
Top 25 Google Articles on Substack

Latest Google Articles

Google in trouble?

The truth about the business - Part 1
Welcome to PART 1 of the deep dive on Alphabet (GOOG/GOOGL), conducted together with my colleague, Akim (Etcaetera).
Panic Drop - Timothy Assi and Etcaetera (Akim’s Newsletter) ∙ 7 LIKES
Christos V (Simply Finance)
It really is a powerhouse that is going to be very tough to disrupt, as most of the big tech companies are these days.

A Post-Google World

Another Google antitrust trial starts on Monday. If Google loses, it'll be three strikes. At some point, they will give up and realize that the writing is on the wall for their current business model.
"The essence of antitrust law is to try to keep the system working by recognizing that, at certain points, some companies may get too big for their own good, they're self-imploding, or the technology may become so dominant that it's just crushing all other elements where there can be innovation." -
Matt Stoller ∙ 329 LIKES
Ethan Phillips
Matt makes a number of excellent points in his comments on a post-Google world but the room to create and maintain new journalistic projects without the stranglehold Google has on advertising is especially important.
Quality journalism has taken an immense blow with Google's (and Meta's) dominance of the online ad market and as we all know, "Democracy Dies in Darkness".
Geoff Anderson
Great analysis, and here's to hoping that the split up happens

Sep 12

What's Going On With Google?

Why tech employees need to diversify out of their RSUs
Restricted Stock Units, or RSUs - they are a significant part of Big Tech employees’ compensation package, outside of base salaries and bonuses. Unlike startup equity, RSUs are publicly traded equities that can appreciate in value, and be sold easily for cash.
Sherry Jiang ∙ 1 LIKES

AI Can Now Make (Surprisingly Good) Podcasts From Your Writing

Google NotebookLM is cool
A blog about AI that’s actually about people
Alberto Romero ∙ 26 LIKES
Bianca Dămoc
I agree with you on why Google didn't (bother to?) market it. I doubt it was out of fear of misuse - had this been a real concern they wouldn't have released all of it to everyone.
I see your goosebumps and I raise my own... not sure if it's from a state of awe, or fear. Probably the latter.
Guy Wilson
It is incredible, but after trying it a few times, I am beginning to get tired of the stylized nature of these podcasts. It is still too stereotyped or templated. I have caught it in minor mistakes, but nothing significant yet. The way the summation of each podcast goes feels like it is trying to lock the listener into a cautious but optimistic mindset.

I'm Leaving my Team at Google

After just over three years, I’ve made the tough decision to leave my team at Google. This decision did not come lightly, but ultimately there were three main realizations that led me to my decision.
Kevin Naughton Jr. ∙ 132 LIKES
Jordan Cutler
Huge congrats to you, Kevin and thanks for sharing your decision process along the way too.
I love the connection to 1-way vs. 2-way door decisions. It's one of my favorite ways to simplify the decision process. Wishing you the best of luck in your new life in Boston and job at YouTube.
Working at YouTube was also my dream job at a few points in my career btw, so it's super cool to see you there.
I still have a trip to Boston on my bucket list so looking forward to the chance to meet up in person too!
Santhana S
The most challenging obstacles we encounter in life are the ones it throws at us. These challenges help us grow into better individuals, teaching us the importance of setting priorities and knowing when to focus on what matters most. You are incredibly talented—it's not Google that defines you; you define the innovations that come from Google. Wishing you all the best—keep shining and keep rocking!

Google Maps UX: The India Conundrum

How Google Maps first failed and then creatively adapted to flourish in India.
When Google Maps expanded to India in 2008, it made a major blunder. Here’s how we quickly recovered from our mistake and creatively adapted Google Maps to work in India.
Elizabeth Laraki ∙ 190 LIKES
Kishan Nakrani
So, conclusion is that we have to know ground realities and user insights before launch a product.. right?
Wow, glad I came across this post!
I contribute to Google Maps whenever I can, in my local language. It’s rewarding to see the views my contributions get when I receive email alerts from Google Maps.
There was a meme teasing Google Maps for directing people to a river or canal, but that meme isn’t as popular these days. Maps has improved a lot, especially in small towns, and now even has street view!

How Google build great engineering teams?

