
Top 25 Gaming Articles on Substack

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Welcome to the ultimate indie video games round-up! 🕹️

Your new round-up of every notable and under-the-radar indie game release from each day. Plus, new indie game announcements, trailers, updates, & relevant industry news - for gamers + devs. 🎮
Here’s the part where I introduce myself and try to prove why I’m the right person for this. 👇 Hi! I'm Ryan T. Brown, also known as Toadsanime on the Twittersphere and elsewhere. 🙋‍♀️ For the past 13 years or so, I have worked in the video games industry - first as a journalist for small sites, then rather rapid movements to UK national newspaper The Mi…
Toadsanime ∙ 2 LIKES

Hype season for video games has changed since E3 ended

But maybe not in the ways you'd think.
They say E3 is dead, but you might not realize that if you looked at my work calendar for the coming week. I will… Fly to LA on Thursday. Attend game showcases on Friday. Game demos and interviews on Saturday and Sunday (plus another showcase), and then do that again on Monday.
Stephen Totilo ∙ 22 LIKES
James Francis
Was that 2004 Nintendo announcement where Shigeru Miyamoto lept on stage with Link's sword and shield? I saw people at the front literally cry during the announcement. I lost a lot of respect for gaming journalism that day.
This was a nice look at the E3 era - thank you!

May 31

Your Guide to June’s Family Friendly Video Games

School is coming to an end, but the pools are open and the weather is (mostly) gorgeous outside. Video games may not be the priority.
Is this the month where Nintendo doesn’t release a major game? No, it is not. At least, presuming you believe a Switch version of a 3DS game from 2013 is a major game. I suppose that’s debatable. Frankly, even though I’m playing more video games than ever because of the absolute deluge of indie releases in the past few months, I can’t give my children, ol…
Patrick Klepek ∙ 9 LIKES
Adam Small
OMG Atari remade Super Sprint! ❤️

Girlfriends, Inc.

Just one more addiction for you, son
A blog about AI that's actually about people It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a computer must be in want of an AI girlfriend. — Arwa Mahdawi I. A solid funding plan Young people are not having sex. They are not hanging out
Alberto Romero ∙ 76 LIKES
Brian Carter
It's a bleak subject and an even bleaker future you've portrayed.
Salvador Lorca
I loved it, especially the first part. I even made a cross-posting in Spanish.
Even in the Far East (Japan, China and Korea) the authorities complain that young people no longer want to have boyfriends/girlfriends and get married. Tokyo has launched an app to promote marriages.

Our ole Kentucky meeting

The Tuesday Pillar Post
Pillar subscribers can listen to this Pillar Post here: The Pillar TL;DR Hey everybody, Greetings from the road. As you read this Tuesday Pillar Post, I am on my way to Louisville, Kentucky, to cover the spring plenary assembly of the U.S. bishops’ conference.
JD Flynn ∙ 31 LIKES
the bishops will also have to vote on a new translation of Scripture currently underway, which will become the approved liturgical version of the Bible."
-My biggest question is "Will they be fixing the abysmal state of the Notes and Commentary within the NAB?" Some of them are so awful that I know of several people, personally, who questioned their faith due to the modern "historical-critical scholar" positions stated within that translation. It takes a ton of effort and research presentation to break people out of the hole of disbelief that these notes create.
Matthew K Michels
I have it on a good source* that the youth ministry pastoral plan document will be titled “Pizza and Side-hugs”
[*the source is that it was once revealed to me in a dream]

A Parents Guide to Understanding the Harms of the Phone-Based Childhood, Along With Ten Tips for Rolling It Back

Introducing Catherine Price, who writes books on fun and on phones, and offers ten tips for helping you and your children scroll less and live more
Intro from Jon Haidt: I first discovered Catherine Price because a friend told me that I needed to have more fun. He recommended that I watch a TED talk titled Why having fun is the secret to a healthier life. It is extraordinary, and it fits so well with the themes of
Catherine Price ∙ 170 LIKES
Brianna Hartl
These things are amazing, thank you for sounding the alarm. Please call out the video games! We know grown adult, successful professionals who play 40+ hours a week. They're ignoring their children, neglecting their families and starving themselves from real, meaningful connection. It's not just the phones. Gaming is the gateway drug for porn addiction. All of it bears mention.
Chris McKenna
Amazing work and practical tips, Catherine! Thank you so much for this post. Adding to your list, we have step-by-step guides all in one spot, written from a non-tech, parent perspective for devices, apps, streaming music, streaming video, and more: https://protectyoungeyes.com/parental-controls-every-digital-device/.

