever we start with, wherever we start, at least starting.
My goal for this week is to just keep digging. Glad to be digging with you!
Kezia Calvert
Hey Chris & others,
I've been here for awhile mostly in a passive capacity during a particularly tumultuous and sad time for my family. I finally feel ready to start engaging, and I look forward to learning a few things along the way :)
1. In what ways have you felt misunderstood? Living with undiagnosed ADHD my whole life caused me to often feel misunderstood. For example, I regularly heard things like "you have so much potential but..." and "you can go far in life if only you apply yourself/focus..." I internalized these words and they became beliefs that I'm just now dismantling in sobriety.
2. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would love for my completion rate for new projects be somewhat more in line with my drive to start new projects (I get super excited about a lot of things but the excitement sometimes tapers off - Hello ADHD!)
3. Something you’re curious about. I'm curious about how other folks prioritize tasks and set long-term goals.
4. Your #1 goal for the week. To write for one hour (minimum) per day.

Chasing Perfection: How Youth Sports Create a Mental Health Minefield

Depression, perfectionism, and suicide are steadily increasing in sports
(Photo Credit: PGA Tour) Introduction The sudden and tragic death by suicide of PGA Tour golfer Grayson Murray at the age of 30 has once again highlighted the pressing issue of mental health among young athletes. Murray, who openly discussed his battles with anxiety and depression, serves as a stark reminder of the often unseen struggles that athletes fac…
Anthony B. Bradley ∙ 10 LIKES
Rainey Mitchell (L.E.E)
This is a very insightful article. There are a lot of high school athletes in my area competing to play college sports even at a D3 level. I have a question. One athlete in my area, who is very talented and playing college baseball, is to say the least obsessed with the sport. It makes them look good and popular. He has almost no off season. If he isn’t playing baseball he spends hours at a baseball facility everyday or at the gym everyday working on his skills. I know him because of my daughter. Furthermore his parents, coaches and families encourage it. Even Christian families encourage it. He still was able to get onto a D3 college baseball team despite a shoulder dislocation that put him out of the entire basketball season. Even when he was injured he spent hours at the baseball facility. He plays on two teams including travel every year. In interviews, all he talks about is baseball and nothing else. From my perspective this can’t be healthy. Do you agree that this isn’t healthy for him?
Grace (Mullaney) Humbles
Thank you for another insightful and challenging article.
You hint at it, but I think even more could be said about how centering family life on the Christian church’s rhythms of prayer, worship, fasting, and feasting provides built-in protection against this kind of disoriented lifestyle. When Christ’s life becomes our life, there isn’t room for another centralizing force.

Goodbye Forever, Sweet Cabin

...a mental health story ❤️‍🩹
Welcome to The Morning Grumble by Grumble Farm, a community-supported newsletter that chronicles the journey of my life with pugs, dogs, and other animals through stories of hope & healing that are inspired by nature & the transformative and immortal power of unconditional love
Brandy (Grumble Farm) ∙ 47 LIKES
Karen DeYager
Jesse helped save you from the green dumpsters and now you’ll help save him from going through his procedure alone. You’re there for each other during the worst times of your lives to help support and lift each other up.
Down deep in your soul, you knew you deserved more in this life, even in your darkest hours, and your fierce intelligence and sense of self wouldn’t tolerate it. The cabin came along just when you needed it. The little farmhouse came along just when you needed it. The universe provides, even if she is a nasty bitch… and after the car issues, I’m like, seriously?!?! Love you guys and here to support you however we can. 🩷
Can’t not mention all the wonderful Jonie photos!!! 💙💙💙 seeing all his puppy photos brought all the feels!! He was a little Puggy savior for you when you needed him most. 💙💙
Samantha Brazeau-Wilson
And also… I am sad too. The cabin is and was a dream that you’re so blessed to have had as a part of in your life! I will miss the sunrises you shared and of course the birds. The wildlife and the snow content (always the snow content). Bye, beautiful little cabin in the woods. I loved you too, even if from a distance. 🌲👋

