
Top 25 Google Articles on Substack

Latest Google Articles

May 31

Does Google know how Google works?

Platforms vs. LLMs. PLUS: "All Eyes on Rafah"
Greetings from Read Max HQ! In today’s newsletter: The Google “AI Overview” fiasco, why it was so funny/depressing, and what it tells us about Google A theory about the “All Eyes on Rafah” A.I.-generated Instagram image and why it (and not others) went viral
Max Read ∙ 27 LIKES
One thing worth calling out regarding Google's AI answers is how it represents a massive shift in their business strategy.
As a platform, Google connected people who wanted stuff from the internet (answers, whatever) with people who had that stuff, and they skimmed a bit off the top via sponsored results.
Implicit in AI answers is a desire to keep people on Google itself. They no longer want their users to click through to that link to Reddit, or whatever. They have a bunch of users, and they want to keep them there. In that sense they're now behaving much more like a social media company: Facebook, Twitter, etc, which of course are notoriously hostile to external links. But if the underlying ethos becomes keeping users on google.com, then the value of sponsored results would seem to diminish in value. Why would I the advertiser pay for a link that you are actively trying to keep people from following?
Deborah Carver
"What it suggests is that Google’s problem here is not so much a misunderstanding of what LLMs are good at and what they’re for, but--more troublingly--a misunderstanding of what Google is good at and what it’s for."
Yes, yes, and yes. I've been working with web analytics and SEO for a long time, and while most people click on the top answer on the page without thinking about it because we have trained them Google is always right, many others prefer the list of links. Thank you for articulating the "I prefer a list of links" point of view because most people in search, publishing, and marketing think that if you're not at position 1, all is lost forever. But the data says plenty of people click on the archival links, and often.
It also seems that Pichai/Raghavan's vision of Google is starkly different from Page/Brin's vision, in that they are executives looking to make more money, versus idealistic grad students trying to change the world with the product they built. Not that Page and Brin aren't profit-motivated dopes, but with the company's most recent responses insisting that audiences are wrong in pointing out AI-overview errors, I don't think Pichai is fully on board with Don't Be Evil.
That's what struck me from Zitron's piece a couple of weeks ago: why was Raghavan panicked about getting more clicks in 2019? Google consistently has an 80-90% global market share. Does any other company have an 80% global market share of anything? (that is an honest question) But they are trying to get more money-making clicks because their research product doesn't make enough money somehow.
I don't know Google is making significant edits to their existing wildly popular and profitable research product except to seem cool and relevant for all the SV investors and colleagues who went gaga over ChatGPT. And there are likely business reasons that I don't understand. Because the tech industry is obsessed with going up and to the right forever and monetizing every incremental opportunity instead of building stable products for smart audiences.

Why Did Google Ban Winslow Homer?

The artist's sketches of Confederate soldiers aren't “dangerous or derogatory content"—they're historical evidence.
Claudia Strauss-Schulson has been running Schulson Autographs, which sells historical documents like letters signed by presidents or a doodle by Marlon Brando, for around 15 years. Strauss-Schulson, speaking to me from Millburn, Ne…
Suzy Weiss ∙ 53 LIKES
Mickel Knight
I was given a month's suspension from Facebook for posting unacceptable things. The post? A meme posted on D-day with two pictures. On one side Hitler doing his open-handed salute. The other Churchill holding up the peace sign. The caption was "Scissors beats paper".
Thinking my post must have been flagged by a bot, I appealed. My appeal was denied just a few minutes later. Either my post was never seen by a human, or said human was a complete idiot. I tried elevating the issue but that went nowhere. I was given a month-long suspension. I personally gave Facebook a lifetime suspension.
James Radebaugh
One of Winslow Homer’s most famous paintings depicts a lone black man lying on the deck of a sailboat with a broken mast. The wind and the waves are kicking up, and the boat is surrounded by sharks. The symbolism is obvious. Homer’s sympathy for black Americans is obvious. Winslow Homer is an artist for all Americans to cherish.
If any of the Google coders responsible for Homer’s digital denunciation happen to see these words, know that we see you for what you are. You are small. You don’t understand art. And truth be told, you don’t really like humanity very much, do you?