🔮 Apple’s Intelligence; solar beats oil; are companies ready?; plant minds & chess moves ++ #478

An insider’s guide to AI and exponential technologies
Hi, I’m Azeem Azhar. In this week’s edition, we explore Apple’s brilliant move — Apple Intelligence. And in the rest of today’s issue: Need to know: Tongwei The solar manufacturer rivalling big oil. Today in data: OpenAI’s rapid growth OpenAI has reached $3.4 billion annualised revenue – double that of late last year.
Azeem Azhar and Nathan Warren ∙ 26 LIKES
Richard Preece
Excellent challenge question in the End Note. There is an increasing reality and opportunity of building upon Romer, Weitzman, et al’s, insights on seed ideas and recombinant innovation, etc. Overcoming individual beliefs, biases and experiences; socio-consensus in government and enterprise structures, processes and cultures to be able to do this is becoming one of the keys to success in the new age.

A Conversation with an Anarcho-Communist

He answers the burning question: will we have video games in the commune??
Welcome to the CHH Conversations series- I’m aiming to do one a week, detailing a person (or people) who belong to an interesting group which is either part of the current zeitgeist, typically unheard, or just something I find super interesting. Note that my interviewing someone doesn’t mean I agree with them or approve of what they say—in fact, I may s…
Cartoons Hate Her ∙ 7 LIKES
Vlad the Inhaler
This made me LOL:
"Landlords would be groundskeepers for tenant unions, their job would be maintaining the homes the flow of money could stay the same but it would be a more level field between the tenants and those that would like to maintain homes for others."
Ah, yes, that well-known type of person who just enjoys "maintaining homes for others." One of the fundamental problems that any utopian, non-hierarchical society would face is: who's going to take out the trash? Who's going to clean the toilets? Who's going to dedicate their lives to technically demanding, difficult and periodically dangerous, but not necessarily intellectually or emotionally fulfilling jobs like electrical work, plumbing or any of a number of skilled trades? Who will choose to do road repair or maintenance when it's 90 degrees out? How do we get people to do the jobs that society needs to get done, but no one really WANTS to do?
The capitalist answer is: you require people to have money, and you pay them that money only when they do useful things. The communist answer is basically the same, but with the significant addition of central party control of the jobs and coercion of the workers. And the anarchist answer is... "don't worry, man, it'll all be cool!"
John Hennigan
A "hotel front desk worker" enabling the system he purports to oppose.

Reimagining Boyhood

A Q&A with Ruth Whippman about her new book BOYMOM.
I’m absolutely thrilled to be running an interview today with journalist Ruth Whippman, whose wonderful book BOYMOM: Reimagining Boyhood in the Age of Impossible Masculinity comes out today. Ruth sent me an early copy of her book copy months ago and I inhaled it. It’s a book I’ve long been waiting for — research-based, thoughtful, and beautifully writte…
Melinda Wenner Moyer ∙ 78 LIKES
Claire Zulkey
yay!! I want to talk to Ruth about this book myself; I think I'm waiting to figure out what my questions are. Raising boys can be a little lonely and fraught (in addition to the good things!) and then the weirdos out there make it seem like we are all freaks who want to marry our sons.
Caroline Smrstik
This just nailed me. My 17-year-old, neurodiverse manchild is so lost just now. He's always been a sensitive soul, and the society where we live does not value this in young boys / men. He can't fit in with the machos (and doesn't try), so doesn't get "girl attention" either. The last 8 months have been just a lot of sadness –– which my husband usually experiences as anger directed at him. Our tiny family spends a lot of energy untangling all these emotions.

What happened in marketing: IG’s Reels Gift, YouTube Posts & Consumer Confidence 🌵

A lot happened, I mean it: IG’s best updates yet, Pinterest & Snap ads, new retail and airline media launches: 🧃 is ready!
Was there a feature shipping race this week? It felt like it 🏃 , hope you don’t skip any update you or your team should know. Before you go further, Attention is like money–you can waste it or invest it. If you invest it in my paid newsletter, you'll get dividends for years.
Jaskaran ∙ 6 LIKES

Steam's quarterly mega-sales $ increases, revealed...

