
The other day I got an orange Bible in the mail. (See picture below)

It was purchased from I picked up this Bible because I wanted something special to jot down my prayers, highlight meaningful passages, and make notes in.

I hope to pass it on to one of my boys someday. I want them to see my faith journey, understand how much I love Jesus, and feel my desire for them to follow Him too. I want them to see my struggles, my heartfelt prayers, my dreams inspired by God, and my everyday walk with the Lord.

As I start using this new Bible the word legacycomes to mind and I can’t help but ask myself, “What kind of legacy do I want to leave?

You could ask yourself the same question.

Being a dad to four boys is a big responsibility, and I take it very seriously. Raising them to be good men is something I’m deeply committed to. And if you’re in a position to leave a legacy for your children—whether they’re your own, adopted, or kids you’re guiding as a mentor—you should approach it with the same dedication.

What does the Bible have to say about leaving a legacy?

The Bible has some great advice on how to leave a meaningful legacy, focusing on faith, character, and the impact we have on future generations.

Here are a few key points:

  • Faith and Instruction: Deuteronomy 6:6-7 encourages parents to teach their children about God's commands, highlighting the importance of passing down faith and values.

  • Righteousness: Proverbs 13:22 mentions that a good person leaves an inheritance for their grandchildren, emphasizing that living a righteous life benefits not just our immediate family but future generations too.

  • Example and Influence: Hebrews 11 tells the stories of biblical figures whose faith left a lasting legacy. Their lives inspire others to trust in God and strive for righteousness.

  • Acts of Kindness: Galatians 6:9-10 urges us to do good and be generous, suggesting that our actions can create a legacy of kindness and love that echoes beyond our lifetime.

  • Eternal Perspective: Matthew 6:19-21 talks about storing treasures in heaven, implying that our legacy is not just about material wealth but also spiritual impact, affecting our eternal destiny and that of others.

Leaving a legacy according to the Bible means living a life grounded in faith, sharing wisdom, and positively influencing those who come after us to love and follow Jesus!

So, as I mark up this orange Bible I’m doing so to leave a legacy that honors God and points my boys to Jesus.

It’s so easy to think leaving a legacy is more about your earthly reputation—no, I care too much about my boys to only leave them with a legacy that will just burn up someday.

There are two things eternal in this world: people and God’s Word.

My boys will spend eternity somewhere—I’m going to do all I can to make sure that somewhere is with Jesus!

Nothing else matters more than the souls of people. Leaving a legacy that impacts THAT—yeah, now that is something of great importance!

That’s a legacy.

So, what kind of legacy do you want to leave?

1 reply
1 Restack
3:36 PM
Sep 20, 2024