
Top 25 Poetry Articles on Substack

Best Poetry Articles

Anatomy of a Hounding

fear and factionalism in Scottish poetry
NB: This essay was originally commissioned and published by The Dark Horse for its Autumn/Winter edition in 2020. I republish it here to complement my contribution to the recently published The Women Who Wouldn’t Wheesht: Voices from the Frontline of Scotland’s Battle for Women’s Rights. (London: Constable, 2024)
Jenny Lindsay ∙ 16 LIKES

Poetry Bulletin: May 2024

A personal update + important FYI on fee support + new resource with deadlines
Hey poets — this bulletin is late, because I’ve been spending time with family, walking in the woods with my dad, stopping for trilliums whenever we find them. We recently found out he has cancer, and the most honest thing I can say is that when he’s not well, I’m not well… We’re sorting out what this means in the near-term, and I’m listening for where …
Emily Stoddard ∙ 27 LIKES
James A Higgins
I too have a daughter I'm very close too and she worries too. It scared her when I needed a sudden addition of a pacemaker a year ago at 82, but I am doing very well. I am so sorry to hear about your dad's cancer and I hope it responds well to treatment and he can remain well for a long time.
Andrew Calis
I'm so sorry to hear about your father❤️
I also can't thank you enough for writing posts like this -- even at the risk of alienating readers. Peace will only come from action. I'm still trying to find my own form of action as a Palestinian-American poet; but I admire how emphatically you're using your platform to advocate for peace and change.

Announcing the Trump Haiku Contest Winner!

A TBR Contest Special
After thousands of you voted in the Trump Haiku Contest Runoff, we have a winner! This TBR Contest Special newsletter features the winning poem, analysis of the voting, and an exclusive interview with the triumphant poet. Contestants were asked to submit haikus on this theme: “Trump’s innermost musings as he sits in court.”
Andy Borowitz
This just in: Kari Lake claims she won the haiku contest.
Jeffrey K. Morris
TBR: It was rigged. Only LOSERS would accept that result — everyone is saying that the innernet was programmed by Biden to switch votes. That’s nice. Where are Hilary’s emails? You’re a loser Borowitz. I prefer winners of which I am majorly the biggest. No one wins like I do. You should ENDORSE TRUMP and your human scum readers should vote for me—only if they want to win.
ps: me me me me me me me

Pinks #18: Close-Fitting House of Velvet

The poetry of the foxglove
dark-blistered foxgloves Geoffrey Hill Once, before my children started school, we went on holiday to Cornwall in early June. Arriving in West Penwith, the southernmost part of the county, I was thinking of the poet W.S. Graham, who lived there for much of his life and was friendly with the artists around St. Ives.
Jeremy Noel-Tod ∙ 22 LIKES
John Davies
Thanks for this fascinating post. Meeting up with poet Brendan Cleary after his escape from a prolonged hospital stay, I find him reading W. S. Graham's 'New Collected Poems', edited by Matthew Francis (Faber, 2004) and he highlights for me this moving poem, both robust and gentle. You can find it on the Scottish Poetry Library website here too: https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/alexander-graham/
Like Brendan, who has a new collection out from Tall Lighthouse with the ironic title 'Last Poems?', Graham sets a wonderful example. I was also struck by the Cornish connections. I'm working on a book about Rowena Cade, The Minack Theatre and her family. It's said that Rowena would take the digitalis prescribed for her dogs – if it was good enough for them it would be good enough for her. For background and context I've recently enjoyed reading 'Zennor - Spirit of Place' by Bob Osborne (a.k.a. Rebel Not Taken).
Melissa Harrison
You HAD to write about Zaffar Kunial's poem just before I did, didn't you. <sucks teeth>

Two Sylvias Press Spring Newsletter

Jane Hirshfield joins us AND our Poetry Retreat is back!
Hello Friends, We hope you are having a great spring season filled with inspiration! Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter—it’s filled with creative opportunities for you and your writing: our annual Online Poetry Retreat is back; award-winning poet Jane Hirshfield will join us for a Zoom conversation; our Chapbook Prize is accepting submissions; and we have just released a new book in our Wilder Prize Poetry Book Series!
Two Sylvias Press ∙ 8 LIKES
Branwen Drew
Just signed up for July poetry workshop. I am looking forward to it.

Wishes, Lies, and Dreams

Poetry Comics inspired by the work of Kenneth Koch
Lately I’ve been reading the books of poet Kenneth Koch, an acclaimed writer who brought poetry into elementary schools in the 1960s. The lessons he created led to deeply imaginative poems. He shares them in his books ROSE, WHERE DID YOU GET THAT RED
Grant Snider ∙ 170 LIKES
April Whalley
Oh my goodness I enjoy your posts SO MUCH!
Kris Soebroto
The color wheel prompt inspires me to play with my palette and draw my moods.

June 5 The Gathering virtual poetry / book reading ceremony

Get your tickets today and heal your heart and soul
Bless you, your circle, and all living things, Dear Soul, I am excited to join you next Wednesday, June 5 at 9am Pacific Daylight Time for our next virtual gathering as a part of my world tour, The Gathering, a poetry / book reading ceremony for collective freedom from oppression.
Dr. Jaiya John ∙ 3 LIKES

COMPETITION TIME! Get your poem featured on The Poetry's Dead Podcast!

The Poetry Edit and The Poetry's Dead Podcast are joining forces to bring you an amazing opportunity to showcase your poetry talent!
THE WHO: The Poetry Edit is a weekly poetry newsletter promoting proper recompense for poets and creating opportunities within the poetry industry. The Poetry’s Dead Podcast is a weekly poetry podcast exploring the work of poets old and new, with an “Agony Poet” and a little bit of craic mixed in!
The Poetry Edit ∙ 2 LIKES

La Chimera

Alice Rohrwacher & film as poetry
A few quick notes to start: My new novel, Small Rain, is out on September 3. Please preorder it by asking at your local bookstore, or from your favorite online retailer. Here are a few links: Bookshop, Powells, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, Amazon
Garth Greenwell ∙ 53 LIKES
Dylan Murphy
I’m thrilled they released your version of What Belongs to You! I have listened to the other actors version - it was okay... I’ve listened to your Cleanness audiobook several times, and you have a certain sensitivity and rhythm that only comes from an intimate understanding of the text. Can’t wait to read (and then subsequently listen to) Small Rain!
Kim N
I love how you point out how the film encompasses so many genres at once. I was struck by the alignment in the boat scenes to Titanic - with the flashes of the engine room, and the moment he flings the head of the statue into the water. Because what else would you do with a priceless artifact that has driven the plot while standing on the edge of a ship? Beautiful movie, thank you for the suggestion!

A Haiku Competition!

When I was 9, my mom asked me to draw a mermaid. I produced something so unintentionally phallic that it's inspired decades of poetry.
In my mid-20s, before I landed my first job in journalism, I had a blog. We don’t need to talk about the blog—it’s embarrassing now. But my loyal readers back then, consisting mostly of friends and family, loved one particular feature the most: the Annual Mermaid Cock Haiku Competition.
Laura Bassett ∙ 13 LIKES
James Suffern
My bocce balls babe—
Lingerer…I’d finger her
To be mine in brine
Anna McGorman
She cums like a shot
Not with the clap but a flap
No gonorrhea

When you get confused

10 things worth sharing this week
Hey y’all, Here are 10 things I thought were worth sharing this week: I am deep into writing at the moment and I keep repeating to myself: “It doesn’t matter if it’s good right now. It just needs to exist.” “Better stop short than fill to the brim,” says the
"When you get confused, ride your bike and listen to the music play"
There is a guy who rides his bike every weekday morning around 7am up (down?) my street playing music - hearing the music at the end of the street and rushing over to the window to hear what song he is playing today as he rides by, is one of the most beautiful parts of my day - it's magic :) as humans we touch each other in the smallest of ways that we will never know
Shawn Overos
Thank you for mentioning Bill Walton . I was raised by my Hoosier father to follow the ethos of John Wooden and being raised in LA I remember rushing home from school to watch the Bruin games with Bill Walton. Also, in my home, Kareem Abdul Jabbar was a hero.

Day 2 of #1000wordsofsummer 2024

Yes, you can start today, and still catch up. Day 1 is here. This is a fundraiser so if you’re able, please subscribe. There is a FAQ which will hopefully answer all your questions about this project. There is a companion book and it is wonderful and helpful.
Jami Attenberg ∙ 195 LIKES
Laura Jamison
“…to wring from the ether a never before imagined sequence of language that never would have existed if not for my being here at this precise moment, working against the eclipsing momentum of quotidian living—well, that is the magic I have known.”
Gorgeous and inspiring.
I was at the morning event yesterday and found that inspiring, too! Thanks for all you do, Jami.
Rachel Forrest
I missed the first day due to a long travel day but I'm catching up and writing two today! I loved the Franz Wright quote. It reminded me of when I met him in college... let's see...oh, about 45 years ago.

When They Tell You To Hate Your Neighbor, They're Asking You For Your Slave Labor

A Spoken Word Poetry Piece - and a dire message for the times. We are NOT one another's enemy - that's why so much effort goes into dividing Us.
I felt the need to share this audio clip of a spoken word piece I wrote and performed for the Outro on my unreleased song, Algorithm Ghetto. The song will likely be released as a single before the album comes out, but that time is not yet. However, the time is now for the spoken word piece.
Tesstamona ∙ 66 LIKES
Donn Harper The Apocaloptimist
YESHUA , constantly said,
" Fear Not"
"Love one another"
All three are choices.
You are listening.
GOD bless you.
Michael Newberry
Tess, you will appreciate that I physically had shivers listening.

What lies underneath?

The drives under language and thought
Dear friends, Last weekend, staying in Maine during the Camden poetry festival, I was at a night party hosted by Mark, one of the festival’s founders (poet and translator too, including a new forthcoming translation of Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus). It was a party for people, yes, but I was particularly delighted at how some people also brought their (gor…
Pádraig Ó Tuama ∙ 201 LIKES
Michael McCarthy
There is a whole universe underneath, which drives the primal needs and desires of not only ourselves but of all of life. It is a mysterious, wonder-filled dynamic force, unfolding and expanding at this moment. The wonders of creation are, in the words of Judy Cannoto, radically amazing. I love the image described by Pádraig: “Every now and then, my knee would be bumped by a dog who was finding a better position for a) rest; b) vigilance; or c) scraps.” Aren’t we all, in some sense, seeking to find a better position for these things?
Dawn Young
There is so much for which to be grateful on my "over table" - healthy children growing into young adults poised for their next adventures, a profession through which I may speak into the lives & accompany the next generation into their next stages of growth, friends with whom to share laughter & tears as we face our individual & collective life challenges. But the "under table" is there - with concern for how we as human beings have failed to honor the beauty & gifts of
creation, how we might reverse our destruction of one another, for how we have failed to love one another & all of creation as
well as needed. I look forward to the day when Julian of Norwich's words of courageous hope are made true: "All is well, and all will be well and all manner of things shall be well." As I try to integrate my "over & under tables," I trust to effect that hope.

How I Write

I tell everything in an in-depth video interview
It’s a rare occasion when I sit down for an interview—I’ve only agreed to two video interviews in the last 18 months. (The previous one is here.) But this one is a milestone in other ways. First, it’s the longest interview I’ve ever given on camera—we kept going for more than two hours without a break.
Ted Gioia ∙ 307 LIKES
Joshua Hughes
Interviewer: Where did you get your ideas from?
Ellington: Ideas? Oh man, I got a million dreams. That's all I do is dream. All the time.
Frater Seamus
The Rick Beato interview was great, very much looking forward to this one too.

On preparation

For the known and not known
Dear friends, I’ve visited people in hospitals, prisons, new homes, refuges, temporary homes, on the road, off the grid, at protests and parades, in times of shock, and times of ease. I know you have too. What are your rules for visiting? What do you tend to? Often, the more intense a setting for a visit, the more preparation I do: the first time I visi…
Pádraig Ó Tuama ∙ 151 LIKES
Janie Cook
II am a teacher and so if I am to be good at my job, I must be prepared. I must have thought through the day's focus, the needs of the class, and be ready to guide the thinking and discussion around that focus. So, when I began an internship as a hospital chaplain, I had to learn an entirely different way to "prepare". I had to learn that I was prepared when I was totally empty of my own agenda. I had to prepare myself to truly listen and that reqruired making space within to receive whatever was about to be received. IF we are too full of ourselves, we have no internal availability to receive the other.
Wendy Haynes
What a beautiful question. Thank you Padraig. Three things this week come to mind.
1. Preparing to visit a family after the unexpected death of their brother, a young man. I breathe and listen as I get the information from the funeral director and I take notes. I breathe again. I find out how many people will come to the meeting and who they are. 20. It's not usual to have that many people for a first meeting with a celebrant to discuss what rituals and ceremony are being called for. I welcome this 'grief circle' because this is how I imagine I can connect with so many folk. I create an outline, the words I will use to introduce myself. I hear whispers in the background of my mind. What will I say? How will I be with this family? What if it gets out of control? I breathe again. I offer myself self empathy. I check in for the shared needs that I imagine are present. Mourning. Safety. Connection. Understanding. I go gently with myself and trust I will know what to say. I will listen and guide and listen some more.
2. As I prepare to guide a mediation within a small company, I breathe as I start the preparations for the meeting by listening and offering empathy (both silent and spoken) to the key individuals. I note the points of connection that might become possible and the needs that I witness as being present both met and unmet needs. When I feel unsettled, I offer my concerned Wendy: self empathy. I hold myself close. I remind myself I am here to listen, to facilitate, to trust. I take time to listen to my own inner guidance of what I sense will be the best path forward within the skill base that I think we will all bring into the mediation circle.
3. Before my two grandchildren, 7 and 10, come over for the weekend... I breathe. I prepare by ensuring I have food in the house and their beds made. I rest up. I connect with my intention to play and hang out and to provide a safe place. I breathe a lot. This weekend, I was pushed and found a tired grandma lurking not too far beneath the surface. Sometimes that happens no matter how much I prepare. Best then to breathe, and call in grandpa support!
In this precious life how do I prepare?
Breathe mindfully... often, everyday.
Practice self empathy so I can live into the hard moments.
Practice deep listening and empathy with a sense of curiosity, an intention to connect, mindful presence, awareness of needs....
Connect with a friend.
Trust the sacredness of each moment... and don't take it all too seriously. Love.

The Good Stuff

my summer reading list & more
Hi, Friend. I know it’s not technically summer until the solstice, but school’s out here today, and the pools are opening, and my neighbor’s strawberry patch is coming up beautifully, and I’m just ready. I’m ready—and anyway, I’ve never been one who cares about technicalities.
Maggie Smith ∙ 148 LIKES
Thank you for all these wonderful suggestions! I had to laugh because today’s Mutts comic by Patrick McDonnell was this: https://mutts.com/products/strip-053024
Kate Mapother
That poem blows my head off every time.
And speaking of the UofA, it’s high time the poetry center invites you back —for a reading this time!!
Safe travels, my friend xo

Will Trump's Conviction Matter?

Trump is the first former President convicted of a crime...now what?
In this, the land that prides itself on dreams, I have come to know intimately the duality of existence. To be a Black person in America is to live in a world where there are always two of everything. Two education systems, two corporate worlds, two housing markets, two legal systems—each pair reflecting the …
Frederick Joseph ∙ 128 LIKES
And, there are those who will vote for him, in spite of his criminal status, to protect their own vast fortunes.
MaryClare StFrancis
I did celebrate, but I'm also very aware that everything you said is true.

“They hang in the sky like questions”

Skylarks and buzzards and vultures, oh my.
Dear friends, Reading your interactions to the “Poems as Teachers: Conflict and the Human Condition” episodes this week has been an education too. Thank you for taking the time to engage, to write, to share from your lives — of the violences we contend with, the moments of change, the profound moments of deep disillusionment and unexpected about-turns o…
Pádraig Ó Tuama ∙ 167 LIKES
Jonathan Auyer
My three kids. Wonder embodied.
My students.
The garter snake that I disturbed yesterday.
The bedded dear I disturbed this morning.
The Foliage surrounding my domicile —Dogwood, Japanese maple, magnolia, rose of Sharron, lilac, apple, birch, maple, and oak leaf hydrangea.
Me, harbinger of death to the tiny spider I accidentally killed, which reminded me of perspective and scale and the unforeseen consequences of our actions.
The beaten path I ran early this morning by torchlight, a path created by humans but made of millennia of a changing nature that will out-exist me.
Me—consciousness that stretches backward and forward, held together by something I know not what.
Lee Cooper
There is so much wonder out my window this morning, as the hundred shades of green emerge to create the shades of summer, above the multitude of garden flowers in their various states of colored progression. Mostly though, I sit with coffee in front of an almost superfluous fire, although it is fifty degrees out here on the Maine coast, and watch the ospreys in the nest, guarding eggs for the next generation. It’s always a surprise to see them the first day back, knowing where they’ve been, kind of, and that they return to the same nest, maybe. Last year we had three chicks fledge,a surprise awaiting us for this season.
Thanks Padraig for a full week last week and for providing a soft landing on this almost summer Sunday morning.

A Little Update From Me 💜

Hi, everyone! I wanted to share a little update with you all that has been on my heart. I also posted about it on my social media page, but I’m going to go into more detail about it with you all here. 🤍 I started writing in the online space in 2016. At the time, I wrote mostly blogs. A lot of my writing had to do with encouraging others, finding hope, a…
Liz Newman ∙ 19 LIKES
augmented man
Dear Liz,
The shift you describe feels like a natural evolution, a beautiful intertwining of past and present. It’s refreshing to see how you honor all facets of your experience, each one adding depth to the narrative.
Nancy Stordahl
Hi Liz,
I am familiar with that pull. One of the reasons I moved to Substack was to expand my topics. I don't intend to change course either - just expand upon what I write about. I look forward to reading whatever you choose to write about. I know it'll always be honest, heartfelt, and worth a read. Good luck!

The Poetry Edit - May 21st 2024

This week's newsletter celebrates one month of The Poetry Edit and looks at youth from a distance.
Hello everybody! All 318 of you!! A massive thank you for being a part of this new publication, I have really enjoyed exchanging messages with some of you over the past few weeks and it is a joy to be in the midst of so much poetry. I hope to carve out some time to get to know more of you and am really keen to hear your thoughts on the newsletter (th…
The Poetry Edit ∙ 4 LIKES

This Week's Writing 5/25/24

Jolene, fascist insurrectionist Alito...and big poetry failures.
So, not a great week here for me in the old writing career. I had a publisher who was interested in my second (!) poetry collection of weird broken sonnets. I was thrilled! I got blurbs; there was cool cover art. All was well! Then the editor explained that he needed to make my lines fit to the formatting because he hates hanging indents when the line go…
Noah Berlatsky ∙ 33 LIKES
Damn, I don’t know anything about publishing, but I know enough about poetry to know that you don’t do that. Hasn’t that person ever read ee cummings? Taking out words? No! Only the poet gets to do that. You dodged a bullet I think, but someone trying to shoot you still feels like shit.
I’m enjoying the chapbook. There’s a lot to think about and people should buy it.
Greg Parsons
I'm pretty sure I pre-ordered that first book already.
What now?

Bad Built Butch Body

Forever and always
BOYS LOVE POETRY is a free newsletter. If you want to support this space and have full access to the monthly queer and trans advice column 1-800-DREAMBOAT as well as the occasional thread consider becoming a paid subscriber <3
Dusty Brandt Howard ∙ 32 LIKES
freddie blooms
beautiful 🖤
Clare Grieve
thank you dusty <3

Get a Backstage Pass to SmallStack

see what's happening, and NEW Guest Posts soon!
It’s June, and I bet you’re wondering what’s happening here at SmallStack! Well lucky you, I’m here to update you and give you a quick behind-the-scenes tour. Be sure to stop by the SmallStack home page to see all the ways we are growing and changing.
Robin Taylor (he/him) ∙ 253 LIKES
Bree Stilwell
In warm and fuzzy anticipation! 🙏🏻🎉
Awesome and wowser! YAY Robins! Cheering you on.