
Top 25 Bitcoin Articles on Substack

Latest Bitcoin Articles

Markets Looking for Direction..

Bitcoin Breakout Near?
KR Opinion Over the past several weeks, I've been discussing the potential resurgence of inflation over the next six months. As we conclude this week, we'll see the release of the PCE, which is expected to increase by 0.2% and 0.3% compared to last month's report.
The Kendall Report ∙ 12 LIKES
Marc Forman
Been out sick a few weeks. Doesn't look like I missed much. Holding positios for now.

Corporations Want A Lot More Bitcoin

Today’s letter is brought to you by Consensus 2024! Consensus 2024 is happening May 29-31 in Austin, Texas. This year marks the tenth annual Consensus, making it the largest and longest-running event dedicated to all sides of crypto, blockchain and Web3.
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 50 LIKES
Semler is trading up 30% today, and is trading almost 20x more volume than usual due to this announcement
Ed Y.
I'm pissed I sold Microstrategy awhile back. Read some newsletter that recommended I do so...

Japan’s Metaplanet Sees Massive Stock Gains After Bitcoin Bet

Metaplanet is seeing historic stock gains after adopting Bitcoin as a reserve asset earlier this May. Japan’s profound debt-to-GDP crisis has inspired economic moves with wild potential.
Metaplanet, a Japanese investment advisor, is being hailed as the “Asian MicroStrategy” after its audacious Bitcoin investment strategy has massively paid off. The name Metaplanet rocketed into global attention from relative obscurity in late May, as it
Bitcoin Magazine Pro and Landon Manning ∙ 24 LIKES

Argentina Looks Towards El Salvador to Reinvigorate Bitcoin Policy

Argentina's Bitcoin regulators successfully met with their Salvadoran counterparts. Argentina's crypto community is now mobilizing to revitalize the country's blockchain infrastructure.
After several months of tepid pro-Bitcoin policies from the government and increasing Bitcoin acceptance from the people, Argentina is finally partnering up with El Salvador to make some real headway into a turbocharged future for the nation’s digital asset industry.
Bitcoin Magazine Pro and Landon Manning ∙ 15 LIKES
Robert Mysse
I hope Argentina goes full steam ahead on bitcoin

The Flip-Floppening: Check's Opinion on Ethereum

Years ago, I made a conscious decision to focus my time and energy on Bitcoin, where my skills are sharpest. However, it was thinking through the Ethereum problem that helped me reach this conclusion.
Last week really was one for the history books as far as crypto-regulation in the US goes. Overall, it signifies a major and overwhelmingly positive shift in the political landscape: SAB121 was overturned by congress (votes 60-38), which removed an overly restrictive SEC requirement on banks regarding the custody of crypto-assets. The veto which was pre-…
James Check (Checkmatey) ∙ 20 LIKES
The facts presented are real but also have an emotional component and the perspective of a BTC maxi, which is ok! :) I honestly believe that ETH is the second strongest asset and will perform well due to the following reasons:
- there is still no other battle tested ecosystem which has performed as good. ETH becomes a secure and safe place to store value just like BTC because it gained the most important quality: TRUST.
- it still doen't have any strong competitors as Solana has downtime, Cosmos hasn't managed to achieve a large market share, the others are EVM based chains and more centralized and are derivatives of ETH which came first.
- the rise of gas price could be seed as a feature because ETH becomes store of value similar to BTC. It has the necessary security and because it runs smart contracts it should be a similar asset class. If you want cheap gas for memecoins you could go in other ecosystems, but if you want security and trust you stay in ETH
- they invented smart contracts, proved that they are secure and this is enough to remain a strong ecosystem
The main issue I see is related to centralization after the migration to POS but we should see how they will mitigate this.
Really enjoyed the essay. Thanks & keep up the fabulous work!

How much will Trump's conviction harm him? Watch low-information voters.

Partisans are going to partisan. But they're not the votes that matter.
Former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, was convicted on Thursday by a Manhattan jury on all 34 counts in a felony case involving hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels. Trump is the first US president to be convicted of a crime
Nate Silver ∙ 212 LIKES
Word is that A. G. Sulzberger’s decided that they’re going to say that Stormy Daniels worked in the “jizz biz.” Silver Bulletin should update its nomenclature accordingly.
K Tucker Andersen
I believe from obviously anecdotal evidence that there are many informed individuals such as myself that this verdict will make us more likely to vote for Trump rather than stay home, I could never vote for Biden , not only his increasing senility but his horrific economic and foreign policy blunders make me abhor him and fear for our country if he and then slots certainly Kamala are in the Oval Office for the next 4 years. In addition, I think that it is highly likely that given their desperation Biden and his surrogates will overplay their hand regarding this verdict I am in favor of the majority of Trump’s policies, but his actions and bombast have always completely turned me off, he has been his own worst enemy in that regard. But as someone who has followed this trial and has been a political junkie for approximately 70 of my almost 82 years this charge, trial, incredible bias and incredible conflict of interest of the judge combined with the incredibly unfair verdict have clearly convinced me to support Trump against the elites in the best way possible, by voting for him in no spite of my qualms.
The other unknown for all of us is, of course who he picks as his VP running mate, and how that might gain him a lot of additional paid media and accentuate the divisions in the badly fractured Democratic electoral base.

Early Bull Market

New Chart: MVRV
Dear Bitcoiners, What a week, with ETH ETFs getting approval. The SEC surprisingly approved multiple Ethereum ETFs, a move that no one was expecting. This approval seems to be less about fundamental value and more about political strategy, with the US election around the corner. Many young people are into crypto, and this decision appears to be targeting…
Root ∙ 34 LIKES
Vincent Colombé
Indeed very useful indicator, thank you!
The unexpected approval of multiple Ethereum ETFs by the SEC has certainly shaken the BTC market this week. This move, seemingly influenced by upcoming political strategies rather than fundamental valuations, highlights the growing importance and influence of crypto in the current economic landscape.

The Argument Against Michael Saylor: Anton Wahlman

Anton's take is slightly different than Saylor's: "Bitcoin is just a bunch of numbers in a computer, fundamentally worth next to nothing."
Today, with his permission, I’m happy to offer up the latest thoughts from my friend Anton Wahlman, whose takes I don’t always agree with — but are always worth considering. Anton is a brilliant analyst and has, many times in the past, help me see “blind spots” in analysis I’ve performed, whether it be of politics, macro or individual companies.
Quoth the Raven ∙ 58 LIKES
Steve S
Appreciate the alternative view of bitcoin provided by Anton. He is correct that "bitcoin is just a bunch of numbers in a computer." He doesn't find value in it. But that is the way computers work, through code and numbers, and they have changed our society in the past 44 years. Gold bugs seem to only find value in something they can see, hold, and touch, even though most folk don't hold physical gold but hold it in electronic form. Just a bunch of numbers in a computer.
Tell me you've not spent any time studying Bitcoin without telling me. Sounds like a boomer with no technical/IT/coding experience at all. I can't blame people for not reading code or being technical, but this level of ignorance combined with certainty is tiring.
Reminds me of Paul Krugman poo-pooing the internet back in the day.

Argentina's "Miracle Turnaround"

In case you’re thinking about moving to Argentina, just 6 months into office Javier Milei is getting it done, turning around one of the world's longest-running socialist basketcases. He's slashed inflation by four-fifths, the peso is finally stabilizing, and he's tamed a monster 5% budget deficit -- equivalent to nearly $2 trillion in US terms -- into wh…
Peter St Onge ∙ 247 LIKES
Matt McDonagh
Peter do you think this miracle is portable?
Roughly the same % of our population works for the Government...
I'd wager we have a larger Corpo-Gov state where folks are employed by Corporations ostensibly but the economic energy that PAYS for those folks is sapped up by the Gov and transferred to the Corporate arm via a number of dimensions -- subsidies, GSA contracts, etc...
Andy Fately
this is the most positive economic story since Reaganomics

Bitcoin is getting stronger (within crypto)

Also the scale of MicroStrategy holdings and the Federal Reserve trying its best
Welcome to the Friday edition of the Ecoinometrics newsletter. Every week we bring you the three best charts on the topics of macroeconomics, Bitcoin and digital assets. Today we'll cover: Bitcoin is getting stronger within crypto. The scale of MicroStrategy Bitcoin holdings.
Ecoinometrics ∙ 10 LIKES

May 10

"Egg horror" and other bizarre viral recipe videos

Plus: Miami scams! Bitcoin freaks!
Greetings from Read Max HQ! In today’s edition: What the fuck is up with this weird fucking recipe video? And what can it tell us about the effect of A.I. on social media? Miami watch: Zoomer con-man package-return scam edition Celebrating the insane Bitcoin guy who spoke at OSU commencement and made everyone there sing 4 Non Blondes
Max Read ∙ 38 LIKES
Aryeh Cohen-Wade
There's only one way for Max to solve the egg horror mystery—he must come to Brazil!
Hey guys, I've got a lot of requests for my famous purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space - all you need is a tuning fork to do a raw blink on Hari-Kari rock

Bitcoin's Back On The Move

Bitcoin has rallied back above $71k, showing significant strength, and providing numerous signals that positive momentum has returned. The market is a stones throw away from price discovery.
Slowly at first, and then all at once. Bitcoin is back on the move, with the bulls pushing prices back above $71k. In many ways, this feels like they are taking another attempt to properly enter price discovery. Only seven days in all history have a closing price above this, so we are really breathing thin air up here. As I will cover later on, very few …
James Check (Checkmatey) ∙ 23 LIKES
James, your realistic analysis is the perfect balance between the omega candle moon guys promising an imminent supply shock, and the anti coiners who think the entire market is propped up by fake Tether printing, and any retail are just exit liquidity.
Thanks for keeping us all grounded, yet optimistic.
Great work James! Quick questions, are you interested in providing/analyzing Ethereum on-chain data? If not, why not?

Why Celebrities Aren't Speaking Up About Gaza

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 511 LIKES
Anthony Hendriks
Dead right on this one. As a musician myself, I've been mulling how to approach a new song on the issue. I don't have any fame or fortune to lose, so it should be easier. Keep bringin' the truth as best you can make it out.
Chang Chokaski
Caitlin, your article reminds me of the "5 filters of the mass media" written about in Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" as applied to artists & celebrities.
Thank you for shedding a light on the media/entertainment industry and its complicity in this.

Brief Bitcoin Update + Explosive Meme Play

And Why the Overall Market Looks Ready to Leg Up
Next week will cover my complete scale-out/reaccumulation strategy for my entire portfolio heading into what I still expect will be the first of “2 tops”. This week I will be issuing a brief update on Bitcoin and the overall crypto market, as well as elaborating on the high risk/high reward microcap meme play I posted earlier.
TechDev ∙ 25 LIKES
Dear Techdev, could you please suggest an entry for FOFAR? Missed the entry earlier at lower market cap. Thank you for all your work - long time subscriber :)
What a great meme coin call!

Renters and Owners Living in Separate Economies

It turns out renters and homeowners are living in two entirely different economies, at least according to a new study by the Federal Reserve. Who, ironically enough, made it happen. In short, renters are are in dire straits financially, while homeowners are "continuing to reap the rewards" of cheap pandemic money that left renters with nothing but inflat…
Peter St Onge ∙ 90 LIKES
Martin Bassani
Homeowners may be better off than renters now but they are all slated to become renters. "You will own nothing…" is not just an empty slogan. End the Fed and drain the swamp is easier said than done. I’d like to see a discussion about how do we begin to bring about real change. We can safely assume that voting for pre-selected candidates of the two political corporations will never deliver the desired results.
Charles McRae
The rich get a Gold Mine, we get the shaft.

The Ether ETFs Are Causing Controversy

To investors, The SEC approved important rule changes for various traditional exchanges yesterday which will allow them to list spot Ether ETFs in the near future. This is another step towards Wall Street allocating to the second largest crypto asset in the world.
Anthony Pompliano ∙ 37 LIKES
John Hunsaker
A lot of BTC maxis are butthurt and in need of some tampons for their manginas as ETH's ETF got the green light. You got to laugh at the tribalism of those haters.
Ryan Walsh 🟢
I don't understand what the "respect the queue" side of the argument is asking for.
Is it saying that applicant 2 should not be approved and listed until X days after applicant 1 if X is the amount of days between the times they applied?

It's Actually Amazing How Stupid The Propaganda Is Getting

Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 464 LIKES
Propaganda is going to get worse. Just read a report of a video wherein IDF (women soldiers) pretend they are being trashed and beaten by Hamas.
Now considering the above, we on here, would probably check it out and form an opinion. Plenty of others will take it as face value.
AND it's going to get much worse.
Israel is angry because it's losing the 'war' so here we go..........
NO lies any more or you will be prosecuted. Journalist in the MSM are complicit in genocide.
Vin LoPresti
I was heartened that Trump was booed by Libertarians, enough of whom apparently realized that either cheek of the duopoly's arse was just a mostly meaningless variation on Fascist authoritarianism, hyper-financialized economic inequality, censorship, imperialism, endless war and genocide. Perhaps they were saying, we might support bullishness, but definitely not bullshit.

Cycle Top Exploration

Bitcoin Data Newsletter | Friday Video Update
Hello Everyone! In today’s video, I’ll be going over my post on X about the Cycle Top Fibonacci Extensions. I’ll be talking more about cycle top price targets using the log regression and magic bands as well. Enjoy!Join the Bitcoin Data Newsletter free or paid to start learning how to profit long-term from someone who’s done it. I appreciate each and every…
CryptoCon ∙ 39 LIKES
Meta Charsiu
Your charts are seriously amazing.. thank you for sharing your hard work and thoughts!
Great video and analysis - thank you! :)

Countries Competing for Crypto and New Incentives

Level 2 - Value Investor
Welcome Avatar! For people with any social media application, you heard the news: Trump is publicly endorsing Bitcoin and Crypto. Before anyone gets upset about this, we don’t vote and don’t really care about the winner of the US presidential election.
BowTied Bull ∙ 71 LIKES
BowTied Panda
Are we on track for a 8K to 12K ETH and 100K BTC this year? With all these tailwinds supporting the industry?
Ábris Babicz
Hey Bull, been reading & re-reading Efficiency since early 2023 while I was in college.
Graduated this January, hit 5-fig/mo with WiFi money this April.
Consulting business model so probably not sellable in the future.
I'm new to crypto, don't have more than like $10K worth of it.
What would potentially be a smarter move?
A) Scaling consulting biz further, profits into crypto
B) Consulting profits into Ecom Biz, scale, sell & push Ecom profits into crypto
As stated above "If you’re not involved for this cycle we’re not sure what else to say" I have a massive FOMO ngl but don't want to end up making stupid decisions. Does it make sense in my situation to "get exposure before politicians like Nancy begin to trade them."

💡Is Social Security Doomed?

Issue 117
✌️ Welcome to the latest issue of The Informationist, the newsletter that makes you smarter in just a few minutes each week. 🙌 The Informationist takes one current event or complicated concept and simplifies it for you in bullet points and easy to understand text.
James Lavish, CFA ∙ 43 LIKES
Natalia Stavisky
Great read, thank you James! Question here that always puzzled me - the limit at which the contributions stop. In 2024 it is $168,600. One would think that inreasing this limit, or eliminating it alltogether could help with the deficit and make it more fair with wealthy earners contributing at the same rate as the lower paid earners. I don't see even Democtrats suggesting this seemingly very obvious measure. Is this some sort of "taboo"?
Adam Car
As far as I know, nowadays only Qataris and Norwegians can stay calm in that matter. Here in Poland we have similar worries....

The ETH ETF Trade Idea

Breaking down the best ETH beta, and how you can play the trade
PS. I started writing this article on 24th May, when ETH was $3632.22, and ONDO was $1.08. It took me a couple of days to write it, and certain assets have been repriced. The trade thus has a less favourable r/r, but the upside is still there to be captured, IMO.
0xkyle ∙ 18 LIKES
Simply Finance
ETH looks good for continued moves higher into the end of the year
Jeff c.
Hi Kyle, Do you think slow up and to the right grind price action for eth long term, I guess they call it super cycle or still in tenuous spot due to L1 competition..? Eth at 20-30k achievable for this cycle
? J

Nvidia Earnings Smash (again) & Spot Ethereum ETFs Are Coming: TBL Weekly #95

Breaking down the US stock market, credit spreads, rates, the yield curve, and the surprising first step toward trading of spot Ethereum ETFs.
Welcome to TBL Weekly #95—the free weekly newsletter that keeps you in the know across bitcoin, rates, risk, and macro. Grab a coffee, and let’s dive in.
Joe Consorti and Nik Bhatia ∙ 17 LIKES
Hi Nick,
Something I'm struggling to understand is that Michael Howeel and others economists agrees that cutting rates brings more lliquidity to the market and then is bullish for risk asset.
On the other hand, I think that higher interest rates and bond yields means the government deficit spending will continue to grow, increasing liquidity in the economy. This is especially true given the heavy issuance of short-duration treasuries as of late; meaning that re-financing at the higher rates is going to come sooner than if issuance was primarily.
Your toughts? Thank you, Thibault (paid subscriber)

The US Is Discrediting All Arguments For Why It Should Lead The World

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):
Caitlin Johnstone ∙ 421 LIKES
Vin LoPresti
I need only phone my friend P. should I require a reassessment of US moral leadership in the world. I think of him each Memorial Day, as it and Veterans Day are P's two most hated days of each year. Drafted to Vietnam and made a clerk based on his linguistic skills, P was nonetheless handed a rifle and shoved into a perimeter foxhole each evening and regularly poisoned by Agent Orange. Home with leukemia, poisoned by primitive radiation "therapy", P has lived the rest of his life in debilitating chronic pain. Another life shattered by the global and moral "leadership" of the Immoral Empire.
Brian Hall
For many, it’s a daily exercise in accepting what the US has become. For others, an exercise in denial.