Taylor Swift

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March 5, 2022

Week 1️⃣ moving countdown!

T-7 Days ya'll.
Can’t believe it! Daisy and Rufio are at the vet right now, getting their final international pet health certificates issued. This time next week we’ll be departing LAX on our final leg to San Jose. All kinds of emotions have come up throughout the last 10 weeks of preparation. Moments of panic and second-guessing, but those fade fast to excitement. We’…
Jen Lankford ∙ 4 LIKES
Shelley Woods
Woot, Woot-So excited for you Jen!🎉

U.S. Steel sale isn't a done deal? Cleveland-Cliffs sure doesn't think so

Plus: Get ready for permitting legislation; a boom of oilfield evictions; Minnesota's CD8 race is on; recycling LTV
Jerry here… It’s been a busy week in the Northland and it’s only Tuesday, so we’re making a brief return from what I’ll call a strategic pause at Iron Range Today.Thanks for reading Iron Range Today! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
Iron Range Today ∙ 1 LIKES

September 28, 2023

Walz takes a bonding victory lap on the Range

Plus: Cliffs getting hostile?; USW President Tom Conway dies; stories around Minnesota and a fundraising request (from a kid, not us!)
Governor Walz visits state-funded workforce, bonding projects in Chisholm and Hibbing Gov. Tim Walz visited Detroit Diesel in Hibbing and the under-construction public safety building in Chisholm on Wednesday, in what amounted to an overdue victory lap on state bonding and workforce development efforts.
Iron Range Today ∙ 2 LIKES

June 28, 2020

No es sólo Estados Unidos

Atleta A y la cultura de abuso y silencio.
Aviso: en este texto voy a mencionar casos de abuso sexual y detalles gráficos. Si sos menor de edad o si sufriste abuso sexual, recomiendo que reconsideres leerlo o lo hagas con la contención adecuada.
Romina Castellini ∙ 5 LIKES

January 9, 2022

Entendiendo la gimnasia de la NCAA

Con Marina González Lara, gimnasta de la selección española y de las Cyclones de Iowa State
Durante mucho tiempo no me cerró la idea de la gimnasia en la liga universitaria. Mirando para atrás, estaba atado a una idea de gimnasta completamente errada (joven, flaca, “seria”), pero sobre todo a una idea del deporte errada: ¿qué pasa si la gimnasia es menos solemne y las atletas se divierten en suelo bailando hip-hop? ¿Es menos gimnasia? ¿La gent…
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

September 28, 2023

Notas de Amberes: Jueves 28 de setiembre

Podium training y horarios de la QR
Este es un breve resumen diario del Mundial de Amberes 2023: novedades de GAF, con una pizca de GAM. El Mundial va del 30 de setiembre al 8 de octubre. Suscribite para recibirlo en tu mail.
Romina Castellini ∙ 1 LIKES

June 13, 2021

Hija de la luna

El retiro oficial de Mustafina, el equipo olímpico británico y los trials de USA.
Hace unos días estuve charlando de gimnasia en Zona Mixta de UNI Radio. Empezamos hablando de reglas de vestimenta de GAF, pasamos por un panorama de la gimnasia en Uruguay y llegamos hasta Tokio. Podés escucharlo en este link.
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

July 16, 2023

Subite a la Gabbyneta

Fasten seatbelts que esto ya es el año preolímpico
Es el año 2001, se usan los breteles finitos y estás mirando Popstars, a ver si a Lourdes la seleccionan para la nueva banda. A unos 12000 km, una nena de 6 años que se llama Gabrielle Christina Victoria está aprendiendo a hacer ruedas de carro en su primera clase de gimnasia. Un poco más de una década después sería campeona olímpica por primera y no po…
Romina Castellini ∙ 10 LIKES

October 8, 2023

Notas de Amberes: Sábado 7 de octubre

Rebeca campeona y el Hungría gate
Este es un breve resumen diario del Mundial de Amberes 2023: novedades de GAF, con una pizca de GAM. El Mundial va del 30 de setiembre al 8 de octubre. Suscribite para recibirlo en tu mail.
Romina Castellini ∙ 3 LIKES

