Top 25 AI Articles on Substack

Latest AI Articles

May 27

Import AI 374: China's military AI dataset; platonic AI; brainlike convnets

Plus, a poem about meeting aliens (well, AGI)
Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about AI research. Import AI runs on lattes, ramen, and feedback from readers. If you’d like to support this (and comment on posts!) please subscribe. Berkeley researchers discover a suspiciously military-relevant Chinese dataset:
Jack Clark ∙ 16 LIKES

🤖 NVIDIA: Industrial Revolution

AI factories are reshaping the future of computing
Welcome to the Friday edition of How They Make Money. Over 100,000 subscribers turn to us for business and investment insights. In case you missed it: ♾ Meta: The Anti-Apple 💊 Pharma Titans Visualized 📊 Earnings Visuals (4/2024) 💰 Hedge Funds' Top Picks in Q1
App Economy Insights ∙ 61 LIKES

Microsoft's AI PCs: The Future of Computing or Privacy Nightmare?

Plus, the Airbnb of luggage.
You opened it! Thanks for reading my newsletter. Let's catch up on the latest in tech! This week, I headed to Seattle for two big Microsoft events. One focused on their new computers and another was aimed at developers. I had some time to explore Pike Place Market, and it was excellent. It was a perfect sunny Sunday afternoon. I checked out the fish-throw…
Rich DeMuro ∙ 16 LIKES
Rene Lagler
Hey Rich, I Love your work ever since Leo LaPorte Days. I am wondering, ...lately I have been getting all matter of eMails that land in my Junk file on my Macs. Is it worth opening them and clicking 'Unsubscribe" does it help or just encourage them?
I have but the same keep coming over and over.
Cheers, Rene

📓 Make an AI notebook

Wonder Tools ✍️ Introducing Google’s NotebookLM
Google’s NotebookLM is a new free service that lets you apply AI to your own notes and documents. You can use it to surface new ideas and find fresh connections in your thoughts and research. Read on for how I’m using it, what I like most about it, its limitations, and two interesting alternatives.
Jeremy Caplan ∙ 51 LIKES
(AI + Real Life) x Purpose
It's an interesting tool, but I've found that if you just move the same documents into a folder in your Drive, you can prompt Gemini and tell it to look at the documents in that folder and it seems to be more intelligent / less limited to the documents themselves.
Tom Parish
Very good summary of the tool. I've been on their Discord server and using NotebookLM since last fall. It's been a work in process for sure. But I think they are on to something important. There is a major upgrade coming that we've all been patiently waiting for.
But even if Google's NotebookLM project does not become widely used, I have a hunch we're going to see the same concept for tools like this soon. We'll have to wait until Apple's Dev event in June to see what they will bring forward.
So learning how to use AI-based notebooks will become an important skill all of us will want to learn regardless of which vendor(s) we end up using.

Google's AI-Generated Search Results Keep Citing The Onion

Plus other stories!
Hi all, Parker here. A Google search for the phrase “how many rocks should I eat each day” returned an AI-generated result citing “UC Berkeley geologists” who suggest people eat “at least one small rock a day.” It turns out that the actual source of this information was
Parker Molloy ∙ 139 LIKES
Sean Corfield
I'm so glad I switched from Google to Bing years ago...
Yes, Bing uses AI to provide summarized results as well, but at least it clearly annotates which sites/pages it drew parts of the summary from and provides a list of footnotes.
As for the misinformed American public... I despair! How are so many people -- a majority or near-majority on those issues -- so out of touch with reality? Is the news media doing such a poor job, or is it the politically motivated media just overwhelming any good news coming out of the mainstream?
Terry Cook
Yet no comments on the CIA protocols on usage of purple vs. green ink on document markups?

The traffic impact of AI Overviews

An analysis of 1,675 keywords shows AIOs could reduce organic clicks
A warm welcome to 115 new Growth Memo readers who joined us since last week! Join the ranks of Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 12,500 other Growth Memo readers:
Kevin Indig ∙ 18 LIKES
Barry Adams
Great analysis dude. And perfectly timed as I’m presenting on this on Wednesday - I’ll definitely be citing you!
Salvador Lorca
I wrote about this article of yours, which I liked:

Generative AI Unicorn Capitulation

Adept and Humane are looking for buyers.
Next Week in The Sequence: Edge 399: Our series about autonomous agents continues with an overview of external aid planning. We dive into IBM’s Simplan method for planning in LLMs and review the Langroid framework for autonomous agents. Edge 340: A must read about AlphaFold 3 which expanded capabilities to predict many of the life’s m…
Jesus Rodriguez ∙ 19 LIKES

Nvidia Earnings Overview: Networking in Focus

The AI giant continues to climb the wall of worry, and we have the first quarter of networking revenue broken out of results.
Doug O'Laughlin ∙ 58 LIKES
Brian Mushonga
Thanks for this. Any idea what the lifespan of a GPU used in a data center is likely to be? Any reason to believe there will be a replacement cycle in 3 - 5 years for GPUs currently being installed?
What's the next wall of worry? :) It looks worries about competition, air pocket, and maybe even ethernet has died off. Has the market realized nvidia is king yet?

3 Steps to 6 Figures: How to Survive AI

Table of Contents Introduction Programming Jobs Job Market What Top Companies Look For The Technical Interview Study Strategy The Wrong Way The Right Way What Companies Are Evaluating Prerequisites for Algorit…
BowTiedFox ∙ 98 LIKES
This was great.
Do you have a good litmus test for knowing whether someone would become bored/burnt out after a couple years?
Akash Mohan
this was very informative. can you write a guide for senior system design interviews

Ultimate Tech Update - Acquiring $200K+ Out of School and Surviving AI

Level 3 - DeFi Virgin Analyst
This is a definitive guide to gettting ahead in Tech. Has been a while and is *extremely* detailed and lengthy. This is only for people interested in: 1) going into tech, 2) making a career out of it or 3) helping someone else break into the field
BowTied Bull ∙ 118 LIKES
thank you as always Bull, forever indebted to you for changing my life
always open to feedback and questions, let me know if I am incorrect or something could be improved
(btw I'm banned on twitter til Friday for telling someone with addiction to try fasting lmao so I will be camping out here in substack comments until then)
I've hired a few data scientists at our quant shop.
this is pretty bang on, and works great for data engineers & Machine Learning Engineers too

Prompting Vs. Chatting With AI

Hey there, Digital Writers! Today, I want to share with you the two main ways I think about interacting with AI: Prompting and Chatting Prompting is your go-to when you have a clear idea of what you want. Chatting is perfect for exploring new topics and uncovering unique angles.
Nicolas Cole and Dickie Bush ∙ 32 LIKES
Nuno Reis
Divergent (chat) vs Convergent (prompt) thinking!
PS: Somehow, Claude seems better at "chat" and ChatGPT at "prompt"... anyone saw this pattern? Or is just me?

Does AI have a gross margin problem?

Can AI overcome the gross margin doubters?
Financial operations are needlessly complex. You have to cobble together a patchwork of tools that aren’t integrated with each other, cost you time, and lead to errors. Mercury simplifies this with banking* and software that powers all your critical
CJ Gustafson ∙ 31 LIKES
Luke Walker
Just one catch with comparing NVIDIA to Rolls Royce of chips then pointing out not everyone has to buy a Rolls Royce.. unlike CPUs, there's not a whole lot of competition with GPUs or NPU/TPUs yet. Someone else is going to have to open that market up, and then AI developers or pulling a Dropbox becomes viable.
Intel's too far off with ARC to give it a go.. AMD could have production capability but need more polish. There's GraphCore, Cerebras Systems but they're still small. Watching that space certainly will give a better indication as to future supply & demand to feed the OpenAI & Anthropics of the world.
Francesca Krihely
Great overview CJ. I do think the gross margins will grow over time with optimizations but I think competition amongst these vendors will require them to make big investments outside of R&D to keep up. So as Moore’s law reduces the COGS there might be less differentiation requiring each to put more cash into S & M spend. I don’t know if that will be at the same scale as the R&D costs.

Det. Eng. Weekly #71 - AI next-gen cloud-based detection data ocean

Branding so good not even Kevin Mandia could leave my company
Welcome to Issue #71 of Detection Engineering Weekly! I had an amazing time at SLEUTHCON last week! It was a privilege to be around so many like-minded threat intel and research professionals. I’ll make sure to link some talks once the recordings go up on YouTube, but if you have a chance to go, please do!
Zack 'techy' Allen ∙ 4 LIKES

The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled

GPT-4o, Gemini integration with Google for Education, LearnLM, an exclusive interview with Shantanu Sinha, and more!
🚨 Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about new events and content! 🚨 The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled By Ben Kornell
Sarah Morin, Alex Sarlin, and Ben Kornell ∙ 10 LIKES
Jacob Kantor

Time to Calm Down About AI and Politics

It turns out generative AI isn't going to be the Meetup or Facebook or Twitter of this election cycle.
Hello to all my new subscribers! If you’re here because you read the tome I put out last week about how race, class, and identity were playing out in my home congressional district, as incumbent Rep. Jamaal Bowman and challenger George Latimer clash in the wake of the Israel-Palestine rift among Democrats, be forewarned: The Connector is my forum for re…
Micah L. Sifry ∙ 6 LIKES

Eating Rocks

If the grid goes down, how am I supposed to know how many pebbles to eat?
On May 10, I saw the northern lights in southern Missouri. I didn’t know they were coming. I was on a river sandbar looking for the Milky Way. It was early, so my husband and I were counting stars. It is easy to see stars in a place with no people. A white streak emerged, wider than a strobe and more defined than a galaxy.
Sarah Kendzior ∙ 296 LIKES
John Gontero
Other than because I have been very fortunate in financial matters, I subscribe to make sure I do not miss nuggets like “Eating Rocks”
I do think that many of Ms Kendzior’s fans do enjoy being off the grid for a while, such as the walks my wife and I take along the shores of Maine.
I am often challenged to understand her writings and always love the phrasing ,vocabulary and imagery . But today I knew , or thought I knew, that Sarah made up a great word:”enshittification”. Then I learned it was the 2023 word of the year with a meaning of “systematic decline in quality of online platforms driven by greed”.
Never before have a seen a 4 letter word with prefixes and suffixes with a perfect meaning . I still think Sarah created the word
Erin M
Thank you Sarah! Thank you for caring about your readers. We adore you! You are one of the lights in this darkness, for sure!
P.S. In 1987 I told my high school gym teacher to "eat rocks". I got a detention! He was a jerk and detention was a small price to pay for my Truth bomb.

The News Not Noise Letter: Pausing to Reflect

A historic trial comes to a close. Israel investigates the “tragic mistake” in Rafah. Google AI gives troubling tips. Plus: grieving and gratitude as we commemorate fallen service members.
For regular updates, follow us on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Threads. This newsletter is sponsored by incogni.
Jessica Yellin ∙ 44 LIKES

May 22

Artificial Creativity

How AI teaches us to distinguish between humans, art, and industry
I hinted at some thoughts about AI in my last Team Human monologue, and those generated as many emails as the main subject - which was learning to disengage from the pace of the internet. These ideas are related, of course: making a conscious, human choice about whether and how we use AI requires the same application of agency as disengaging from the pa…
Douglas Rushkoff ∙ 43 LIKES
Thomas Klaffke
"The value of AI is the opportunity to play with the AI itself" the key perspective-shifting, mindblow sentence here.
ChatGPT isn't a tool, it's a toy!
The direction that OpenAI is taking with it's recent update seems to only confirm that. :)
D. Rita Alfonso, Ph.D.
My first language is Spanish, and i find English terse and unimaginative. I sometimes put my writing into an LLM so see how it would "fix" it to make it more readable. It's a small form of entertainment in my day to day. Now that I think of it. I haven't tried giving it some Spanish text to see if it anglicizes it... will try that next and report back.

