Taylor Swift

Top 25 Taylor Swift Articles on Substack

Latest Taylor Swift Articles

June 14, 2021

Good and Bad News for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

Additional funding might be on the way but the SBA made a big change
The Good News Given the initial number of applicants to the Restaurant Revitalization Fund during its first two days, with businesses seeking nearly $70B, it wasn’t a matter of if, but rather, how senators and house representations would pursue additional funding.
Barb Leung ∙ 1 LIKES

Weekly Mape Update: Issue #1

Welcome to the first edition of the Weekly Mape Update! This newsletter will cover the latest updates from the Maple Finance ecosystem, including protocol announcements, ongoing governance proposals, and more.
Maple Finance ∙ 2 LIKES

August 14, 2021

Rise In Prices Of Used Cars Decoded

Why is there a sudden rise in used car demand and prices? Here is all you need to know
We are sure that you have read multiple different perspectives and analysis on how Covid-19 has completely changed our lives. While the Covid narrative has many facets to it, we are sure you might not have seen the following scenario playing out - a rise in demand for second hand cars in India.
Vista Capital Research ∙ 1 LIKES

August 28, 2021

Underrated Growth Stock - Affle

Want to study a high growth technology platform business? Look at Affle!
The Indian tech industry has been a champion of yesterday with a lot of potential for tomorrow. Structural tailwinds combined with high quality of services rendered by Indian tech giants have helped create a robust tech industry. Nifty IT index has generated over 90% in returns in the last year while Nifty has delivered returns of about 43% in the same …
Vista Capital Research

August 25, 2021

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Dabur

Find out why Dabur is a strong investment for your portfolio
Often when growth outlook tapers or inflation becomes a big concern, investors turn to FMCG stocks. As a matter of fact, even when the market is witnessing a bull run FMCG stocks are a key aspect of an investor’s portfolio. That’s why it can be said that FMCG stocks are “evergreen stocks”.
Vista Capital Research ∙ 1 LIKES
Excellent analysis

Volume 17: June 9, 2023

Scroll on for some of our signature pop culture-related snark as well as what we're reading, watching, and listening to at the moment.
Gilmore Girls Corner Which season is the best season to watch Gilmore Girls? We know what you’re thinking. Fall, of course. The series literally screams autumn. Well, not for everyone. With summer upon us, I decided to go digging for some summer-related Gilmore trivia. According to an article that Nicole Pomarico wrote for
Coffee With a Shot Cynicism

Volume 21: August 18, 2023

Scroll on for some of our signature pop culture-related snark as well as what we're reading, watching, and listening to at the moment.
Gilmore Girls Corner This week’s episode is for all the people that can’t take criticism very well, for the people who cry at work, for the people who’ve always tried their best… You get the picture. Three years ago, Jenny Singer wrote an article in
Coffee With a Shot Cynicism

October 19, 2023

How to: Run an experiment

Part 3 of a four part series on how to identify, sell, run and report on experiments
How to: Identify a good experiment opportunity How to: Get buy-in for your experiment How to: Run an experiment ← You’re Here How to: Report your experiment’s findings
Luis Camara

September 12, 2023

Do you sleep until your alarm?

This weekend, we were busy. I felt like we didn't stop moving. On Saturday, we went to see a show at the Pasadena Playhouse with Amy Brenneman, then we decided, "Hey, let's go to a Jonas Brothers concert." Dodger Stadium was so hot that Tim and I didn't get up once during the concert's first half. I kept thinking people we…
Ron W

March 12, 2021

The Secret Sauce of Janis Ozolins

Image by Janis Ozolins Janis Ozolins is one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter. He illustrates thoughts and quotes that hit home for anyone in a creative pursuit. Like this tweet: His audience has doubled in the short time I've been following his work and it's all thanks to his approach to pairing thoughtful ideas with simple, striking illustration…
Erik Jones ∙ 1 LIKES

Finding healing from mainstream products

My journey toward healing only progressed when I reached outside the mainstream system of productivity and health, and found my community of people who healed themselves
When I started my healing journey in earnest at the beginning of 2020, I found that lots of experts, gurus, and apps, yet none of them worked for me. Three years later, I finally understand why. Most of the content I found on the Internet was created in a bubble. The solutions were apps, guided meditation, yoga, biometrics, etc. They were tailored for a s…

What if we are all 80?