And yes, we also have 'not-E3' highlights somewhere within...
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert & company founder Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s.] Yup, it’s a fresh week in Game Discovery-land for all y’all. And we’re back in the building and refreshed, after semi-monitoring the various ‘not-E3…
Simon Carless ∙ 20 LIKES
Someone needs locking up for that horrendous graph crime!

May 13

Nintendo, Microsoft, Square welcome us to the era of fewer big video games

Data shows that Nintendo was ahead of the curve on this one.
Like big-budget video games? Hope you like waiting for them. (And hope there are enough developers left in this industry to make them.) There are abundant signs that we have entered an era that will see fewer major new video games from big game publishers.
Stephen Totilo ∙ 35 LIKES

How Hypercharge scaled its Xbox version to a Top 10 win!

Also: some streaming trends, and lots of other awesome data.
[The GameDiscoverCo game discovery newsletter is written by ‘how people find your game’ expert & company founder Simon Carless, and is a regular look at how people discover and buy video games in the 2020s.] We’re back, still decompressing from that
Simon Carless ∙ 11 LIKES

Your round-up of today’s indie game launches for June 11th 🕹️

Your new round-up of every notable and under-the-radar indie game release from each day. Plus, new indie game announcements, trailers, updates, & relevant industry news - for gamers + devs. 🎮
Welcome to the June 11th edition of the indie game round-up newsletter - your ultimate one-stop shop for all things indie. Please read the previous post all about this, why I’m doing it, and the plan moving forward - including how I am testing daily posts, but they may become weekly in the future, and why the newsletter will be a paid subscription.
Toadsanime ∙ 2 LIKES
Thank you for the newsletter and for speaking on the layoffs as well.I appreciate what you do!

I'm Not a Businessman, I'm a Business, Man

Read to the end for a romantic note from me to you
If you have never listened to Season 1 of the Startup podcast, part of me wants to tell you to stop what you’re doing and listen to it now for context, and the other part wants me to tell you to ignore it because a decade after its creation, it’s an anachronism. The season, hosted by my former boss and founder of Gimlet (the company that produced my sho…
Alex Goldman ∙ 48 LIKES
David Murrin
This is SO exciting to me. My only gripe is that this post isn’t episode one of a podcast. It’s almost the 2024 version of episode 1 of StartUp.
Can’t wait.
eliza mclamb
Hell yeah. Super excited for the new project & here’s to doing it without the big guys 🥂

Downton Abbey-Core and Fizzed Out

“i’m not denying that i’m a little bit delulu"
Riverdale star Camila Mendes and Happy Death Day actress Rachel Matthews are launching a production company; Rihanna is expanding the Fenty universe with hair care; Hailey Bieber stars in Saint Laurent's Summer 2024 campaign; and will any of you be going to VidCon this year…?
Mia Billetdeaux
I guess he thinks AI will revive the economic possibilities of our grandchildren?!

Dining Rooms, RIP?

A plea for eating together
I confess that my particular sensibilities include an unabashed affection for dining rooms. So, with great dismay and a healthy dose of “it’s so obvious, why didn’t I think of this before?” I read “Why Dining Rooms Are Disappearing From American Homes
Elliot Kirschner ∙ 216 LIKES
I don’t think it’s the walls that determine the dining room, it’s the table. My house has an open plan, I designated a zone as the dining room. I put my dining table room there. Weekly menus are posted in my kitchen. I find this helps me organize and stops family members from snacking on the ingredients. I don’t cook every day but every morning I set the table for dinner. I serve around 6 pm whether I cook or we have takeout we eat together at the table. Phones are forbidden and the TV is off.
It’s not the walls, it’s the expectation that make the dining room exist.
Ken Martin
Elliot, Good interesting perspective on what we miss by not having a dining room and the activities both in and around it. You sort of hit on another aspect that I think we all miss-- the commitment of each person's time and the togetherness. In our busy lives I think we not think about it, but miss that family time around the table.