you people can't do anything

Miserable teens, fascist nostalgia, and wellbeing as a weapon in the culture war: what is behind the rightward swing in mental health and disability discourse?
Have you heard? No one wants to hear about your mental health anymore, if they ever did. It’s passé. It’s cringe. It’s a sign of a cultural decay which you, the individual, are responsible for upholding. We can all un-diagnose ourselves and breathe a sigh of relief that the powers that be have decided it’s over.
millie ∙ 171 LIKES
D.J. Liberty
thank you for writing this!! I’ve had such a similar piece in my drafts for months and have felt so weird about the lack of pushback FI has been getting. It’s all so insidious and unsettling…
lala thaddeus
So well written. I’m really disturbed by Freya India’s writing because at face value it’s almost innocuous. Like it’s framed so similarly to the girlhood essays we see on here yet her work panders moral panic and individual failure. Thank you for putting to words what I’ve been struggling with for months.

12 Jurors Unanimously Find Trump Guilty & NCAA Finally to Pay Athletes Who Earn Them Billions

Smartphones Benefit Teens More Than Harm Them, Trump Claims Bigly Crowd but Photo Shows Otherwise, The Boston Tea Partygoers Would Hate Today's GOP, John Denver Sings “Poems, Prayers & Promises”
What I’m Discussing Today: Kareem’s Daily Quote: Our need to love pets says a lot more about human needs than it does about animals. Guilty: Trump becomes first former US president convicted of felony crimes:
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ∙ 317 LIKES
Kareem, an excellent “Take” on Trump’s conviction, although I disagree that those of us gleeful about that conviction are his “enemies.” For this horrible, criminal person, who had gamed the system for years, who had uprooted people’s lives with emotional and physical threats of violence, who had debased the country with every cruelty imaginable, we wanted justice, and were excited, that the rule of law was actionable (for HIM) and remained intact.
Bruce Raben
When I saw the number $2.8 B my jaws dropped. Collegiate sports have obviously been a plantation system farm team for professional sports and completely exploitative of the student athletes who mostly don’t get a real education.
A top college president makes $1million +. A coach $10 million????? Outrageous

The Global Loss of the U-Shaped Curve of Happiness

Happiness used to be U-shaped by age, with middle age the least happy. Not anymore. Young people are now the least happy.
Intro from Zach Rausch and Jon Haidt: Over the last year, Zach has written a series of articles examining the international scope of the youth mental health crisis. In his five-part series, he has shown that measures of anxiety, depression, and other measures of poor mental health among youth have worsened in the five
David Blanchflower and Alex Bryson ∙ 173 LIKES
Science Does Not Care
Why no mention that unhappiness (and actual depression and anxiety) are actually higher among young people who align with liberal politics?
Are these left-leaning kids simply more sensitive and aware? Or have they been conditioned by a world view that inflates catastrophism and considers dysfunctional victimhood a virtue? And more broadly, how much of the unhappy factor among all young people (despite living in the best times ever) is the result of deliberate conditioning?
Daniel Rowan
Could it still be U shaped in terms of average trajectory of happiness over life? It’s just that young adults now start their U lower? Not a pleasant thought, admittedly.

Why John MacArthur is Dangerously Wrong about Mental Health but Everything is still a Mess