How Apple, Google, and Microsoft Can Help Parents Protect Children

The case for device-based age verification
Introduction from Jon Haidt: Ravi Iyer first contacted me in 2007 to ask if he could take a questionnaire I had developed (the Moral Foundations Questionnaire) and put it online. Ravi was a graduate student in social psychology at the University of Southern California at the time, and he quickly became a close research collaborator and friend. He created the website
Ravi Iyer ∙ 86 LIKES
To be honest, I would like to have something like that on my device for ME (adult) as well. So I don’t get bothered by trolls and don’t see content I didn’t ask for pushed in my face regularly :)
Chris McKenna
Thank you, Ravi. Device (operating system)-level verification is the least-restrictive means. Apple and Google hold the keys to child protection, they know millions of kids have their devices, and they have failed in their responsibilities. It's tough at the state level due to interstate commerce constraints, but in partnership with NCOSE, we co-authored SB104 in Utah, the country's first device-level bill: https://le.utah.gov/~2024/bills/static/SB0104.html.

Google AIO 24

Threats AND opportunities.
A warm welcome to 57 new Growth Memo readers who joined us since last week! Join the ranks of Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 12,500 other Growth Memo readers:
Kevin Indig ∙ 13 LIKES
Ebike Funs
What should be changed about e-commerce SEO?

💰 Hedge Funds' Top Picks in Q1

Google, Amazon and international stocks shine
Welcome to the Friday edition of How They Make Money. Over 100,000 subscribers turn to us for business and investment insights. In case you missed it: 📊 Earnings Visuals (4/2024) ☁️ Amazon: Wild Margin Expansion ⚙️ Semiconductor Titans Visualized
App Economy Insights ∙ 38 LIKES

The News Not Noise Letter: Pausing to Reflect

A historic trial comes to a close. Israel investigates the “tragic mistake” in Rafah. Google AI gives troubling tips. Plus: grieving and gratitude as we commemorate fallen service members.
For regular updates, follow us on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Threads. This newsletter is sponsored by incogni.
Jessica Yellin ∙ 44 LIKES

The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled

GPT-4o, Gemini integration with Google for Education, LearnLM, an exclusive interview with Shantanu Sinha, and more!
🚨 Follow us on LinkedIn to be the first to know about new events and content! 🚨 The Future of AI in Education: Google and OpenAI Strategies Unveiled By Ben Kornell
Sarah Morin, Alex Sarlin, and Ben Kornell ∙ 10 LIKES
Jacob Kantor

Be fundamentally different, not incrementally better | Jag Duggal (Nubank, Facebook, Google, Quantcast)

Brought to you by: • WorkOS—Modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, free up to 1 million MAUs • Mercury—The powerful and intuitive way for ambitious companies to bank • OneSchema—Import CSV data 10x faster — Jag Duggal is chief product officer at Nubank, a decacorn neobank founded in Brazil. It’s valued at over $30 billion, is bigger than Coinbase, Robinhood, Affirm, and SoFi combined, has 100 million customers (more than Bank of America!) while only operating in three countries in Latin America, and 80% to 90% of its growth comes through word of mouth. Prior to Nubank, Jag was a director of product management at Facebook, a senior vice president at Quantcast, and a product leader at Google. In our conversation, we discuss:
Lenny Rachitsky ∙ 80 LIKES
Colin Brown
1) I want some of that merch! 2) Don't be the lawyer for your hypothesis. Be the judge of it really resonated. 3) Love the Sean Ellis score. If you are going to spend so many calories building something then at least make it something people truly love. 4) Just because you are losing dosen't mean you are (have) lost! So true why do we find that lesson hard to remember.
Thanks for going the extra mile on this one. Jag your commitment to your values shines through thanks for turning up for this episode. Great content. Lenny you are getting better and better at unlocking so much value! Keep it up.

