
Top 25 Bitcoin Articles on Substack

Latest Bitcoin Articles

Why Smaller Faster Horses Perform Better

A study of relative upside of Ethereum vs Solana
During Bull Markets in Crypto, smaller comparable projects often do better than bigger projects. There are a few reasons for this: 1. Small projects can grow faster. If a small company grows by $1 billion, it can double in size. But a big company needs a lot more money to grow by the same amount.

Bitcoin Goes Mainstream

With President Trump now endorsing Bitcoin the orange pill is going mainstream at honey badger speed. Recently, Zerohedge reported that 52% of major hedge funds now own Bitcoin. Meanwhile, thousands of companies hold Bitcoin as a corporate asset. And -- most important, politically -- President Trump gave Bitcoin his full-throated endorsement in his recent…
Peter St Onge ∙ 46 LIKES
Dan Star
Trump will say anything to get elected. Empire is over.
what's the DILL?
Bitcoin is a Deep State Operation to Pre-program & Pre-condition the public into accepting, using, transacting and transitioning to the new digital monetary system CBDC. Bitcoin is used as a social and psychological stepping stone. It also serves as pig pen to herd the public into to be slaughtered and kept away from hard assets, while the "elite" hoard hard assets at pennies on the dollar, with no competition from the public. Because the public is crypto crazed.
Trump is a globalist and that is why he is reinforcing this psychological operation and deep state creation. The same man who committed genoicde with Operation Depopulation warp speed death shots and instead of draining the swamp, he hired more gang members to fill the swamp.
People will say if trump is a globalist, why is he being attacked by the system. Why? Because it's part of the dog and pony show. Its to give the role/character he's playing authenticity and trustworthy-ness among the population and to be able to steer them trustingly, to the avenues they want. Like Bitcoin.
The deep state wants people to go digital. And peoples genuine idea to fight back against a System that wants them to go digital; is to go digital? Sounds foolish to me.
-Dillon Critique from; what's THE DILL? (Substack)

Unstoppable Bullish Fundamentals: Bitcoin Will Soon Follow

Discover how bullish fundamentals, surging ETF inflows, and bipartisan political backing are setting the stage for Bitcoin's next massive price surge.
Introduction While the bitcoin price is still caught in its multi-month range, things are only getting more bullish in the fundamentals. In today’s post we’ll walk through the emerging Bitcoin voter demographic and how it is being courted by both sides of the political divide. Then we will move into ETF inflows resuming following the 13F filing deadline …
Bitcoin Magazine Pro and Ansel Lindner ∙ 19 LIKES
Yes Sir! Great analysis.
Thank you for your work!

Accelerated Possibilities

Bitcoin Data Newsletter | Friday Video Update
Hello Everyone! In today’s video I wanted to go over how indicators like the Monthly RSI double tops compare to my most recent post on the Bollinger Band Trends. I then tie it in to the new halving cycles theory to talk about the timing of the cycle top.
CryptoCon ∙ 30 LIKES
Simply Finance
Breakout is looking strong at the moment!
Great analysis, thank you :) very curious to see when that negative trend returns!

Corporations Want A Lot More Bitcoin

Today’s letter is brought to you by Consensus 2024! Consensus 2024 is happening May 29-31 in Austin, Texas. This year marks the tenth annual Consensus, making it the largest and longest-running event dedicated to all sides of crypto, blockchain and Web3.
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 52 LIKES
Semler is trading up 30% today, and is trading almost 20x more volume than usual due to this announcement
Ed Y.
I'm pissed I sold Microstrategy awhile back. Read some newsletter that recommended I do so...

Markets Looking for Direction..

Bitcoin Breakout Near?
KR Opinion Over the past several weeks, I've been discussing the potential resurgence of inflation over the next six months. As we conclude this week, we'll see the release of the PCE, which is expected to increase by 0.2% and 0.3% compared to last month's report.
The Kendall Report ∙ 12 LIKES
Marc Forman
Been out sick a few weeks. Doesn't look like I missed much. Holding positios for now.