Agency, diagnosis as identity, and obsessions with mental health
It is an interesting time to suffer from a mental illness. Over the last ten years or so the stigma surrounding mental health has declined and the number of people suffering from mental affliction has increased. Much of this is probably due to social media, or so Jonathan Haidt argues in
𝐎. 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐍𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞 ∙ 127 LIKES
Bill Barnes
Loved this! A really balanced piece brother. Thank you. My own story is that I am a former Marine (5 years active duty) and graduate of U.S. Army Ranger School. That may seem an odd preface but it is to establish that I have done really hard things in my life and am far removed from a mindset of not dealing with my own problems. John MacArthur doesn't intimidate me in the slightest. But when I turned 54 I developed chronic insomnia. All the training and self-will that had allowed me to kick doors down throughout my life was to absolutely no avail. To cut to the chase, I started to become unwound. I sought out a psychiatrist for help. After a couple failed attempts, which completely underscore your point about agency, I found a good one. To give you an indication, she told me in our first interview, "you need to listen to your God". She found some medication that allowed me to sleep again. I am now 65 and, thanks be to God, Who created human beings that could "sub-create" Mirtazipine and Trazadone, I have a wonderfully productive, God-honoring life. I've been doing Prison Ministry for 6 years, I've started a non-profit at my church that does homeless outreach every week and I am able to reap where I have sown over the last few decades regarding the gospel. I am sorry that you haved encountered these struggles so much earlier in life. I praise God that you have the courage to share them with us. We're with you. Christ is with you. Keep going!
Josh Kezer
Balanced and provoking. Thank you.
I've read MacArthur's May 5, 2024 message titled Christ Is Sufficient for All Your Crises. Well, most of it. One can only stomach so much ipecac. If you don't know what ipecac is, Google it.
As for the title, amen. Christ is sufficient in all our crises. Setting the title aside, we could spend hours, perhaps even days critiquing everything MacArthur missed the mark on in his message.
You've offered us an exhaustive and thoughtful response to his entire message, and, perhaps as an olive branch, explained why MacArthur may have said what he said and why he might have had a plausible reason to say it, but my concern is when MacArthur's position on mental illness, whatever his reason, crossed over from ignorant and arrogant to dangerous when he said, "You can recover, and you can recover without medication." How's that for a run on sentence?
I knew a pastor who preached this. A young woman in his congregation decided to believe this and stopped taking her meds. A few evenings later, the young woman sat confused, scared, lost, and handcuffed on a curb outside of her home while police had to explain to her that she'd stabbed her mother and best friend, the same woman, to death. She was shattered. The local prosecutor had pity on her and didn't prosecute her to the full extent of the law. She was sent to a mental facility where she resumed taking her meds. The pastor told me he regretted saying what he said in his sermon. He wished he had said something differently. I pray a similar young woman hasn't listened to MacArthur.
My mother was bipolar and had PTSD and alcoholic dementia. Her inability to cope with her son being wrongly accused and convicted of murder, wrongly facing the death sentence as an innocent teenage boy, wrongly sent to prison for 60 years, and wrongly incarcerated for 16 years permanently damaged her mentally. Despite her son eventually being fully exonerated and becoming the first person in the history of Missouri to be given an Amrine Actual Innocence decision, she couldn't cope with what had been done to me and how that impacted her life. She couldn't move on. Had I never been wrongly involved in the injustice I experienced, she may have had a difficult time navigating life, but what I went through and what she went through with me exacerbated her mental health and illness. Heartbreak over my trauma pitched gasoline on her existing trauma. She has textbook PTSD and via or by means of it developed alcoholic dementia. I've been diagnosed with PTSD. Leading psychologists in the field have diagnosed me with it. Prior to her passing, my mother needed medication. I haven't. I may need medication in the future, but I haven't needed meds yet.
To further look into my experience, Google The Murder of Angela Mischelle Lawless: An Honest Sheriff and the Exoneration of an Innocent Man by Stephen R. Snodgrass with Joshua C. Kezer and The 700 Club/Josh Kezer. You might also search AMC+ for It Couldn’t Happen Here season 2 episode 1. It aired on April 18, 2024.
Many of us can recover without medication, but many of us need medication, and God has blessed us with medication. Medications helped my mother refrain from alcohol to silence the demons of past trauma and, you might say, by definition, cope. Medication would've spared the young woman from murdering her mother and spared her mother from being murdered by her daughter. The miracles God gives us are often found in medication, and rather than dismiss the miracles God gives us, we should and would be wise to accept and embrace them.
I love Amy Mantravadi's response to MacArthur.
"I’ve learned something from my years of dealing with anxiety and depression while simultaneously studying the history of humanity and theology: No one is able to cope with life, actually. If we could have somehow coped, there would have been no need of the Incarnation.
Those who can cope better are actually more prone to pride and self-righteousness, which are antithetical to the gospel. So while I’m all for helping people cope with life, I also know how dependent, weak, and disabled we all are. We need gospel, not just law."
The God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with us. Romans 16:20

