Taylor Swift

Top 25 Taylor Swift Articles on Substack

Latest Taylor Swift Articles

August 18, 2021

To be populated

Welcome to %%publication_name%% by me, %%author_name%%. %%author_bio%% Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue. In the meantime, tell your friends!
Patrick Craven

May 14, 2023

AJ's Book Club

Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the beautiful mommy’s and mommy’s to be. In light of today, book club will be postponed this evening to next week. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday! Love, AuJene’ x
AuJene' ∙ 1 LIKES

July 10, 2023

Carta 5

Querido amigo; Hace poco comenzamos nuestro intercambio de ideas de forma mensual y hemos abordado nuestra propia y particular perspectiva sobre algunos temas, así que el día de hoy me gustaría, sin el afán de volver a incidir en demasía en los tópicos que hemos comentado, transmitirte una fábula que me ha hecho ver la vida con otra perspectiva.
El mundo de Chaac ∙ 3 LIKES
Eunice Ramírez
Felicidades, aprovecha la gran oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo. Más vale ir lento, pero disfrutando y tomando conciencia de lo que nos enseña el camino.

November 9, 2022

‘Rise Up’ Movement Fizzles Out After School Board Defeats

By MICHAEL WESTENDORF MIDLAND, Mich. — It started out as a loud chorus of parental voices in opposition to school district policies designed to battle COVID-19. However, after the arrests of a couple …
Chemical City Paper
Lol. Schools are losing and they know it. Parents are more powerful, more courageous, more knowledgeable. Must suck to be a willing little slave kissing the ass of the administration. Can't relate. :-)

August 4, 2021

Subtextual Healing

I'm starting a newsletter on Substack!
Welcome to Subtextual Healing! If you read a bit of my writing in the past, you will notice that my old website is gone. While I had some fun creating a website to feature my work, I am enjoying the Substack platform and how it makes reading my words easier. You can now visit www.subtextualhealing.com, or you can subscribe to my newsletter and get email…
Daniel Sharples ∙ 1 LIKES

July 22, 2023

barbie is a lot of things. subversive isn't one of them

yes, we can enjoy things. no, that doesn't make those things automatically feminist.
[SPOILER WARNING for literally the entire plot of barbie (2023).] i went to see barbie in theater with a group of friends. we settled in with our snacks and drinks, eagerly waited for the room to go dark, and then spent the next two hours laughing harder than the rest of the theater (to be fair, everyone else was virtually silent—
rae ∙ 20 LIKES

August 21, 2023


2 more weeks of media playing leapfrog inside my skull
running a day late…happy monday i suppose… watching she’s the man (2006) - movie SUCH. a fun movie <3 a classic really…perhaps even amanda bynes’ best work… for those unaware this movie is about a teen girl (amanda bynes) whose school cuts the girls’ soccer team right before her senior year, so she pretends to be her …
rae ∙ 4 LIKES

December 30, 2023


an important announcement!!!
hello beloved substack friends!! in light of the news that substack supports nazis & white supremacists i have decided 2 go ahead & move this blog 2 medium. i’ve already uploaded all my old posts over there & i’m pretty sure that i can import substack subscribers as well? still figuring everything out hopefully this will not inconvenience anyone…u may h…
rae ∙ 1 LIKES
Jack Watchman

April 16, 2023


reemerging from my burrow 2 talk abt media....
disappeared for a month!! hope spring is treating u kindly <3 i have been very busy stomping around + looking at flowers + fighting off various springtime maladies + bugs!! anyway. here are the media highlights from the past 4 weeks: watching the company of wolves
rae ∙ 1 LIKES
Hop Scotch
Lush 😍😍😍😍
Hop Scotch
Why didn’t I know about your Kurt Vonnegut phase?? Must have been before mine...

December 4, 2022


some media that has been dicing me up and sauteeing me in a pan with garlic + olive oil this week
winter finally descends…honestly i’m feeling optimistic about her this year i think december will be nice to me. but i also live somewhere where the temperature rarely drops below freezing, which perhaps makes it a little easier to enjoy the cold. i succumbed to the siren song of my kitchen scissors this week and cut off half my hair, and walking around…
rae ∙ 7 LIKES
just for u <3
i really like your analysis of wednesday - i saw lots of stuff online from people who didn't like the portrayal of the addams family and your writing explained it a little bit and now it makes sense why

November 20, 2023


media that has been ice skating in little circles around my head
the vast majority of my downtime these past 2-ish weeks has been spent knitting + watching tv so. keep that in mind… watching supernatural season 2 (2006) - tv show better than season 1 <3 what i have been discovering thus far is that early seasons supernatural is fun & good actually…goes steadily uphill from 1 to 2…
rae ∙ 4 LIKES
love this .... and now have album recs i'm in desperate need of !!!

November 24, 2021

NFTs Overall Look

Dear Chefs, Today we will taste "Cards", let's take a look over some basic information before diving into details regarding to "Burning" and "Crafting" - the main dishes we will serve you today. There are currently 3 types of Card you will have the opportunity to own in Dine Together.
Dine Together ∙ 15 LIKES

My Works Cited

(how my newsletter got its name)
I’m going to start off with my works cited. This newlettler has a long name and I’m going to share where I stole this name from. In grade 10 Canadian History my friend didn’t disclose where he got his work from. He got his work from me. He plagiarized. Somehow that meant I plagiarized too. Sorry Mr. Brock. Don’t worry, I will not be plagiarizing today.
Sarah Robin Maat ∙ 6 LIKES
Proud of you bubs! Looking forward to what you have in store :)
annita maat
so good Sarah...