How much will Trump's conviction harm him? Watch low-information voters.

Partisans are going to partisan. But they're not the votes that matter.
Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, was convicted on Thursday by a Manhattan jury on all 34 counts in a felony case involving hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump is the first US president to be convicted of a crime
Nate Silver ∙ 274 LIKES
Word is that A. G. Sulzberger’s decided that they’re going to say that Stormy Daniels worked in the “jizz biz.” Silver Bulletin should update its nomenclature accordingly.
K Tucker Andersen
I believe from obviously anecdotal evidence that there are many informed individuals such as myself that this verdict will make us more likely to vote for Trump rather than stay home, I could never vote for Biden , not only his increasing senility but his horrific economic and foreign policy blunders make me abhor him and fear for our country if he and then slots certainly Kamala are in the Oval Office for the next 4 years. In addition, I think that it is highly likely that given their desperation Biden and his surrogates will overplay their hand regarding this verdict I am in favor of the majority of Trump’s policies, but his actions and bombast have always completely turned me off, he has been his own worst enemy in that regard. But as someone who has followed this trial and has been a political junkie for approximately 70 of my almost 82 years this charge, trial, incredible bias and incredible conflict of interest of the judge combined with the incredibly unfair verdict have clearly convinced me to support Trump against the elites in the best way possible, by voting for him in no spite of my qualms.
The other unknown for all of us is, of course who he picks as his VP running mate, and how that might gain him a lot of additional paid media and accentuate the divisions in the badly fractured Democratic electoral base.

The Flip-Floppening: Check's Opinion on Ethereum

Years ago, I made a conscious decision to focus my time and energy on Bitcoin, where my skills are sharpest. However, it was thinking through the Ethereum problem that helped me reach this conclusion.
Last week really was one for the history books as far as crypto-regulation in the US goes. Overall, it signifies a major and overwhelmingly positive shift in the political landscape: SAB121 was overturned by congress (votes 60-38), which removed an overly restrictive SEC requirement on banks regarding the custody of crypto-assets. The veto which was pre-…
James Check (Checkmatey) ∙ 20 LIKES
The facts presented are real but also have an emotional component and the perspective of a BTC maxi, which is ok! :) I honestly believe that ETH is the second strongest asset and will perform well due to the following reasons:
- there is still no other battle tested ecosystem which has performed as good. ETH becomes a secure and safe place to store value just like BTC because it gained the most important quality: TRUST.
- it still doen't have any strong competitors as Solana has downtime, Cosmos hasn't managed to achieve a large market share, the others are EVM based chains and more centralized and are derivatives of ETH which came first.
- the rise of gas price could be seed as a feature because ETH becomes store of value similar to BTC. It has the necessary security and because it runs smart contracts it should be a similar asset class. If you want cheap gas for memecoins you could go in other ecosystems, but if you want security and trust you stay in ETH
- they invented smart contracts, proved that they are secure and this is enough to remain a strong ecosystem
The main issue I see is related to centralization after the migration to POS but we should see how they will mitigate this.
Really enjoyed the essay. Thanks & keep up the fabulous work!

Argentina Looks Towards El Salvador to Reinvigorate Bitcoin Policy

Argentina's Bitcoin regulators successfully met with their Salvadoran counterparts. Argentina's crypto community is now mobilizing to revitalize the country's blockchain infrastructure.
After several months of tepid pro-Bitcoin policies from the government and increasing Bitcoin acceptance from the people, Argentina is finally partnering up with El Salvador to make some real headway into a turbocharged future for the nation’s digital asset industry.
Bitcoin Magazine Pro and Landon Manning ∙ 15 LIKES
Robert Mysse
I hope Argentina goes full steam ahead on bitcoin