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: We Have Been Subverted

What is at stake in our ability to see the threat plainly? Nothing less than the preservation of our way of life.
If you wonder why I—a woman of color, an African, a former Muslim, a former asylum seeker, and an immigrant—look at the antics of today’s anti-Israel, anti-American protesters with such fe…
Ayaan Hirsi Ali ∙ 1932 LIKES
Terry Brown
This is journalism at its finest. A superb and honest writing and study on a subject that is so deeply important to our nation and its people. This is what the FP needs so much more of. As always Ayaan is far out in front of others by saying what is honest and relevant. Plus she backs it up with facts and not “feelings “. Thank you.
Celia M [Paddock]
I wish I could share this important article with many people in my life. But those who need most to hear it would reject it.

Cooking and Mental Health

with Christina Chaey
Welcome to the Mind, Body, Spirit, FOOD podcast! This ad-free work takes a considerable amount of time and resources to make happen. If you find this work valuable and aren’t already a paid member, I hope you’ll consider upgrading to paid. The podcast and newsletter are funded entirely by listeners and readers, and couldn’t happen without community supp…
Nicki Sizemore ∙ 9 LIKES

Links to Consider, 5/28

Andrea Lan on mental health and extreme leftism; Ted Gioia says to study stupidity; Ryan Burge on non-Christian Republicans; Noah Smith on liberalism and information abundance
Andrea Lan writes According to the 2022 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health, a whopping 36.2% of respondents aged 18-25 reported a diagnosable mental illness according to the DSM IV in the last year. …At the extremes, 57% of very liberal students in our study reported feelings of poor mental health at least half the time, compared to just 34% of…
Arnold Kling ∙ 17 LIKES
Guest User
I’m a secular Republican who hangs out in Republican social circles. Unlike what the author implies, it isn’t difficult to pull off. The religious Republicans that I spend time with are some of the most well adjusted and welcoming folks I’ve ever met. As such, unlike with the progressive left, there aren’t any stringent loyalty oaths required to be a member of the team.
Doctor Hammer
Re Lan: I suspect causality goes both ways there. On the one hand being mentally fragile makes you seek external causes for it as Kling points out. On the hand, if your political team holds the mentally fragile in higher regard than others you are going to be inclined to identify as mentally fragile yourself. It isn’t as though anyone can objectively point out “No, your mental state is pretty normal, not special at all.”
Of course the worry then is whether or not identifying as mentally fragile over a long period of time makes you in fact mentally fragile. Fake it till you break it.

An Alabama principal let a preacher "talk about Jesus" at a mental health assembly

Stanhope Elmore High School held a supposedly mandatory event centered around accepting Jesus
This newsletter is free, but it’s only able to sustain itself due to the support I receive from a small percentage of regular readers. Would you please consider becoming one of those supporters? You can use the button below to subscribe to Substack or use
Openly Fae
Hopefully the Satanic Temple is allowed equal time to shape young minds.
You know, as the religion with more morals.
Proselytizing in the public schools needs to be elevated from a civil matter to a criminal matter. This principle and everyone else who signed off on this needs to be terminated and held personally liable for any law suits that ensue. It's lost on these people who see Jesus as the solution to everything, that this massively screwed up world is, to a very large extent, the work product of believers. Neither this country nor the wider world faces a single problem that has a religious solution.

