Taylor Swift

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May 14, 2023

AJ's Book Club

Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the beautiful mommy’s and mommy’s to be. In light of today, book club will be postponed this evening to next week. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday! Love, AuJene’ x
AuJene' ∙ 1 LIKES

November 24, 2021

NFTs Overall Look

Dear Chefs, Today we will taste "Cards", let's take a look over some basic information before diving into details regarding to "Burning" and "Crafting" - the main dishes we will serve you today. There are currently 3 types of Card you will have the opportunity to own in Dine Together.
Dine Together ∙ 15 LIKES

April 1, 2022

Gosh dang motherfudging sugar show

Hello dolly, Welcome to what I’m dubbing the ‘unofficial headf*** issue’. That’s right, this week’s stories – from maths to grammar to penguin’s mouths – contain some stuff that might mess with your head. My mind is already a bit messy today, but that’s because I had too much
Joanna ∙ 1 LIKES

August 26, 2022

Chickens in pants! Squirrels on skis!

Oof - you’re looking sexy today. Almost as sexy as the chicken below. As someone who has recently become hooked on Pilates, I’ve given up looking sexy. I mean it’s impossible to do while in the ‘happy baby’ pose (and, well, a bit inappropriate really).
Joanna ∙ 1 LIKES

October 19, 2021

Rarity Newsletter .... #5

Welcome Girls, Guys and Gamers (GGG) I hope I didn’t forget something. If you are developing something, are a content creator or if you just want to help and be involved, please reach me here.
Rarity-Newsletter ∙ 1 LIKES

September 21, 2021

Rarity newsletter is here

Hi, Girls, Guys and Gamers Welcome to this new newsletter about Rarity. Rarity is amazing and a lot of things have been done, and need to be done, but most projects are still very small and do not really collaborate between each other. This newsletter could help to link everything …
I'd like to pick up some summoners and do some things on Fantom more generally, but it's such a hassle to get FTM on Opera. Basically have to eat some of those hight ETH gas fees. It would be ok I guess, if I wanted to buy a large portion of FTM to hold, but to dollar cost average or for people buying in small purchases for the purposes of playing a game... Well, there needs to be a way to buy FTM on Opera directly without the buy this, then that, then bridge, then sell, then swap, eat some fees, stand on one foot, bridge again, eat more fees, fees for desert, toss salt over your left shoulder, do the hokey pokey - that's what getting FTM on Opera is all about.
A little bit on an exaggeration, but it's almost that much of a pain.

Cannes 2022: Reviews

With more restrictions lifted this year and filmmakers feeling more comfortable to start debuting their work, was the festival able to deliver?
It had been three years since my first time at Cannes in 2019, and the only real recurring thought I have from that trip was that whilst it was an eye-opening experience into the behemoth that is the festival itself, I didn’t actually see anything that I thought was a really “good” film. In the run-up to the festival, it felt like all the projects and f…
James Calver

It's our first edition, ever.

Cinema is not dead, it's just evolving. We are too.
We are BFI FAN Young Consultants, with biographies here from all over the UK. We are always open to chatting with you about targeting and attracting younger audiences to your venue, club, or internet space. Last December, we were also featured on a panel for This Way Up 2020 giving tips on how venues can attract and sustain young audiences. Have a watch…
Aaron Guthrie ∙ 3 LIKES

October 18, 2023

Unveiling the Secret Formula: Master the Art of Estimating Google Workspace Migration Effort for Seamless Transition!

Discover Proven Strategies to Estimate Time, Effort, and Resources for a Smooth Google Workspace Transition.
Migrating to Google Workspace can be a transformative journey for any organization, but proper planning and estimation are vital for a successful transition. In our blog post, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you estimate the time and effort required for a smooth migration. From initial assessment and planning to data migration, user provisionin…
Ravi Gokulgandhi

June 11, 2023

Hands On and Off

Hi Everyone, The hands you see above are my youngest daughter’s hands. I have such love for this photo. I took it more than a decade ago and it remains one of my favourites. I love how her fingers reach and stretch into the warm air from our rented Mexican balcony.
Myrl Coulter ∙ 3 LIKES

