
The past few days have been funny. Not funny, haha, but strange and kind of detached from reality - whatever that is in 2023.

On Thursday we had a meeting with a potential studio client which lasted all day - wine, local bread, cheese and tomatoes were consumed.

Travelling around the whole of Santerém (the region where we live) trying to find an environmentally sound, cool-looking Christmas tree; working on the next series of diary articles about the tour; programming the podcast for recording tonight; still sorting shit hanging around from the massive UK trip.

We did however have a break last night and went to Alcochetano - our favourite fish place in Alcochete for dinner where Daniel, the head chef bought all our back catalogue on CD and then onto Bar do Concelho in Samora Corriea for drinks.

Today though I am going to try and write something and play guitar.

The image is my wife -

- from the multimedia presentation at the Met in Bury, UK and reminds us what we are really supposed to be doing.

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2:31 PM
Nov 18, 2023