An interview with Addy Osmani on Leading Effective Engineering Teams
Today, we talk with Addy Osmani, the head of Chrome Developer Experience at Google. The main reason for this talk is Addy's new book, called “Leading Effective Engineering Teams: Lessons for Individual Contributors and Managers from 10 Years at Google
Dr Milan Milanović and Addy Osmani ∙ 55 LIKES

into the depths of google drive

on revising a dark and drowning tide
welcome to the ursprung, the section of my newsletter where I write short essays about how my adult debut, a dark and drowning tide, came to be. if you’re only interested in book updates, you can unsubscribe from all sections except “allison saft” here
So fascinating to read this!! Thank you for sharing your reflections with us
Allison K
I really loved reading this email. I’m an aspiring author who is also currently trying to revise a draft that just doesn’t seem to be working no matter what I do so it’s nice to know that these kind of struggles happen to already established authors. It’s definitely given me some hope that I can figure this book out. I also really like your reverse outline technique and I think I’m going to try that myself!


Quality Over Quantity for Google Indexing
A warm welcome to 152 new Growth Memo readers who joined us since last week! Join the ranks of Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 13,400 other Growth Memo readers:
Kevin Indig ∙ 33 LIKES
Well, this got me to rethink all the situation is going with Google vs websites vs search. Gonna implement changes to my site which were hit and see.
Just discovered Growth Memo. This was an important read for me. Thanks for this. 'Currently dealing with a massive hit from the current algo change — running a site that does millions of views per month, with thousands of pages which are dynamically generated. What's your strategy for removal? 301 redirects to a single page?

A deep dive into Google's shady (and shoddy) California journalism deal

Hardly anyone won, except for Google.
Apologies in advance, but this long and weedsy post about Google’s proposed California journalism funding deal will be directed toward the journalism and policy nerds among us. If you’d like to hear me yap more accessibly about the bigger picture — abou…
Matt Pearce ∙ 9 LIKES

Google Thinks Beethoven Looks Like Mr. Bean

Instead of real portraits, Google serves up AI-generated garbage
At first, I thought it was a prank.
Ted Gioia ∙ 499 LIKES
Agreed, Ted. The next new money making industry of the latter part of the 21st Century will be cleaning up the mess created be industry. Somebody will come up with a clever way to remove the flotsam and jetsam of chemicals and plastics in our oceans and some others will embark upon restoring our cultures to pre-AI and Big Tech ravages.
I understand that paper copies of dictionaries and reference books like encyclopedias are becoming fewer and fewer. They are all online these days.
I have subscribed to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online version for many years. I have my own hard copy versions of the Webster’s Third International Dictionary as well as the 20 Volume Oxford English Dictionary. I use dictionaries daily. It is convenient to refer to the online version when I am out and about and want to check a word I do not know or one on which I am not quite certain.
The Webster’s online version was tremendously handy when I was away from home. This online version was an exact facsimile of the print version.
But on a day, which for me will live in infamy, back in 2013, I logged onto the online version and was horrified. Webster had drastically changed the online version and dumbed it down. I expressed deep dissatisfaction to Webster. They replied that it was a project to make the dictionary easier to use. I wrote them back and beseeched them to restore it to the way they had it before. I even offered to pay a higher subscription fee. The dictionary could have a tiered subscription. The top tier would be the unabridged version of the Webster’s Third International which is of invaluable service to writers and editors, researchers and scholars. The bottom tier, the one they had just launched, the one with the pictures of duckies and Tele-Tubbies would be an option for whoever wanted it. My lament of course, fell upon deaf ears.
Lesson: HOLD ONTO YOUR PAPER COPIES OF REFERENCE BOOKS. We will need to rely on them.
Ruth Gaskovski
I fear that the aberrations that seem silly or outrageous to us now will soon be a common, accepted standard. We know what the difference is, but the generation growing up amidst AI pollution will have no former knowledge to which to compare these false portraist or texts.
My husband Peco and I recently published "A Guide to Booklegging- How (and why) to collect, preserve, and read the printed word", which provides a practical starting place for perserving our "semantic mountains".https://schooloftheunconformed.substack.com/p/a-guide-to-booklegging-how-and-why
"The bookleggers smuggled books to the southwest desert and buried them there in kegs. The memorizers committed to rote memory entire volumes of history, sacred writings, literature, and science, in case some unfortunate book smuggler was caught, tortured, and forced to reveal the location of the kegs…
The project, aimed at saving a small remnant of human culture from the remnant of humanity who wanted it destroyed, was then underway."
- from A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller

Quo Vadis
Sep 11

#89: Google Anti-Trust Case Day #2

Rectangles, an illustrated inconsistency
Yesterday was day #2 of the DOJ’s anti-trust trial against Google’s adtech business and alleged monopoly. If you’re vested in adtech and not already a subscriber to Ari Paparo’s amazing play-by-play coverage on Marketecture then you should be because the coverage is excellent.

