
Top 25 Apple Articles on Substack

Latest Apple Articles

A ChatBot Runs for Mayor

And social media news is not what you think
Hello friends, Most of the tech press is still rehashing WWDC, but I have some really interesting non-Apple tech news for you today. My big story is a Pew Research Center survey about how people encounter news on social media. And it's not good news, but not for the reason you might expect. We also have a possible legitimate use for Blockchain to protect…
Tom Merritt ∙ 1 LIKES

Insights from content creation: An interview with Utsav Mamoria of Postcards From Nowhere

A good friend, a passionate market researcher, a (slow) travel enthusiast
Well, folks, I promised you I’d be working on interviews on Things of Internet this year. And what a fine way to start this will be. Utsav Mamoria is a dear friend who runs a short-format travel podcast called Postcards from Nowhere. It’s a travel podcast but rather than give influencer-style clickbait about places to visit, Utsav encourages you to slow …
Deepak Gopalakrishnan / Chuck

December 12, 2023

BOOM: Google Loses Antitrust Case

Search giant Google has lost its first antitrust case in a San Francisco jury trial. The breakup of Big Tech begins.
Welcome to BIG, a newsletter on the politics of monopoly power. If you’d like to sign up to receive issues over email, you can do so here. Google just lost its first antitrust trial, as a San Francisco jury returned a decision that Google harmed rival Epic Games, maker of the popular video game Fortnite, in the $48 billion dollar app store Android market…
Matt Stoller ∙ 423 LIKES
I think the key takeaway from Matt’s article is that the jurors restored trust in the judicial system. Perhaps this is the first step to get the citizenry out of the sense of helplessness it’s been mired in since the lockdowns. This is a huge win for America.
Larry King
Boom! Way to go Epic and America’s trial by jury system. We still have common sense! Thanks Matt.

AI Is Transforming Media Before Our Eyes (& Accelerating Cable's Demise)

Netflix, Apple & Amazon’s Tech DNA Give Them The Early AI Advantage Amongst Streamers
As formerly (thankfully!) striking writers justifiably emphasized, AI is transforming Hollywood. It already has. The major streaming services have long used artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance overall viewing experiences, accelerating cord cutting – and fundamentally transforming Hollywood economics - in the …
Peter Csathy ∙ 2 LIKES

September 24, 2023

Do Amazon and Apple Have Any Moats in Generative AI?

Sundays, The Sequence Scope brings a summary of the most important research papers, technology releases and VC funding deals in the artificial intelligence space.
Next Week in The Sequence: Edge 329: The second installment of our series about fine-tuning covers the different types of fine-tuning methods, MIT’s research around multi-task prompt tuning and the Lamini platform. Edge 330: We discuss DSPy, a new language model programming framework that represents an alternative to LangChain an…
Jesus Rodriguez ∙ 15 LIKES


Or why do winners keep winning?
I have just got back from an epic month of travelling. I have been to Trinec in the Czech Republic twice, flying into Katovice and then Krakow airports, and then driving two hours. Its the first t…
Russell Clark ∙ 21 LIKES
Stefano Scarabelli
This time I don't buy your argument: according to last week FT, "Apple is a Chinese company". And it happens that it is the largest company in S&P 500: how can you say that deglobalization would benefit Apple? Mean reversion still rules!
The Blind Squirrel
Thanks Russell. Welcome back from your travels. I used to have a lot of fun with the Apple corporate finance and valuation questions. Scribbled about it the other day here https://twitter.com/SquirrelMacro/status/1655412715299684352?s=20 and here https://www.blindsquirrelmacro.com/p/crisis-what-crisis

April 27, 2023

Arbitrage Andy Interview W/ Larry Cheung

185: Free Joint Post for all subscribers
We took part in a quick rapid fire interview with Larry Cheung, CFA covering AI, geopolitics, financial markets, and other areas we frequently speak about. Larry Cheung is a CFA Charterholder, professional Investment Strategist, and the Author of one of Substack's most popular finance newsletters called "Letters from Larry: U.S. & China Investment Strategy." In this ne…
Arbitrage Andy ∙ 21 LIKES

July 30, 2022

Best Buy PS5 restock: get dates and times with notifications

The Best Buy PS5 restock for July 2022 has happened once nationwide. Here's when and where to find the Sony PlayStation 5 console in stock today.
The Best Buy PS5 restock date and time in July 2022 will come to you via my PS5 restock Twitter tracker – follow and turn on notifications. That’s because I’m now tracking where and when the PlayStation 5 is in stock at retailers in the US, including Best Buy, where there has been a PS5 restock nationwide once in July. Now that demand for the Sony cons…
Matt Swider ∙ 3 LIKES
Santiago mendoza
Hi matt, my name is santiago, I would like to buy a ps5 from uruguay because my family will visit new york on the date of august 12 to 17, do you think it may be possible at best buy or walmart?