Japan’s Metaplanet Sees Massive Stock Gains After Bitcoin Bet

Metaplanet is seeing historic stock gains after adopting Bitcoin as a reserve asset earlier this May. Japan’s profound debt-to-GDP crisis has inspired economic moves with wild potential.
Metaplanet, a Japanese investment advisor, is being hailed as the “Asian MicroStrategy” after its audacious Bitcoin investment strategy has massively paid off. The name Metaplanet rocketed into global attention from relative obscurity in late May, as it
Bitcoin Magazine Pro and Landon Manning ∙ 25 LIKES

RKI-Protokolle entschwärzt: „Das Hauptrisiko, an Covid-19 zu sterben, ist das Alter“

Die nunmehr entschwärzten RKI-Protokolle zeigen: Es ging von Anfang an vor allem um die Impfung. Bill Gates und China durften sich freuen.
“Betrug und Falschheit fürchten die Überprüfung. Wahrheit lädt sie ein.” - Samuel Johnson (brit. Autor, Essayist, 1709-1784) Nach längerem hin und her hat das RKI am 30.05. die weitgehend entschwärzten Protokolle des Krisenstabs („RKI-Protokolle“) veröffentlicht.
Milosz Matuschek ∙ 85 LIKES
Peter Waeber
Da ist die Mafia im Vergleich zum RKI ein Kinderhilfswerk!
Es gibt einen riesigen Elefanten im Porzellanladen und viel zerbrochenes Geschirr. Wer es sich erlaubt, auf den Elefanten hinzuweisen, wird diskreditiert und ausgegrenzt.
Was sagt das aus über die dahinterliegende Absicht und den Teil der mißbrauchten Bevölkerung, die den Elefanten leugnen?
Für intelligente Menschen, die sich nicht scheuen den Elefanten zu benennen, ein kaum zu ertragender Widerspruch.
Es ist ja nicht so, dass „die Anderen“ den Elefanten nicht sehen. Erstaunlich ist es für mich wie „die Anderen“ es schaffen, mit der Leugnung des Offensichtlichen zu leben. Immerhin zersetzt es immer deutlicher ihre eigene Existenzgrundlage. Zuallererst sogar ihre eigene Gesundheit und den gesunden Menschenverstand.
Liebe Grüße, Jeffrey

Swiss Banks, Bitcoin and Meeting Jeff Booth

Weekly Futurist Wrap Up
This newsletter is intended to be an exploration of the future of civilisation; and to maybe assist readers in making wiser decisions today. As well as a place for me to just explore ideas - a Socratic dialogue with myself. Within that scope is finance and economics of course. Last week it was perhaps a little long - as pointed about by some readers be…
Benjamin J Butler

The US Empire Isn't A Government That Runs Nonstop Wars, It's A Nonstop War That Runs A Government

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 514 LIKES
Vin LoPresti
Just watched the Aljazeera documentary, "the Day Israel Attacked America" about the USS Liberty attack. Had you any illusions about how deep the bullshite can be piled, watch this 45 minutes for two sobering hits: First: that LBJ's administration was likely assisting Israel in committing war crimes -- against his own country -- way back in '67, at the cost of American lives because it served the empire politically. Second: With all due respect and condolences to those sailors, I nonetheless find it infuriating that their 70-something selves can still be "plugged in to that worldview" as you frame it, still salute that flag that screwed them as though they were so much merda.
Yeah....all correct.
I had a go at commenters on Wash. Post today. Probably 60 people were gung-ho to beat those nasty Russians and 3 talking sense. Not one of the 6O had any idea about what is happening in Ukraine or Russia or how Ukraine happened.
It would be easy to give up but something strong inside me (fairness/empathy) keep me going.

When Opposing A Genocide Means You're A Nazi

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 305 LIKES
I'm in the UK. I identify so closely with what you are saying. Thank you for being a voice in the darkness.
Vin LoPresti
Healthy natural systems are always characterized by intrinsic negative feedback controls that prevent the kind of destructive overshoots that we're witnessing in "a civilization that has gone bat shit crazy". Citizen skepticism and opposition to such a bat shit society's excesses are part of that negative feedback regulation, but they're instead treated as unpatriotic, anti-Semitic, as anything but the appropriate necessary elements of an entity truly worthy of the appellation "system". Without those feedbacks, it's not really a system, it's just a horribly degraded excuse for something else, some out-of-control beast.