Google announces digital ID wallet

Google Wallet can now function as a digital ID, the tech giant announced Thursday.
Dr. Simone Gold ∙ 1 LIKES
Joan Kisylia
Thank you, Dr. Gold and staff, for this information. We U.S. citizens need as much information as possible to help us secure our own identities and prevent "external agencies, including the U.S. government" from inhibiting our freedoms!!!

Quo Vadis
Sep 13

#90: Google Anti-Trust Case Day #3

What is the meaning of "meaningful"?
Yesterday was day #3 of the DOJ’s anti-trust trial against Google’s adtech business and alleged monopoly. Ari Paparo’s outstanding play-by-play coverage (get it on Marketecture) continues to lead the way.

Issue #344: MCMAP and Lacanian Google Searches

Last week, I bragged about how I had a 100% acceptance rate for academic abstracts. While this remains true for the moment, I did neglect to mention another writing submission statistic. My acceptance rate for freelance writing submissions is a miraculous 0%. That’s right. While I don’t pitch writing that often, I have
Miguel ∙ 2 LIKES


Yelp sues Google for SERP Features - justified?
A warm welcome to 264 new Growth Memo readers who joined us since last week! Join the ranks of Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 14,300 other Growth Memo readers:
Kevin Indig ∙ 20 LIKES

Day 3: Judge Asks About Breaking Up Google

Judge Brinkema asks what would happen if Google were "blown apart." Plus another ex-Googler witness, a strong expert for the government, and an industry executive weigh in.
Day 3 of the US v. Google ad tech antitrust trial began with Judge Brinkema pausing the proceedings to remind the Court of today’s date—September 11th, and that the only suspect ever tried in court for the attacks was tried in this very courtroom. When reading stories about antitrust trials, it’s often difficult to remember that courts are places, and j…
Tom Blakely ∙ 46 LIKES
Nancy Parsons
Thank you for your detailed updates! I keep wondering how you are able to take such thorough notes with zero electronic help. You must have great "old school" note taking skills!
Mike O
While I remain most upset at the monetization trickery and Bait-and-Switch tactics of GMail, I wonder that Google's acquisition of Waze has not received greater attention? Result was a clear diminishing of competition for Google Maps, and Waze seems to have lost all incentive for improvement. Sure the positioning of ads up front has reduced the value of the search engine, but competition does not seem to be able to produce as good a search engine.

Sep 9

The end of Google as we know it?

The search giant returns to court for a second antitrust trial that could reshape the internet
You’ve probably heard — in this newsletter even — about the big problems facing journalism today. It’s harder than ever to fund journalism and for journalists to get paid, and newsrooms across the country have shuttered or labor under the threat of imminent closure.
The Ink ∙ 38 LIKES
Patricia Jaeger
I have been encouraged by the Biden Administration resurgence of anti-trust legislation to go after some of the biggest corporations in the US. Obviously, this will only continue if Harris-Walz get into the White House. If so, I'd also love to see them go after the huge meat producers who also operate in a monopoly and keep prices high.

Day Two: “It’s Impossible to Negotiate with Google"

The government is presenting its case, and brought up three witnesses describing what they argue inflexible and/or unethical practices by Google.
The second day of Google’s ad tech antitrust trial began with testimony from Stephanie Layser, a former advertising executive with multiple media organizations, with much of the questioning focused on her time at mass media and publishing company News Corp. from 2017-2022. (She’s now at Amazon.)
Tom Blakely ∙ 43 LIKES
ellis derby
I love the level of detail you're giving on the courtroom activity. Seems extra impressive given the restriction on electronics. And as a non-lawyer your commentary on the implications really helps. Thanks!
jeff fultz
Well written, thank you. Easy and concise to follow. Keep it coming.

The deal that made Google a trillionaire paperboy

Court hears how Google's purchase of DoubleClick on Friday the Thirteenth 2007 turned out to be extremely bad luck for the news industry...
Welcome to new subscribers, and what a moment to join this community just as Google’s trial of the century gets underway.
Ricky Sutton ∙ 1 LIKES
Nigel Bowen
"It’s crushed a generation of careers and loaded financial hardship on journalists." Indeed - thanks for using your investigative journalist skills to highlight this.