how to be respected as a teen girl

i think more women tend to have insecurity about their gender than men as a girl, like a young girl, maybe you get the impression that boys are cool in a way girls aren't. people praise and laugh at b…
Aella ∙ 312 LIKES
Rick Fox
It’s very strange to hear the perspective of what a teen girl thinks being a boy is like. I suspect that the only thing so similarly and deeply incorrect is the perspective a teen boy has about what being a girl is like.
"you watch a movie where a woman everyone describes as ‘strong’ demonstrates her strength by refusing to take shit, threatening to tear a man’s tongue out of his head if he speaks to her like that again. but this is roleplay - how can everyone not see this is roleplay? she obviously could not tear his tongue out. if they fought, he would win. in the movie, everyone draws back like she’s being scary, and you see it as everyone indulging her in her pretend feeling of having some sort of power."
As a preteen growing up in mainstream feminist culture, I think I used to experience these scenes in movies the opposite way. I only knew physical conflict through movies like this. When conflict was on the news it was discussed, not shown. So you didn't get to see what gender the soldiers were. And my education emphasised that girls were just as good at everything as boys. In my brain, the notion that women can't fight and thus aren't dangerous was in the same category as treating disease with leeches. Silly superstitious stuff people used to believe in the past. My parents did tell me that boys got stronger on average than girls after puberty, but I'd somehow understood this to be a slight marginal difference that didn't matter much outside aggregate statistics. And anyway, the martial arts movies said skill and having a weapon mattered more than strength.
So when the women in movies threatened to rip people's tongues out for disrespecting them, I took that just as seriously as a male character doing it.
As a result, I often greatly disliked the women characters in these movies. They were supposed to be sympathetic and on the side of good, but they threatened people with physical violence at the slightest provocation! The male characters who were supposed to be sympathetic didn't do that. Or if they did, it was a Big Deal and they got a talking to about not falling to the dark side. But the women somehow got to do it with no criticism whatsoever.
Looking back, this is obviously because the womens' threats weren't really considered serious. The actors might try to pretend that they're serious, but the audience doesn't really believe it, and the writers don't either. Their attitudes leak into the story. But kid me thought it was serious. And so these scenes kind of angered and worried me. Was this a weird genre convention, or did it perhaps reflect real world attitudes? Could women in real life put me in the hospital for 'disrespecting them', like insecure thugs, and just get away with it?
EDIT June 12: On reflection, I no longer endorse this post-hoc story about what I thought when I was younger. The supporting memories are too vague and indirect. There's a vibe of something sort of like this, but little in the way of concrete memories of concrete thoughts kid me had about movies to back it up. The evidence does not seem to single out the detailed story I wrote above.

My Book Pages

Spring 2024 Edition
Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. — Groucho Marx Sanity Clause regulars know how this works: Each season I summarize the best books I’ve read. They are not necessarily new books. They are mostly paperbacks, because I like the feel of them. I tend to buy them at independent bookstores, especially these f…
Joe Klein ∙ 10 LIKES
Richard Weinberg
I started to read Lepore's book but got turned off by stuff like what you mention. I'm really irritated by info that seems agenda-driven, especially when it's an area I'm not expert in (since it makes me feel more vulnerable to the perhaps distorted claims of the author).
I note that you refer to Lepore as a liberal. I see myself as a "liberal," but it seems to me that opinion-makers on the US left nowadays prefer the term "progressive." Indeed, it seems to me that contemporary progressives are generally not liberal, and don't approve of liberal values. What do you think?

Breaking the habit

I’m spiraling so I’m changing my approach. 95% of my mental health distress stems, ultimately, from what social media has done to me. This is a fact. I was publicly shamed on Twitter four years ago, and faced a tidal wave of abuse that I did not deserve, and it has impacted my brain, my reality, and my life, and I really wish it hadn’t. But it has. It to…
Eve Barlow ∙ 274 LIKES
Allan W
Eve, I don’t know you, yet I feel like I do. I didn’t know any of your previous life work. What you offered to me in your vulnerability and sorrow are words to help me express my own. Of all the post I get, yours are the ones I open first consistently. Please, please take care of yourself for yourself but also for me. By doing so, you model for me how to better take care of myself.
Sending so much love and blessings your way and to all Eretz Yisrael.
Dinah Tennent
Eve, look after yourself and take time out to grieve. What is happening to the world’s Jews is truly horrible. I have seen people I know and love turn their expressions to hatred when they speak about Israel and it shatters me because they don’t know any Jews or anything about how important Israel is to the Jewish people. I have seen the abuse you get online and it fills me with despair, even though I know that much of it is from bots as well as fools. I keep in touch with my close friends from Calderwood and let them know I’m on their side. Most of the people I know who think at all are with you too.
עם ישראל חי