December 31, 2023

Adios 2023

This is me waving good-bye to 2023. I took this photo a few days ago: late December and not a flake of snow in sight. Here in the Okanagan Valley, we are enjoying beautiful mild weather that is definitely producing some anxiety (what the heck is going on).
Myrl Coulter ∙ 2 LIKES

October 16, 2023

Everyone Stopped for the Duck

Over the past week, as the news of the world grew more and more disturbing each day, I was well into my reading of a book called Bittersweet by Susan Cain. A thoughtful blend of narrative, psychology, social theory, and self-help, this book is about longing and how the purpose of longing isn’t necessarily to gain possession of whatever we’re longing for…
Myrl Coulter ∙ 4 LIKES
I love this story, Myrl! We should all stop for ducks more often 😂

Today's Business of Technology: Audible Innovation, a $7B Fundraising, and Much More

Today's top news in technology and venture capital
Welcome to today's edition of Business of Technology, April 16, 2024. On this day in 1867, Wilbur Wright, one of the pioneering Wright brothers, was born, marking a significant leap towards modern aviation. In today's news, we explore some groundbreaking developments in technology that could shape the future of how businesses engage with consumers and m…
The Business of Technology ∙ 2 LIKES

September 8, 2020

Issue 6

What a Beautiful Place to be with Friends / Labour Day
What a Beautiful Place to be with Friends SJ This week I googled “lip injections Toronto” with a level of seriousness I wish to forget. I spent more time than I care to admit on this pursuit before ultimately closing my laptop — disappointed and despondent.
Sydney Hamilton ∙ 1 LIKES

September 22, 2020

Issue 7

A Dog's Breakfast / Melancholia
A Dog’s Breakfast Sydney Waking up in the morning has been hard this year. I have had to practise delaying my instinctive half-awake scroll through the news until I have first moved through the slow motions of my morning rituals. It is only after my first cup of coffee that I click through the headlines.
Sydney Hamilton ∙ 1 LIKES

October 1, 2021

Don't boo. Vote.

Today marks the start of: LGBTQ History Month Work & Family Month Domestic Violence Awareness Month (#DVAM) ADHD Awareness Month, but that only goes to about the 5th or so… *rimshot* Italian-American Heritage Month, which I expect my people will celebrate with our usual understated, low-key aplomb.
Rachel Perrone

March 1, 2022

A special place in heaven

Today… is the first day of Women’s History Month, Endometriosis Awareness Month, and National Noodle Month. You know what I’ve been craving, which I have yet to find in DC are those super-thick, chewy Amish-style noodles you get in the freezer section. My mother uses them to make chicken and noodles and they’re so. damn. good.
Rachel Perrone

January 18, 2022

Back at it

Today… can’t chat, must parent. The 12yo is returning to school after two weeks out, plus three-day weekend, plus, plus, plus…
Rachel Perrone

October 19, 2020

Together we can turn the tide

Today… is the start of National Health Education Week. is LGBT Center Awareness Day (#lgbtCAD) Yes, sans Q. I checked. is International Gin & Tonic Day. I used to be a huge fan, enjoyed gin and wouldn’t touch vodka, but as I got older my tastes have completely reversed.
Rachel Perrone

June 24, 2020

You're not the only one

Today… in 1976, Representative Henry Hyde Illinois introduced an amendment to the (then-named) Department of Health, Education, and Welfare appropriations bill. And for planning purposes… The Supreme Court added an opinion day tomorrow. Ian @ Vox has
Rachel Perrone

October 12, 2021

A very important date

The 7th grader with the full leg cast returns to school after two weeks at home, and I still have lunches to make, so no chitchat today! Abortion CNN | Advocates fear Texas and Mississippi abortion laws will worsen the Black maternal health crisis | Nicquel Terry Ellis
Rachel Perrone

November 17, 2021


Today… is Homemade Bread Day and National Butter Day, and I’m saying that is a model for smart coalition work. I wonder if this is, like, their Roe anniversary, sweating every year to come up with new toplines. (“Rediscover Flatbreads.” “I love it. Should we launch a new hashtag/tweetchat/landing page?” “Please no.” “Can we make it go viral?”
Rachel Perrone

March 1, 2021

Same as it ever was

Today… is March, as it has been for such a long time now. is the first day of Women’s History Month, as well as International Women of Color Day.
Rachel Perrone