It's Worth the Concussions

For those of you who are new here, welcome! This is the platform I use to share short personal essays so that I can practice writing for an audience and get my ideas out there. I would love for you to subscribe so you can check out my writing whenever I post. My posts are inspired by past memories, experiences, or people. Sometimes I will try and put b…
Sarah Robin Maat ∙ 6 LIKES
Cindy Schreutelkamp
How did you game go? You left me hanging?
Felt like I was there! So immersive.

An iPad Kid, a Monsanto Jacket, and a Plastic Water Bottle (oops)

A review of ENGL486
I am currently battling exam season and I haven’t had much time to write. So, here is a reflection I wrote for one of my courses last semester. I’ve tried to adapt it to make sense even if you haven’t taken the course. It’s all about the environment and what we as humans need to do to correct what we’ve done. It's particularly interesting because this c…
Sarah Robin Maat ∙ 8 LIKES
Maureen Smith
I love this Sarah! And like your other Grandparents, Granddad and I are eager to have the difficult conversations with you and your generation. You may not be able to wrestle the Monsanto jacket away from Granddad but you must admit he is the Christmas wrapping paper recycler extraordinaire! We are made in the image of the creator and I am so confident that as we have those hard conversations big and small ideas of how to make our world better with come to light!
love this and you <3

Why I think Julia's Jeep should never return to Kingston.

This post is an elaboration on something I wrote for my Creative Writing class.
Julia interrupted, “The brake light just turned on” “The what?” “The brake light. It's red. B R A K E.” Knowing the Jeep and its tendencies, I hesitated, trying to rationalize the blinking bold red letters. “Has this ever happened? It is the Jeep. This must be a common thing.”
Sarah Robin Maat ∙ 13 LIKES
Declan G.
“ You look around and there is no Canadian Tire in sight. No auto shops.”
I gotchu
Canadian Tire, 2560 Princess St, Kingston, ON K7P 2S8, Canada
jeep is a really good car i promise

April 1, 2022

Gosh dang motherfudging sugar show

Hello dolly, Welcome to what I’m dubbing the ‘unofficial headf*** issue’. That’s right, this week’s stories – from maths to grammar to penguin’s mouths – contain some stuff that might mess with your head. My mind is already a bit messy today, but that’s because I had too much
Joanna ∙ 1 LIKES

August 26, 2022

Chickens in pants! Squirrels on skis!

Oof - you’re looking sexy today. Almost as sexy as the chicken below. As someone who has recently become hooked on Pilates, I’ve given up looking sexy. I mean it’s impossible to do while in the ‘happy baby’ pose (and, well, a bit inappropriate really).
Joanna ∙ 1 LIKES

October 19, 2021

Rarity Newsletter .... #5

Welcome Girls, Guys and Gamers (GGG) I hope I didn’t forget something. If you are developing something, are a content creator or if you just want to help and be involved, please reach me here.
Rarity-Newsletter ∙ 1 LIKES

September 21, 2021

Rarity newsletter is here

Hi, Girls, Guys and Gamers Welcome to this new newsletter about Rarity. Rarity is amazing and a lot of things have been done, and need to be done, but most projects are still very small and do not really collaborate between each other. This newsletter could help to link everything …
I'd like to pick up some summoners and do some things on Fantom more generally, but it's such a hassle to get FTM on Opera. Basically have to eat some of those hight ETH gas fees. It would be ok I guess, if I wanted to buy a large portion of FTM to hold, but to dollar cost average or for people buying in small purchases for the purposes of playing a game... Well, there needs to be a way to buy FTM on Opera directly without the buy this, then that, then bridge, then sell, then swap, eat some fees, stand on one foot, bridge again, eat more fees, fees for desert, toss salt over your left shoulder, do the hokey pokey - that's what getting FTM on Opera is all about.
A little bit on an exaggeration, but it's almost that much of a pain.

Cannes 2022: Reviews

With more restrictions lifted this year and filmmakers feeling more comfortable to start debuting their work, was the festival able to deliver?
It had been three years since my first time at Cannes in 2019, and the only real recurring thought I have from that trip was that whilst it was an eye-opening experience into the behemoth that is the festival itself, I didn’t actually see anything that I thought was a really “good” film. In the run-up to the festival, it felt like all the projects and f…
James Calver

It's our first edition, ever.

Cinema is not dead, it's just evolving. We are too.
We are BFI FAN Young Consultants, with biographies here from all over the UK. We are always open to chatting with you about targeting and attracting younger audiences to your venue, club, or internet space. Last December, we were also featured on a panel for This Way Up 2020 giving tips on how venues can attract and sustain young audiences. Have a watch…
Aaron Guthrie ∙ 3 LIKES

October 18, 2023

Unveiling the Secret Formula: Master the Art of Estimating Google Workspace Migration Effort for Seamless Transition!

Discover Proven Strategies to Estimate Time, Effort, and Resources for a Smooth Google Workspace Transition.
Migrating to Google Workspace can be a transformative journey for any organization, but proper planning and estimation are vital for a successful transition. In our blog post, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you estimate the time and effort required for a smooth migration. From initial assessment and planning to data migration, user provisionin…
Ravi Gokulgandhi

The Truth About the City's Proposed Homestead Exemption Changes

In February, the City Council revealed some proposed changes to the property tax homestead exemptions offered by the City. The changes must be made through the Georgia General Assembly and signed by the Governor, who did so on May 1. These changes will appear on the City's ballot in November, and if approved, will take effect in 2024.
Amber Chambers