September 24, 2023

Las chances de América para París

Preparando la calculadora para la clasificación en Amberes
“El mundial está a la vuelta de la esquina” es tremendo cliché pero tremendamente cierto. El sábado que viene se prenden las luces de la última chance de clasificación para muchos países de nuestra región y todos los ojos van a estar puestos en la fase de clasificación para hacer ajustes de cara a los Juegos Panamericanos.
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

May 30, 2021

Vista previa del Panamericano

Andreea, Cedrick y Daniela hacen sus predicciones.
Esta semana se definen las últimas 4 plazas continentales de la gimnasia artística para Tokio. El Panamericano se realizará en Rio de Janeiro del 4 al 6 de junio y será transmitido en vivo por el Canal Olímpico de Brasil. Para tener distintos puntos de vista, recibimos a Andreea Balcázar de
Romina Castellini ∙ 1 LIKES

May 2, 2021

La última chance

El test interno de Brasil y qué prepara para los Panamericanos.
Brasil organizó un control de la selección femenina de cara a los Panamericanos de Rio de Janeiro. Varias gimnastas compitieron en el all-around probando nuevas rutinas y otras sólo participaron de algunos aparatos, como Lorrane Oliveira que sólo realizó barras. Flavia Saraiva presentó su serie nueva de suelo, pero no fue mostrada en vivo porque quiere …
Romina Castellini ∙ 1 LIKES

November 8, 2020

Superbowl gimnástico

Un gran fin de semana que al final no fue para tanto.
Esta semana en Sin Descuentos comentamos la previa del Nacional de Rusia, quiénes son las posibles competidoras no tan conocidas que quedan en pie para los Euros y repasamos el calendario semanal. Podés ver el episodio completo en YouTube.
Romina Castellini ∙ 2 LIKES

July 11, 2021

En camino

La selección de EE.UU., los equipos rumbo a Tokio y el Nacional de Italia.
Sigue el drama… …Y no es para menos. USA Gymnastics publicó un informe donde explica cómo seleccionaron los equipos GAM y GAF para Tokio y contiene varios puntos interesantes, por no decir polémicos.
Romina Castellini ∙ 3 LIKES

June 3, 2021

Alerta de streaming: Panamericanos 2021

Viernes 4 al domingo 6 de junio.
El sábado 5 a las 14:00 hs UY/ARG Dani Etcheverry, Cristhian Meneses y yo vamos a hacer un vivo en Instagram desde esta cuenta para hablar sobre el clasificatorio de masculina del viernes, quiénes ganaron el pasaje a Tokio y cómo viene la clasificación de femenina, justo antes de la rotación de Brasil y México. ¡No te lo pierdas!
Romina Castellini

September 8, 2021

What About Your Pens...

Some days you've got a lot. Some days, you're all alone
Our AP History instructor junior year of high school was Jerry Larkin, an ageless, animated (and agitated) scholarly sort who survived off a teachers' salary but was decidedly rich in disdain for the spoiled, whiny horde who dared cross his threshold during fifth period.
Andrew J. Pridgen

November 5, 2021

Framing Buster's Legacy 

The retired Giants catcher did one thing better than anyone in the game, and because of this he changed it for good
In hindsight, it's easy to see that Buster Posey's retirement was baseball's worst-kept secret toward the end of the 2021 season. Three separate incidents stick out to me as indicators: His quiet and meaningful exchange at home with his old battery mate Madison Bumgarner
Andrew J. Pridgen

October 6, 2021

With Writers Like These Who Needs Enemies?

