
>Your position on identity is functionally identical to saying that only people with “lived experience” can comment on an issue.

I am indeed influenced by leftist ideas re: intersectionality. Taking the ideas of Butler / Dworkin / Foucault in a right wing direction is a deliberate aim of my project.

But it’s not that only people with lived experience can comment—it’s that to create effective rhetoric you need to proactively acknowledge the ways in which identitarian factors limit your own perspective and create conflicts of interest that will make people on the other side disregard your opinion.

I like to “frontload” this in convos by immediately acknowledging my immense privilege as a wealthy and handsome straight white male and proactively soliciting the opinions of people less fortunate than myself. This gives me more credibility when expressing my own opinions. Meanwhile when the subject matter is especially spicy I will just amplify someone who doesn’t have a potentially disqualifying conflict of interest because it has a substantially greater rhetorical impact than expressing the opinion myself.

>If they did the same thing in response the conversation would simply devolve which is why I don’t see you as someone I can productively engage with.

I disagree! I would welcome this. I love the opportunity to be self-reflective / introspective about my own limitations and prejudices.

I think you have misjudged me as a meanspirited grifting sophist, and I sincerely apologize for any unchivalrous behavior that gave you that particular impression.

I continue to think you are one of the most interesting writers on here, and suspect that a live conversation between us would clear up a lot of misconceptions and be incredibly interesting to both our audiences.