We can truly change this space, we can change the world, if we answer the call.
Ring, ring… I am 80. I started 2023 by commissioning Froggy Cyborg to create a piece of art for me. I had concepts in my head, and in partnership with his brilliance, we came up with the masterpiece below. 80 is balance. My entire life, I’ve always been drawn toward yin/yang. Life is a struggle between the two polarities that push and pull us. The Lion repr…

Sitting in the discomfort, how to get started

Most will focus on positivity, but embracing the whole is the path to self
It’s been a hot minute. Life has been busy. I’ve been working on some home projects, traveling with Ms. Chubbicorn, and trying to raise these little kids. It’s been well over a month since my psychodrama therapy session. What I’ve uncovered for myself is communal therapy is a better path than the typical 1:1 method. Of course, there’s a time and place fo…

Dear therapist, guide, guru, this is my story

Writing down my journey so that I can find my partner in this journey
I’ve been sitting with my shadows for the past couple weeks, and it’s been the hardest part of this journey. Up until now, my protectors jump in to shut things down when it gets uncomfortable. Feeling a tingle? No, it’s gone. Little voice trying to say something? Nope, nothing here to see.
80 ∙ 4 LIKES
Sean Talbeaux
deep bows to you for undertaking your healing journey, and for sharing it here. such powerful work!
Patricia Meier
Wow! It is impressive the amount of work you have done and the trauma that you have processed. It seems like you have experienced a number of modalities in your quest for healing.
I am curious, have you ever done hypnosis?

October 11, 2021

Cast-Iron Seared Okra with Herbs, Fried Shallots, and Bonito Flakes

served with ginger steamed tilapia and rice
This week’s recipe is inspired by my recent adventures with a beloved vegetable— okra. I grew up eating it primarily in soups like “Nkruma nkwan”, with braised goat, or instead with fried white fish. It was recently at Birds of a Feather in Brooklyn that I ate okra prepared in a different way than what I was familiar with. The lightly steamed okra was w…
kareal ∙ 2 LIKES

July 16, 2021

38 Adams Steak Salad

a GOOD summer salad
Welcome to my food newsletter!!! Thank you for expressing interest and excitement in my cooking, and this project. I am excited to share my recipes, experiments, musings, etc. with you all this summer and beyond. Before we get to this week’s recipe I want to share a bit more about the current plan I have for karealeats.
kareal ∙ 2 LIKES
Kelly T
This looks so delicious!!!! oh my god the way these photos are making me salivate and the instructions are making me want to make this rn. So excited for what’s to come with karealeats!

October 9, 2021

Hello, Miami!

Amtrak Adventure 9/31 (about October 8th, 2021)
It’s hard to believe that only a week and a half has gone by since we first set out! Or that we’re 1/3 done with the trip. The former figure seems small; the latter large. It’s simultaneously as if we’ve been traveling forever… but have only just begun. Strange.
Brennan Colberg ∙ 2 LIKES

October 22, 2021

Spaceflight, Costco, Teddy Roosevelt

Amtrak Adventure 22/31 (about October 21st, 2021)
Yesterday, after a morning of work, we visited our first Smithsonian: the Air & Space Museum! There’s an impressive collection there of, well, air and space things… moon landers, space stations, ICBMs, airplanes, a Wright Flyer replica, a Hubble replica, and so on and on and on. (So much… and yet most sections were closed for renovations!)
Brennan Colberg ∙ 1 LIKES

October 25, 2021


Amtrak Adventure 25/31 (about October 24th, 2021)
Yesterday, I visited my 50th state! It’s official, that’s all of them now. I hit that milestone as we crossed the border into Louisiana; Alabama and Mississippi were also firsts for today (and NC, SC, and ND this trip). It wasn’t just me to accomplish that today, though! My mother flew into DC three d…
Brennan Colberg ∙ 2 LIKES
Love the map! You might be off on Ohio. We did a day trip to the Toledo Zoo from Michigan when you were younger. I don’t recall how young, ...but I do recall it may have been wagon-riding young. Vroom! Vroom! :-)

February 16, 2021

mise en place

a love letter to communal dining and my roommates
It’s Monday and Rosa (one of my roommates) and I are dicing yellow onions and mincing garlic. She takes a sip of her hazy IPA as I crack open a sour ale. We say cheers to surviving Monday and I start chopping dino kale as she drains and rinses the chickpeas. Everything is in its place before we turn on the stove.
Angela Wu Li ∙ 6 LIKES

August 21, 2022

Nietzsche wears Alo

and some Sunday influences
under the influence This post began on some Sunday, inspired by a Vuori ad I saw on Instagram that came the morning after someone mentioned the brand to me during a fleeting party conversation. The suspiciously timed ad led to “Shop now” where I proceeded to scroll through pages of women’s athleisure, deciding whether or not the brand’s aesthetic was one…
Angela Wu Li ∙ 5 LIKES
Steph Wang
Still depressed re: Ordinary Monsters

April 28, 2019

special SALES

I’ve been wondering why we listen to music. When in my own room, I listen to music to find new artists and songs, and find things to share on this newsletter, or create a certain mood, or because I’m feeling a certain way, or as a form of escapism, or sometimes, just because it’s more fun than folding laundry in silence.
Angela Wu Li ∙ 1 LIKES