...We need another word for frenemies that means "people who actually hate each other but exist in the same writer scene and live in Boston"
I used to beat myself up a little bit because I didn’t have more writer friends. Nobody to confide in after sitting long hours typing stuff like this and sending it to nowhere, knowing it would get read by no one in particular and received by nobody.
Andrew J. Pridgen

January 18, 2021

Don't Wait for the Verdict on Mahomes, Take Buffalo Early This Week

Get in where you fit in while KC is still the fave
Patrick Mahomes, the man who is one half of the most chemistry-laden onscreen pairing of 2020, was absent in the second half of the Chief's 22-17 playoff win at home vs. Buffalo following a concussion. Kansas City has yet to release its final verdict on Mahomes suiting up vs. Buffalo in the AFC Championship game Sunday, but it's looking not likely.
Andrew J. Pridgen

January 19, 2021

Do Not Give Dave Portnoy Any Money 

The Barstool Sports founder has an authoritarian streak and disdains the American worker, so please don't participate in his PR stunt
Dave Portnoy, the meta-bro caricature of the guy who harasses you all night until you agree to go home with him incl. neck shave founder of Barstool sports is getting nice press for allegedly helping setting up a fund that helps small restaurants through the pandemic.
Andrew J. Pridgen

May 26, 2021

Backed By the Dodgers and Their Faithful Bauer Takes on Houston

...plus a little midweek Spike
"In my comic strip, Snoopy's brother Spike lives near this same desert town [Needles, California], where we usually see him sitting by a saguaro." — Charles Schultz Spike from Peanuts popped into my head not too long ago, and he stayed there. Yes, it can now be said, Snoopy's skinny, desert rat brother is one of the things (people?) I thought (think) ab…
Andrew J. Pridgen
Oh I feel sooooo bad for the Dodgers and their purchasing of division championships and now a COVID shortened season World Series.
They spend money like Richard Pryor in Brewster’s Millions, and no one bats an eye.
Their attention deficit fans have been the laughing stock of baseball for decades now. And they only became “big fans” because The Lakers fell into mediocrity after Kobe retired. Now that the Lakers have returned to the top of the NBA mountain, Dodger fans are fewer, and farther between.
All that being said, I don’t condone what the Astros did, but I also didn’t give a fuck. And the only people that really give a fuck are men over the age of 50 who are trying to buy “Gem Mint 10’s” from the Home Shopping Network, and Dodger fans.
Did I rejoice during Game 5 of the 2017 WS? Yes! I remember listening to that game on the radio driving home from my brother’s house. I was cheering like it was my beloved Giants. Garbage cans or not, it was unreal.
The team I have loved to hate lost a dramatic 7 game World Series. Then got steamrolled by another cheating team the next year. I loved every minute of both those series. And I don’t care.

March 24, 2021

Midweek in Review: Metrics are Fake, and Ratings Don't Matter, the West Coast May Fuck Up College Basketball's Wave, and Men's Pac-12 Programs are Still the Dogs or Whoever

That last part was a Josh Ritter (who happens to be Buddy Holly-brilliant) reference, I'll link to the video below so we're good...
I was flipping through an old (early 90s) Sports Illustrated recently and saw an ad for a Chevy Monte Carlo. It was a good ad. I'd never thought about a Monte Carlo up to that point, much less wanted to buy one—perhaps in that span of time since the magazine was originally published, I aged into their demo—but I wanted one. The ad was still doing work t…
Andrew J. Pridgen

January 14, 2022

Sharing Your Day with Your Dad

My father passed away on my birthday and I wouldn't have it any other way
Tomorrow is my birthday. It’s also the anniversary of my father’s death. When it happened, eight years ago, I was in San Luis Obispo packing for what I thought would be a quick trip up to Tahoe for the MLK holiday. There was new snow, and I was eager to spend a weekend somewhere besides the couch in my parents’ condo just north of Davis—close to the hos…
Andrew J. Pridgen ∙ 3 LIKES
Rob Frew
Great story and happy Birthday.
D Shan here. just a really affecting read, Pridgen. thanks.
Katie was born on the same day her dad's mom passed away. every one of her birthdays is an uncanny mix of elation and sorrow for him.
take care buddy, and happy birthday.

November 12, 2021

The Role of Role Players in Our Lives

And how (and why) they emerge
Last summer, the guy in town that has me do odd jobs for him now and then had a simple task during a weekday, and could I help out(?) He’s a realtor, and his clients are always in need of someone to come help with that pesky finishing punch list before they bug out of Dodge and into their new lives.
Andrew J. Pridgen