We don't trust you: Google, OpenAI and Instagram Gurus

I'm gonna share what happened in marketing, you don't have to judge it, but I'm gonna judge it. (Friday Review)
Platforms are trying to fix audience’s save and forget problem. TikTok is now promoting your past downloads in FYP. What did IG do? They shared a new post about creating videos over 90 secs, Didn’t they advocate against it? One for Distribution, One for
Jaskaran ∙ 7 LIKES
Bianca Dămoc
Your first point on kids wanting to be creators out of fear of being forgotten...
I think that's the reason we do anything on social media. Not just create. Likes, shares, comments. As if to say, I was here, I saw, I matter, I have opinions.
Dejaih Smith
Loved the copy upgrade for the razor 🪒 “We got your face like chiroprac-tic” #Andre3000stan

Eating Rocks

If the grid goes down, how am I supposed to know how many pebbles to eat?
On May 10, I saw the northern lights in southern Missouri. I didn’t know they were coming. I was on a river sandbar looking for the Milky Way. It was early, so my husband and I were counting stars. It is easy to see stars in a place with no people. A white streak emerged, wider than a strobe and more defined than a galaxy.
Sarah Kendzior ∙ 298 LIKES
John Gontero
Other than because I have been very fortunate in financial matters, I subscribe to make sure I do not miss nuggets like “Eating Rocks”
I do think that many of Ms Kendzior’s fans do enjoy being off the grid for a while, such as the walks my wife and I take along the shores of Maine.
I am often challenged to understand her writings and always love the phrasing ,vocabulary and imagery . But today I knew , or thought I knew, that Sarah made up a great word:”enshittification”. Then I learned it was the 2023 word of the year with a meaning of “systematic decline in quality of online platforms driven by greed”.
Never before have a seen a 4 letter word with prefixes and suffixes with a perfect meaning . I still think Sarah created the word
Erin M
Thank you Sarah! Thank you for caring about your readers. We adore you! You are one of the lights in this darkness, for sure!
P.S. In 1987 I told my high school gym teacher to "eat rocks". I got a detention! He was a jerk and detention was a small price to pay for my Truth bomb.

Let's Just Admit it: The Algorithms Are Broken

I'm begging the tech overlords to let us opt out from their dystopia
Have you tried to get information on a product or service from Google recently? Good luck with that. “Product recommendations broke Google,” declares tech journalist John Herrman, “and ate the Internet in the process.” That sounds like an extreme claim. But it’s painfully true. If you doubt it, just try finding something—anything!—on the dominant search e…
Ted Gioia ∙ 981 LIKES
A.P. Murphy
The solution, at least on an individual basis, is never to use Google and its like.
Use DuckDuckGo for safe and secure searches, not Google.
Use VPNs and/or Tor to surf, so your data doesn't get trawled.
At the very least use an Adblock addon for your browser, plus apps to block unwanted scripts.
Never use streaming services for music or video content - use physical media or torrents.
Buy physical books or use an archive source to DL.
I do all these and I never get spammed with nonsense.
Life is so much more serene this way.
It makes me a pretty poor consumer and probably a bad citizen, true, but I get my stuff done without being bugged by spambots, AI slop or unwanted ads.
Jim Frazee
"We value your privacy." Who hasn't seen this all over internet? Well, it turns out this Orwellian statement is partly true, because sites ARE making money off your privacy. Once an algorithm gets hold of you, it's the gift that keeps on giving.

What happened in marketing: Scary GPT4o & Death of SEO, but rise of CTV + Social AdTech

Reddit is food for AI, Google vs SEO Industry and AdTech dreams at Upfront. 🧃
A lot of banter, rants and everything is happening in marketing. As my newsletter on next Friday isn’t about it. Until then, I suggest reading Bianca Dămoc’s write-up on the SEO drama. Why Join: If you are on your phone, always looking for ideas. Being in Discord Community of 300+ marketers help.
Jaskaran ∙ 11 LIKES
Lauren Gallo
Dude you really are a hero for these!
Carolynne Alexander
Amazing round up again! Thank you.