Universal Depression Screening Leads to Unnecessary Harm

Twenty two years since the USPSTF’s original depression screening guidelines, the practice is still not supported by evidence
Regardless of the reason for a primary care visit in the United States, patients are routinely asked how often they feel “hopeless” or "like a failure”. These questions come from the PHQ-9. The PHQ-9 has since been validated and is now widely used to screen for depression. Since the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) first recommended…
Wil Ward ∙ 122 LIKES
Sabrina LaBow
It seems there is a pill for every ill. It was refreshing to hear you admit medication had not been a good treatment for your patient Sarah. Sometimes a person just needs to do something different like join a club or something. We all get depressed sometimes but meds should be a last resort imo. Thanks for posting! Sabrinalabow.substack.com
Lynn pappas
Thank you for this. Every year my former GP went through this exercise and would offer me antidepressants. I gave an honest answer as I care for my husband and have been involved in care for my elderly parents for over 15 years. Who wouldn’t be depressed. However I have never taken the medications and from what I see others have simply floundered with side effects and more complications than the depression alone when using these meds. I understand psychiatry as I have a family member with mental illness but medications are not the be all end all for depression. More often it is the need for a good social network and exercise that gets one going again.

Basic Asset Protection - Low Seven Figures. Short GME Note as Well.

Level 2 - Value Investor
Welcome Avatar! After this latest run up, we’re noticing a lot of commenters are in the low-seven figures now. Before people jump in and say “$10M is not enough to retire”, we’re going to remind everyone the age band is 20s/30s for the majority. Seven figures in your 30s suggests you’ll get to $10M+ through compounding alone so it is certainly a real ac…
BowTied Bull ∙ 93 LIKES
I like how you wrote mental health twice...
Last cycle I was up $2m on paper and wanted to sell at a price target, that target never came and my bags were worth $300k in the 2022 lows. Recommend people DCA in and out over time otherwise market will manage your risk for you. FWIW I'm at $1.2m now but more responsible behaviour would've placed me at $5m. Hope people learn from my mistake.

We Need More Black Mental Health Counselors

And this group can help make it happen.
Have you read four or more articles from me? Then would you consider becoming a paid subscriber? You’ll get instant access to my current series: “Self-Care Saturdays.”
Jemar Tisby, PhD ∙ 35 LIKES
Personally, I’ve noticed the differences—in my seeking to process racism, color blindness, white Christian nationalism,& their impact on my relationships within Christian circles—based on the therapist’s heritage & depth of processing their own heritage & way of being. I’m especially grateful for Black therapists. So glad to learn about opportunities for more becoming licensed Black therapists!
Cresenda Jones
I am a counselor in Florida (RMHCI working towards LMHC).... and have personally benefitted from therapy!!!
We're excited & looking forward to you speaking at our Jesus & Justice II Conference in October!!!

Midlife Musings May 2024

Life Lately, Mental Health, Brilliant Exiles, Staying on Track
Thank you for joining my cozy corner here on Substack. I hope you enjoyed your inaugural editions of Midlife Musings (March & April) and have had a chance to peruse additional posts waiting for you h…
Kimberly Wilson ∙ 11 LIKES

Substack Q&A: Jonathan Haidt's "Anxious Generation"

One of the co-founders of the Heterodox Academy returns to his academic specialty with a hair-raising warning about the digital age
Every generation of adults thinks the next is growing up in a broken world. “It is the story of humanity,” says Jonathan Haidt, author of a new book on a youth mental illness epidemic called The Anxious Generation. Returning to his roots as a professor of moral psychology after a perhaps uncomfortable foray into the center of America’s culture wars, Haidt’s new work describes a “great rewiring” of childhood, whose most frightening feature is its alacrity. In less than ten years, Americans went from nearly 8 in 10 teens not having smartphones to the inverse. By 2022, 46% reported being “almost constantly” online, many steeped in digital addictions causing depression, dysphoria, suicidation. A parent reading
Matt Taibbi ∙ 484 LIKES
Tim Hurlocker
I had just finished Haidt's book, The Righteous Mind, when I met a gal for a computer date. To break the ice, I asked her what she was reading, and she answered, "The Righteous Mind." I married her.
One indicator of what Haidt is talking about is to observe how few playgrounds, ball fields, and other recreation areas for kids actually have kids playing in them. Unless it is an organized league of some sort they are normally deserted.. seems that no sport or activity can compete with what they are getting on their phones.