AI has become Sauron’s Ring

Another of AI’s bitter lessons
The other big recent news, aside from Sam nonconsensually making a Scarlett Johansson-like character, even after #ScarlettSaidNo, was that Satya unveiled an Orwellian new Microsoft feature called Recall that will (not making this up) take and record locally screenshots of everything you do. (“F^ck that. I don’t want my computer to spy on everything I do…
Gary Marcus ∙ 146 LIKES
Diego Pineda
In 2010, the best engineers in the world focused on getting more likes and get kids addicted to social media.
Today, AI engineers are focused on replacing human creativity and setting the foundation for surveillance.
Eric Platt
I like the double entendre of "nonconsensually". :)
Yes, they want "more, more, more"... until they own it all. The old dynamic of the Buddhist "hungry ghost" figure, with the tiny mouth and big belly. It's never enough.

The Future of Hiring: AI-Driven Recruitment for a Software Developer

A Totally Automated Approach
We may never reach Stage 8 of the model I explained in last week’s article, but we can come very close. Although recruiters believe that AI cannot completely replace them and hold on to the assumption that people are always necessary, they have been proven wrong in many other fields. We no longer generally use travel agents, nor do we go to shops when we want to buy a complex product. Online access gives us more information and allows us to research several options. It puts us in control. I believe this is what both hiring managers and candidates want as well.
Kevin Wheeler ∙ 3 LIKES

Why Trump Is Worse Than Biden on Gaza (and maybe much worse)

Plus: Jake Sullivan, climate menace. AI dreams of SF. Microplastics and fertility. And more!
Robert Wright ∙ 47 LIKES
Grayson Reim
Re: Biden’s Auto Tariffs
Here’s a hypothetical, which I wonder if others have taken the time wrestle with openly: do cars built by a unionized workforce in a different country (e.g., Canada, Mexico, Japan, etc.) represent a bigger threat to the liberal project than cars built by nonunion labor in a right-to-work state in the USA? There is certainly an understandable amount of nationalism that runs through the rank-and-file UAW members, but being more internationally focused would seem to be in their interest, too.
Here is a letter from Shawn Fein, President of UAW, to Katherine Tai, USA trade ambassador, giving comment on the need for tariffs, while giving perspective on previous attempts to increase workers rights in Mexico:
Jack Cargill

AI #65: I Spy With My AI

In terms of things that go in AI updates, this has been the busiest two week period so far. Every day ends with more open tabs than it started, even within AI. As a result, some important topics are getting pushed to whenever I can give them proper attention. Triage is the watchword.
Zvi Mowshowitz ∙ 20 LIKES
Jake R
Re: Windows Recall
Microsoft is really doing everything in their power to convince me to finally figure out Linux, and I think they finally did it. I can't see a world where my next PC runs windows.
Greg G
Re the Avital Balwit piece on the end of work, the Bank of England speech, and a few other items, it seems like a common denominator is that people are assuming an AI S-curve, with capabilities plateauing after we automate some or most knowledge work. This is superficially plausible because everything plateaus, usually. However, AI is likely an exception to the rule because automating all knowledge work includes automating AI development. Unleashing millions of AGI AI researchers is likely to blow through the plateau, by grinding out algorithmic and systems improvements faster and perhaps even coming up with new AI paradigms like first principles agency, self-play improvement for cognitive work, and who knows what else. This seems like another example of humans having a hard time grokking exponentials.

Darryl Cooper on UFO's and AI

Darryl Cooper joins me to discuss the archetypical significance of UFO's and AI as a "living myth" of the modern era. Are they real? Will AI replace humanity, as so many predict? Or are aliens and AI two different manifestations of the same Archetype for the technological age?
Astral ∙ 18 LIKES
John Edward
Love how you guys get into Jung and Campbell
Great episode! It made me want to be very alert to where my ideas end and what I read and learn on line begins, because right now I couldn’t tell you that. Awesome episode, this is gonna make me a paid subscriber.

What’s behind the viral AI-generated Rafah image

Following a deadly airstrike on Rafah, the image has been circulated millions of times on Instagram
An AI-generated image of tents spelling out “All Eyes on Rafah” has gone viral as people share their horror at the tragic events in the southern Gaza city. An Israeli airstrike, targeted at Hamas commanders, is believed to have caused a blaze in a tented area for displaced people.
Vicky Smith ∙ 5 LIKES