New Paid Subscriber Benefits

Hey all, Just a quick note to say that I’m starting to offer some new benefits for paid subscribers of To the Bone, and to tell you why. In short, Google just flipped a table on my life last week. With the advent of AI in Google search results, my very business model is now dead man walking: When th…
Hank Shaw ∙ 31 LIKES
Vicky Davis
Hank, that’s my husband’s name too. I would love to be a paid subscriber but on fixed income I have to budget to the max. My husband will celebrate his 100th birthday this October. He married a youngster three years ago I’m in my 80’s.. I do so enjoy your stories and recipes and love eating the wild food that we are blessed with from my son. Mainly venison and fish. I do some foraging but am not able to do as much as I would like. Keep up what you are doing and enjoy your new digs in MN😎🌴
Just a neat trick I learned about how to manage those who sign up just for rewards and then leave: keep an Excel sheet (or Google, whatever) of all paid subscribers with their sign-up date, tier, and time in tier (for those who change tiers but stay subscribed). The particular Patreon page I follow in this case has various rewards pegged to certain pledge levels that ALSO kick in only at certain numbers of months subscribed. As such, they are able to manage both the "redeem and churn" crowd, plus those who try to game upgrading in the same way (even if you have subscribed for X months, you don't get the higher-tier reward just for one month at the higher tier, you still need to put in time at the higher tier, though you still get cumulative credit for all of those rewards even if you downgrade later). The guy here periodically goes in and audits the list to catch up on missed reward disbursements (he ships a couple times a year but somebody always falls through), and culls those who no longer qualify.
There may of course be similar CRM-ish tools included with Substack on your admin console that I am not aware of, but wanted to share the tip!
It's a bit of work, but the basic idea I think is pretty sound for the issue you describe!

AI: Could the next generation of OpenAI and Google AI Agents be financial?

OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, and Google provided an update on its Project Astra.
Hi Fintech Futurists — Today we highlight the following: AI: The Next Generation of AI Agents with Google's Project Astra and OpenAI's GPT-4o LONG TAKE: Temenos launches AI and FIS does Banking-as-a-Service, acquiring innovation PODCAST: Building Artificial Intelligence we can trust using ZK Proofs, with EZKL CEO Jason Morton
Farhad Huseynli ∙ 8 LIKES

What is the most urban state?

Distinguishing urban from rural areas isn’t so simple.
A truck. An American flag. A gas station and convenience store named Appalachian Market — so-called because it literally sits along the Appalachian Trail. Any guesses as to where we are? Somewhere in rural Tennessee or West Virginia? No, folks. We’re in the big city! According to the Census Bureau, this …
Nate Silver ∙ 104 LIKES
John Dvorak
Nate, small nit, but Garrison is an excellent commuter town with the train station that goes right into the city. West Point is right across the river, and the Garrison stop is the preferred mode for cadets on pass traveling to the city.
Justin David Henry
The Wisconsin-Minnesota difference is an interesting one, with Milwaukee’s demise versus the Twin Cities’ growth an interesting divergence correlating/causing very different political and economic fates.

Last Week in AI #271: Multimodal AI from Google and OpenAI, OpenAI's superalignment team disbanded, NHTSA investigates Waymo, and more!

Both OpenAI and Google announced real-time vision/voice AI assistants, OpenAI's superalignment team leads resign, NHTSA investigates Waymo among other self-driving companies
Top News Project Astra is the future of AI at Google Google's Project Astra, a real-time, multimodal AI assistant, is the future of AI at Google, according to Demis Hassabis, the head of Google DeepMind. Revealed at Google I/O, Astra can identify objects, answer questions, and assist with tasks in a conversational manner. The project is part of Google's G…
Last Week in AI ∙ 13 LIKES

7 Tips to Crush Your Onboarding from An Apple Staff Engineer

Guest post by Staff Engineer at Apple, Akash Mukherjee
Hi everyone 👋, Jordan here. I’m excited to feature Akash Mukherjee , Staff Engineer at Apple and author of Leadership Letters, a newsletter growing you into a better leader in < 10 minutes each week. Akash onboarded at Apple one year ago and Google before that. He’s made mistakes that
Jordan Cutler and Akash Mukherjee ∙ 109 LIKES
Werner Drasche
since I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in the article, the original artist for the brain comic (https://www.instagram.com/p/CgyShBxusuM/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is Hannah Hillam. You might want to check her Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/hannahhillam/
Junaid Effendi
Good one 😊

3 Quick Privacy Tips

Easy steps you can take immediately to beef up your privacy.
This week’s short sketch looks at 3 easy steps you can take to beef up your privacy. It’s aimed at beginners, and providing basic first steps they can take to improve their privacy online. These are products and services that I use, but if you have other recommendations please share them with the community in the c…
NBTV Media ∙ 13 LIKES
Brian F
Andrew Pearce
All good advice, thank you, and I'm pleased to see that I've already implemented similar choices myself.
What I don't understand though is why you link people to YouTube for your excellent "The Most PRIVATE Search Engine" video when you also have the content on the much more privacy-focussed Rumble: https://rumble.com/vzql5k-the-most-private-search-engine-2021.html
To help everyone, here's a link to your excellent Rumble channel, with well over 600 videos going back over a 10 year period: https://rumble.com/c/NaomiBrockwellTV
Thanks for everything you do and share, Naomi, like countless others I'm learning a lot from you.