Badlands News Brief

Globalists Panic as Populism Takes Over the Zeitgeist
The News Cycle is almost impossible to track these days. At least, to do so fully. That’s where we come in. In the Badlands News Brief, the Badlands Media team hand pick news items of interest from the previous days to give you an overview of the biggest goings-on relevant to the Truth Community with some Badlands flavoring to help wash it down.
Burning Bright ∙ 117 LIKES
On the NATO v/s Russia, Putin’s running circles around these hedonistic idiots. We stand to suffer from the stupidity of our own “leaders” rather than attacks from adversaries.
Ant Hoddle
When we in the west look forward to better times to come, once the deep state has been eradicated and the central bank destroyed, can we possibly even imagine what the changes will be like in Africa for the people of that continent. A continent of famines, starvation, horrific wars and death in every direction, suddenly freed and able to enjoy the wealth, health and prosperity of their homelands. I can’t even comprehend how that will look but I pray it will transpire and Africa can finally use its riches to transform this beautiful continent in a thoughtful, prosperous and environmentally astute way.

Welcome to My World!

A Day in the Life of The Redneck Intellectual
I’d like to think that that I’m a good and honorable man. I can’t think of a time in my life where I’ve actually ever set out to hurt someone or treated anyone badly with one possible exception in high school. I’ve never betrayed a friend. I’ve always tried to treat people with respect, decency, and kindness.
C. Bradley Thompson ∙ 49 LIKES
James Arthur
I have to say I was surprised by the vituperative comments to your Yudelson pieces…even more surprised by the vituperative reply to MY own ever so mildly critical comment. Do these morons actually follow you? I mean, I am a long-time follower, and our number is growing, but these trolls? I recall an episode from my childhood, which was pleasant enough, when, for some reason I no longer recall, I was being harassed on the playground by a group of other sixth graders. Elmer Bell, a truly scary classmate, who was at least 16 years old, 6 feet tall, and shaving (sometimes), a poster boy for what some in the South would refer to as “poor white trash,” stepped in and took my part, and dispersed my antagonists simply by glaring at them and saying, “Jim says for you to kiss his ass.” I was stunned by this because I was hardly “friends” with Elmer. However, I was raised to treat everyone with a modicum of respect, and Elmer apparently appreciated it more than I ever knew. So, to your antagonists, I say, “Brad says for you to kiss his ass!”
Fager 132
Well, you know what Winston C. said about having enemies: "That means you have stood up for something sometime in your life."

The video game releases that have defined 2024 (so far), 06/06/2024

Also: who fancies a first VGIM event? Go on then...
George Osborn ∙ 9 LIKES
James Francis
It's interesting that Sony, once the die-hard acolyte of platform exclusivity, is cleaning up with its PC cross-platform strategy. It's doing the same in content streaming, licensing to other platforms rather than build its own service. A reminder that owning the vertical is not always as good as being a strong upstream player in a supply chain. Meanwhile, Microsoft is trying to buy it all at a great cost to it and gaming's future viability.

May 31

Guest Lecture: Designer Eliana Rodriguez

+ Guest Lecture with Eliana Rodriguez, bad VC branding, and more.
My skin looks amazing because Jolie gave me a facial yesterday. More on that in my BEAUTY AND WELLNESS update letter coming next week. I hope everyone is doing well, despite the absence of Summer Friday culture this year. It seems that along with many other things, Summer Fridays died during COVID. There are definitely “freelancers” and “consultants” wanderi…
Emily Sundberg ∙ 48 LIKES
Julia Perez
Spoiler alert - most people end up marrying within their social class. It's rare when they don't. So the best way to marry rich is to become rich yourself through a great job etc and be in those circles 😀
Brock’s newsletter is appointment reading in my house / the MLB should really embrace this. The premier league version of “drive to survive” (“all or nothing” on Amazon) made me a soccer/football fan overnight

Robin Sloan: Binding the Moon

An interview with the author of Moonbound.
Sometimes a book starts slow but eventually seduces you. Sometimes a book opens hot and fast but eventually loses you. And sometimes, when you’re very lucky, a book clicks with you from the very first sentence and then deepens that sense of connection with every page.
Eliot Peper ∙ 8 LIKES
Robin Harford
Sadly not a kindle yet :-(