November 24, 2021

NFTs Overall Look

Dear Chefs, Today we will taste "Cards", let's take a look over some basic information before diving into details regarding to "Burning" and "Crafting" - the main dishes we will serve you today. There are currently 3 types of Card you will have the opportunity to own in Dine Together.
Dine Together ∙ 15 LIKES

October 18, 2023

Unveiling the Secret Formula: Master the Art of Estimating Google Workspace Migration Effort for Seamless Transition!

Discover Proven Strategies to Estimate Time, Effort, and Resources for a Smooth Google Workspace Transition.
Migrating to Google Workspace can be a transformative journey for any organization, but proper planning and estimation are vital for a successful transition. In our blog post, we provide a comprehensive guide to help you estimate the time and effort required for a smooth migration. From initial assessment and planning to data migration, user provisionin…
Ravi Gokulgandhi

Rare Club Nifty Newsletter #10

CryptoSkulls mania, token rewards and the importance of community
Welcome to the ‘Rare Club Nifty Newsletter’, a curated snapshot of what matters most. We provide informative and easily digestible content about the NFT space, with one publication a week. Subscribe for free at the bottom of the article. Includes NFT news, info on trending narratives, educational info, tips, projects to watch, occasional deep dives and m…
RogueRaven ∙ 2 LIKES

Rare Club Nifty Newsletter #1

The First Edition
Welcome to the ‘Rare Club Nifty Newsletter’, the perfect companion for NFT enthusiasts. We provide informative and easily digestible content about the NFT space, with one publication a week. We love everything NFTs, but have a keen interest in those of a gaming nature.

June 22, 2020

I need a wider control panel to create beautiful dashboards

Are you one of us who can't find what you're looking for in DataStudio panel?
I spend almost half of my day in Google Data Studio. it’s a powerful tool to brings data to the surface. Especially managers love seeing their outcomes in these dashboards. BUT, I can't stand for the narrow panel. I love naming my filters and metrics clearly and LONG but, with this panel I can not use this method effectively.
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

June 18, 2020

Visualisation of user flows

Is it hard to understand user flows?
Personally, I’m using whimsical (not a promoted post) to visualise the user flows. This is crucial for understanding the business in depth. Understand better to take clear actions. (If you can't see the GIF, wait a bit more or click the little icon above.)
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

June 18, 2020

Easier Facebook Ads conversion tracking

What? 3 weeks for conversion pixel implementation?
We all have been waited for a developer at some point in our life. This is our fault, we inflated their backlog by assigning tasks without cost-benefit analysis. This is another time’s subject. Ok, I hear a voice; “This is our everyday life and we need to track conversions right away. We are pouring money on Facebook Ads.”
Zekeriya MULBAY ∙ 3 LIKES

April 26, 2022

Coming soon

This is %%publication_name%%, a newsletter about Web3, thoughts and ideas.
Daniele Salatti

Power & Love

January 2024 reflections
In preparation to perform, as he stood on stage lifting the microphone to his mouth and then lowering it, smiling, looking down, fidgeting — a brilliant musician friend of mine would often say, “Open your mouth, and let the words come out.” Once he opened his mouth and began to make sound, I’d wonder how he could ever feel nervous or blocked.…
Lindsay Linegar ∙ 5 LIKES
Jamie DeVries
I am so happy for you Lindsay, you deserve all this and more.

What is this and why now?

Ask A Queer Doctor begins!
What is Ask A Queer Doctor? Ask A Queer Doctor is a platform that I’ve created to talk with professionals about myths in their respective fields, with the aim to debunk them. I’m launching this space because medicine and science were my first loves, and I think the field is often shrouded in mystery. Think about it, you can’t read academic papers unless y…
Dani Janae

What's next

upcoming posts/episodes of AAQD
As I type this, I’m preparing for an interview with a queer family medicine doctor. This doctor has asked to remain anonymous so there will be no video content, but of course, the text and podcast versions of the interview will be available for you to consume. I met this doc through, you guessed it, Twitter!
Dani Janae ∙ 1 LIKES

13. Mother and Child

Case study of a brain that needs to shut up sometimes
I leave Rome in three weeks, give or take a few days. In that time, I’ll take an LSAT, hear back about my thesis, register for my fall courses, submit a final assignment, take two finals, enjoy a visit from a high school friend and then one from my family, hopefully visit the Park of the Aqueducts and go to at least one more museum and maybe get a secon…
Michal Goldstein ∙ 3 LIKES

August 26, 2022

Namesdao and Crypto Name Services

Note from the author This post was a standalone Namesdao only post. Then it was a Runtime Rambling headline post. Then I went down a research rabbit hole that made it evolve into a Namesdao/Crypto Name Service post. I test in prod and write on the go. Deal with it.

#2 Musically Yours - Aarti Sivakumar

Episode 2
In this podcast, Aarti Sivakumar, musician and voice artist, shares a beautiful poem in Kannada and its evocations in a dialogue with Hariprasad Varma. We hope you enjoy this conversation connecting music, beauty, and ideas in yoga from a subjective evocative space.
Hariprasad Varma