🌶️ 7 ways to spice up Google Slides

Wonder Tools | Easy new ways to strengthen your presentations 🪩
Summary: Strengthen your Google Slides with new templates that make presentations look better, plug-ins that add interactivity, and AI to help draft decks quickly. For even more polished presentations, pick from six of the best alternatives to GSlides. 🪩
Jeremy Caplan ∙ 17 LIKES

Another Flag for Alito

Don't Despair, Vote
My God. Tonight, more reporting from Jodi Kantor, joined by Aric Toler and Judy Tate at The New York Times, on Justice Alito’s flag-flying practices. It turns out that in the summer of 2023, the Alitos flew an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at their summer beach house in New Jersey. The Times reports that “Three photographs … along with accounts from a half-do…
Joyce Vance ∙ 2691 LIKES
Tasmin Gardner
Thank you Joyce. We cannot give up, no matter how high the hurdles seem. I believe women will lift Biden to victory, and hopefully, give Dems the wins they need to win the House and d Senate. Then, we can clean house!!
The following are extracts from the Code of Conduct that binds all federal judges in the U.S. except those on the Supreme Court, which has refused to adopt the Code.
Samuel Alito has crossed the line on the prohibitions below, with emphasis in Canon 5 on his overt endorsement of Donald Trump and his claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him.
Code of Conduct for United States Judges:
An independent and honorable judiciary is indispensable to justice in our society. A judge should maintain and enforce high standards of conduct and should personally observe those standards, so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary may be preserved.
Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired.
C. Disqualification. (1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, including but not limited to instances in which: (a) the judge has a personal bias or prejudice concerning a party, or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceeding;
Canon 5: A Judge Should Refrain From Political Activity A. General Prohibitions. A judge should not: (1) make speeches for a political organization or candidate, or publicly endorse or oppose a candidate for public office;

I gave up my $800k/yr Google AI job for the hope of having a baby.

My epic burnout and gentle healing. My ten-year struggle for a miracle baby. And an argument for why the AI revolution means we should trust our instincts and follow our dreams.
CW: infertility, mental illness, trauma, childbirth. Three years before I quit Google, my income tax statement showed a number I thought I was dreaming. I'd recently gotten divorced and promoted to L6, so, high on freedom, I bought a three-bedroom house right across from a park in Redwood City, all cash.
Aditi ∙ 35 LIKES
Kathy Brennan
Wow, thank you for sharing your story. I'm one of those lower-level UXRs . . . . I can't tell you how much I appreciate your honesty.
Mary Caulfield
Wow! I still remember you as the hopeful, creative undergrad I met nearly 20 years ago. What an amazing story you have had and how beautifully you tell it! It seems to me that you have discovered true success by being able to reflect on your experiences, change course, and find what's meaningful at every stage.

Everything Is Connected

Trump Is Destroying the Globalist Plan
This feature is a follow-up to ‘The Difference Between Friend and Foe.’ Pakistan wasn’t just a safe haven for terrorists and heroin trafficking in Afghanistan. It was also a safe haven for nuclear proliferation around the world. All of it was a CIA operation, and it was purposeful.
Joe Lange ∙ 271 LIKES
Excellent dig on Armenia, Joe. It aligns with what I have been tracking. Great work!
Sarah (Pippi)
Holy cow!!! What a drop!!!! Thank you!

The traffic impact of AI Overviews

An analysis of 1,675 keywords shows AIOs could reduce organic clicks
A warm welcome to 115 new Growth Memo readers who joined us since last week! Join the ranks of Amazon, Microsoft, Google and 12,500 other Growth Memo readers:
Kevin Indig ∙ 18 LIKES
Barry Adams
Great analysis dude. And perfectly timed as I’m presenting on this on Wednesday - I’ll definitely be citing you!
Salvador Lorca
I wrote about this article of yours, which I liked: