
Are you a fellow journal-keeping Substacker, or does the idea of journalling seem old-fashioned to you?

One of my favourite rituals at the start of each year is cracking open a fresh journal. There's something magical about selecting one from my eclectic collection - a mix of impulse buys and thoughtful gifts from friends and family who know me well.

Journalling has been a constant companion throughout my life, but I’ll be honest: I’m not always consistent. Some years, my pen barely makes a dent in the pages. Case in point: my 2022 journal pulled double duty, stretching into 2023 without breaking a sweat. Guess what? Those were years I didn't blog or did much writing outside of work either.

But, 2024?

Suddenly, I'm not just writing - I'm on a word bender. My trusty journal isn't enough; I'm leaving trails of inky thoughts across multiple notebooks like a literary Hansel and Gretel. It's as if all the words I didn't write in previous years decided to stage a revolt and pour out all at once. I think that's partly why I ended up here on Substack.

Now, with September just beginning, I find myself staring at the final two pages of my 2024 journal. I can't remember the last time I filled a journal so quickly - it's both surprising and oddly satisfying.

Of course, the best thing about reaching the end of a journal is the perfectly valid excuse to acquire a new one. Or maybe two. Possibly three. (Who's counting, right?)

What about you? How many notebooks do you finish in a year? Do you find yourself ugly-crying while journalling too? How do you keep a record of your thoughts away from prying eyes?

I'd love to hear about your favourite writing practices - including any quirky habits or preferred methods for capturing thoughts. Maybe you whisper a secret incantation before you write, or only use purple ink on Tuesdays? Spill your inky journalling secrets - I'm all ears (and pages)!

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1:59 PM
Sep 3, 2024