Taylor Swift

Top 25 Taylor Swift Articles on Substack

Latest Taylor Swift Articles

Agency Review Teams 101

A primer on the first wave of the Presidential Transition
This evening’s announcement that the Transition is officially commencing comes as the anxious denizens of the nation’s capital are scouring the roster of the Biden-Harris “agency review teams” to see if our friends and frenemies made it onto these august bodies. But what do “ARTs” actually do?
Tristan Abbey

May 20, 2019

jerk chicken and laksa

on savoriness (3)
over the past few months, i’ve been having a conversation—mostly with myself—about spiciness. i’m not really looking for an answer. in Jamaican cuisine, your meal’s heat is overstated. for the uninitiated, a chicken that’s truly been jerked can taste incendiary, or life-changing, even—at least for a little while. my parents used to throw a lot of parties…
bryan ∙ 2 LIKES

August 18, 2021

To be populated

Welcome to %%publication_name%% by me, %%author_name%%. %%author_bio%% Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue. In the meantime, tell your friends!
Patrick Craven

May 14, 2023

AJ's Book Club

Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all of the beautiful mommy’s and mommy’s to be. In light of today, book club will be postponed this evening to next week. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday! Love, AuJene’ x
AuJene' ∙ 1 LIKES

May 4, 2023

The Ancestors

What does ancestral knowledge through psychedelic therapy mean for Black people disconnected from their lineage?
Grieving the loss of a loved one who has died by suicide is a lonely experience. My family had all but erased my Uncle Benny after his death. Maybe we feared talking about his life would inevitably get us talking about the way he passed, and the pain of that felt like too much. So when I encountered my uncle during my psilocybin trip, it felt like one o…
Truth Be Told w/ Tonya Mosley ∙ 2 LIKES

Forbes Partners with Sandbox | Netherlands Most Metaverse Ready Country | Fiat’s Metaverse Store & more

Here’s your weekly roundup of what’s happened this week in a simple, easily digestible email every Friday. Let’s get started.
“The metaverse is going to be far more pervasive and powerful than anything else.” - Tim Sweeney – Bengaluru Airport's T2 becomes first terminal in the world to offer a Metaverse experience. On Tuesday they announced the first phase launch of the 'BLR Metaport'. The airport will offer a 3D interface that will allow customers to interact with the airport …
Metalinq ∙ 1 LIKES
David Burt
Interesting for Forbes! Given that Forbes' brand centers around exclusivity, as well as events / awards, Sandbox seems like a nice fit.

Metaverse Tokens Surge | KB Home Launches Metaverse Community | Linux Foundation Establishes Open Metaverse Foundation & more

Here’s your weekly roundup of what’s happened this week in a simple, easily digestible email every Friday. Let’s get started.
"The future of collaboration is the metaverse" - Dave Waters – Aiming to educate organizations about the metaverse, The World Economic Forum has partnered with Accenture and Microsoft to launch a new metaverse platform ‘Global Collaboration Village.’
Metalinq ∙ 1 LIKES

Forbes in Sandbox | Web3 Trademark Applications on the Rise | Hublot entering the Metaverse & more

Here’s your weekly roundup of what’s happened this week in a simple, easily digestible email every Friday. Let’s get started.
“The Metaverse is here, and it’s changing how we participate in the world, from the factory floor to the living room” - Satya Nadella, Microsoft Forbes is making its way to The Sandbox metaverse with a collaboration with Polygonal Mind. Users can expect an NFT showcase, quests, scavenger hunts, parties, and more.

July 10, 2023

Carta 5

Querido amigo; Hace poco comenzamos nuestro intercambio de ideas de forma mensual y hemos abordado nuestra propia y particular perspectiva sobre algunos temas, así que el día de hoy me gustaría, sin el afán de volver a incidir en demasía en los tópicos que hemos comentado, transmitirte una fábula que me ha hecho ver la vida con otra perspectiva.
El mundo de Chaac ∙ 3 LIKES
Eunice Ramírez
Felicidades, aprovecha la gran oportunidad de seguir aprendiendo. Más vale ir lento, pero disfrutando y tomando conciencia de lo que nos enseña el camino.