Renters and Owners Living in Separate Economies

It turns out renters and homeowners are living in two entirely different economies, at least according to a new study by the Federal Reserve. Who, ironically enough, made it happen. In short, renters are are in dire straits financially, while homeowners are "continuing to reap the rewards" of cheap pandemic money that left renters with nothing but inflat…
Peter St Onge ∙ 109 LIKES
Robert Smith PhD
This is great work, the Fed are now trying to destroy the middle classes to make them beg for a new system. They are succeeding as the masses are happy wallowing in their ignorance. Digital currency, digital IDs and social credit scores here we come...
Martin Bassani
Homeowners may be better off than renters now but they are all slated to become renters. "You will own nothing…" is not just an empty slogan. End the Fed and drain the swamp is easier said than done. I’d like to see a discussion about how do we begin to bring about real change. We can safely assume that voting for pre-selected candidates of the two political corporations will never deliver the desired results.

Pepe, the Trump Train, and Hillary's Automobile

The Deplorables Guide to the Orangest of Oranges
Welcome Aboard All aboard the Trump Train, where the best is yet to come, and nothing can stop what is coming! Sit back, relax, and get comfy for the ride. Don’t forget to grab some hot Covfefe on the way to your cabin, but please be aware of the rugs.
Patriots In Progress ∙ 99 LIKES
Joe Kronner
I enjoyed the ride!
Best quote was: "Reflecting on my time on the Trump Train, it really has been like entering a portal to a new reality!". It has truly been amazing.
God Wins!
God Bless!!!
Well I guess it’s a private club and most have no clue. I don’t see humor in 1 million dead and no one addresses it. Our country going thru a genocide and have not 1 republican stop it. Every suit in this country is getting richer and enjoying the suffering of the working class. I’m not laughing or trusting anyone at this point. But laugh it up. I realize the rich could care less. Elderly slaughted in their beds, children jabbed by uniformed parents. No im not laughing. People didn’t vote for this , this way done by suits. The rich think we can’t see the true evil and if we do we are the target. 🎯 No I’m not enjoying this at all, but sad.

How To Protect Your Wealth Under A Labour Government - Part One

Further erosion of the middle class, declines in the purchasing power of money and a lot more state. They are all coming.
While Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, like a jilted boyfriend turned desperado, is announcing a new policy every day, future Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s strategy has been to be as vague and non-committal as possible about everything, and get elected on the back of the Tories being so useless. It makes sense: the less he promises now, and the less specific…
Dominic Frisby ∙ 41 LIKES
Curious to hear where you think capital gains tax might go
Mike Garland
We all need to vote Reform

Why I Don't Condemn Hamas For October 7

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 570 LIKES
Elyse Gilbert
Caitlin, what a perfect analogy this is! You continue to amaze me with your dedication to analyzing this horrific atrocity from every angle and writing some of the most gut wrenching, moving and yet essential articles about the historic unimaginable genocide in Gaza. You will go down in history as one of the top authors whose articles will be remembered as righteous, factual, moral and ethical. Thank you so much for your talent, creativity, truthfulness and feelings. From Julian Assange to Aaron Bushnell to Palestine, you truly reach my heart and soul! Brava Caitlin, BRAVA!
I agree. I won't condemn Hamas because I don't know what I, or anyone else, would do if forced to live in an open-air prison for decades, whilst having witnessed my family, friends and neighbours be routinely slaughtered by genocidal racist fanatics.