September 13, 2022


Messages are weapons in 5th generation warfare
As explained in my previous article, messages are weapons in 5th-generation warfare (5GW). And politicians jam their speeches full of destructive messages to attack their enemy — you. I recommend you read my previous article, "You are in the deadliest stages of a modern hybrid war. Here are the secrets of war

Bestselling author takes provocative approach to Christian involvement in government

Book review: ‘Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire’ by Preston Sprinkle, ★★★✯☆
Ask a politically conservative Christian how she applies her faith to politics, and she may answer that she votes for Republicans because she is opposed to abortion and in favor of religious freedom. Ask a politically liberal Christian how he applies his faith to politics, and he may answer that …
G.F. Erichsen

Does personhood begin at conception? It depends on how the political winds are blowing

Some politicians distance themselves from earlier views after IVF ruling
The fact that the same Republican lawmakers who have been working to turn into law the religious and/or philosophical belief that personhood begins at conception are now defending a medical procedure that frequently results in the destruction of fetuses shouldn’t be surprising. And that’s not just beca…
G.F. Erichsen

August 4, 2021

Subtextual Healing

I'm starting a newsletter on Substack!
Welcome to Subtextual Healing! If you read a bit of my writing in the past, you will notice that my old website is gone. While I had some fun creating a website to feature my work, I am enjoying the Substack platform and how it makes reading my words easier. You can now visit www.subtextualhealing.com, or you can subscribe to my newsletter and get email…
Daniel Sharples ∙ 1 LIKES

July 22, 2023

barbie is a lot of things. subversive isn't one of them

yes, we can enjoy things. no, that doesn't make those things automatically feminist.
[SPOILER WARNING for literally the entire plot of barbie (2023).] i went to see barbie in theater with a group of friends. we settled in with our snacks and drinks, eagerly waited for the room to go dark, and then spent the next two hours laughing harder than the rest of the theater (to be fair, everyone else was virtually silent—
rae ∙ 20 LIKES

August 21, 2023


2 more weeks of media playing leapfrog inside my skull
running a day late…happy monday i suppose… watching she’s the man (2006) - movie SUCH. a fun movie <3 a classic really…perhaps even amanda bynes’ best work… for those unaware this movie is about a teen girl (amanda bynes) whose school cuts the girls’ soccer team right before her senior year, so she pretends to be her …
rae ∙ 4 LIKES

December 30, 2023


an important announcement!!!
hello beloved substack friends!! in light of the news that substack supports nazis & white supremacists i have decided 2 go ahead & move this blog 2 medium. i’ve already uploaded all my old posts over there & i’m pretty sure that i can import substack subscribers as well? still figuring everything out hopefully this will not inconvenience anyone…u may h…
rae ∙ 1 LIKES

April 16, 2023


reemerging from my burrow 2 talk abt media....
disappeared for a month!! hope spring is treating u kindly <3 i have been very busy stomping around + looking at flowers + fighting off various springtime maladies + bugs!! anyway. here are the media highlights from the past 4 weeks: watching the company of wolves
rae ∙ 1 LIKES
Hop Scotch
Lush 😍😍😍😍
Hop Scotch
Why didn’t I know about your Kurt Vonnegut phase?? Must have been before mine...

December 4, 2022


some media that has been dicing me up and sauteeing me in a pan with garlic + olive oil this week
winter finally descends…honestly i’m feeling optimistic about her this year i think december will be nice to me. but i also live somewhere where the temperature rarely drops below freezing, which perhaps makes it a little easier to enjoy the cold. i succumbed to the siren song of my kitchen scissors this week and cut off half my hair, and walking around…
rae ∙ 7 LIKES
just for u <3
i really like your analysis of wednesday - i saw lots of stuff online from people who didn't like the portrayal of the addams family and your writing explained it a little bit and now it makes sense why