Early Bull Market

New Chart: MVRV
Dear Bitcoiners, What a week, with ETH ETFs getting approval. The SEC surprisingly approved multiple Ethereum ETFs, a move that no one was expecting. This approval seems to be less about fundamental value and more about political strategy, with the US election around the corner. Many young people are into crypto, and this decision appears to be targeting…
Root ∙ 35 LIKES
Vincent Colombé
Indeed very useful indicator, thank you!
The unexpected approval of multiple Ethereum ETFs by the SEC has certainly shaken the BTC market this week. This move, seemingly influenced by upcoming political strategies rather than fundamental valuations, highlights the growing importance and influence of crypto in the current economic landscape.

Why Celebrities Aren't Speaking Up About Gaza

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 551 LIKES
Anthony Hendriks
Dead right on this one. As a musician myself, I've been mulling how to approach a new song on the issue. I don't have any fame or fortune to lose, so it should be easier. Keep bringin' the truth as best you can make it out.
Chang Chokaski
Caitlin, your article reminds me of the "5 filters of the mass media" written about in Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" as applied to artists & celebrities.
Thank you for shedding a light on the media/entertainment industry and its complicity in this.

The Argument Against Michael Saylor: Anton Wahlman

Anton's take is slightly different than Saylor's: "Bitcoin is just a bunch of numbers in a computer, fundamentally worth next to nothing."
Today, with his permission, I’m happy to offer up the latest thoughts from my friend Anton Wahlman, whose takes I don’t always agree with — but are always worth considering. Anton is a brilliant analyst and has, many times in the past, help me see “blind spots” in analysis I’ve performed, whether it be of politics, macro or individual companies.
Quoth the Raven ∙ 60 LIKES
Steve S
Appreciate the alternative view of bitcoin provided by Anton. He is correct that "bitcoin is just a bunch of numbers in a computer." He doesn't find value in it. But that is the way computers work, through code and numbers, and they have changed our society in the past 44 years. Gold bugs seem to only find value in something they can see, hold, and touch, even though most folk don't hold physical gold but hold it in electronic form. Just a bunch of numbers in a computer.
Tell me you've not spent any time studying Bitcoin without telling me. Sounds like a boomer with no technical/IT/coding experience at all. I can't blame people for not reading code or being technical, but this level of ignorance combined with certainty is tiring.
Reminds me of Paul Krugman poo-pooing the internet back in the day.

Argentina's "Miracle Turnaround"

In case you’re thinking about moving to Argentina, just 6 months into office Javier Milei is getting it done, turning around one of the world's longest-running socialist basketcases. He's slashed inflation by four-fifths, the peso is finally stabilizing, and he's tamed a monster 5% budget deficit -- equivalent to nearly $2 trillion in US terms -- into wh…
Peter St Onge ∙ 259 LIKES
Matt McDonagh
Peter do you think this miracle is portable?
Roughly the same % of our population works for the Government...
I'd wager we have a larger Corpo-Gov state where folks are employed by Corporations ostensibly but the economic energy that PAYS for those folks is sapped up by the Gov and transferred to the Corporate arm via a number of dimensions -- subsidies, GSA contracts, etc...
Andy Fately
this is the most positive economic story since Reaganomics

Bitcoin is getting stronger (within crypto)

Also the scale of MicroStrategy holdings and the Federal Reserve trying its best
Welcome to the Friday edition of the Ecoinometrics newsletter. Every week we bring you the three best charts on the topics of macroeconomics, Bitcoin and digital assets. Today we'll cover: Bitcoin is getting stronger within crypto. The scale of MicroStrategy Bitcoin holdings.
Ecoinometrics ∙ 10 LIKES

Opportunity Everywhere You Look

Gamestop Rips, Crypto Set for Liftoff
Hey guys, hope the week is going well. Today is the anniversary of D-Day. Worth taking a few moments to reflect and consider the sacrifice made by the greatest generation to liberate Europe. The men of that era embodied qualities that are extremely rare to find these days and their efforts stand in stark contrast to the corruption and softness of the…
Arbitrage Andy ∙ 13 LIKES