Friends from USA, be sure that Ukrainians understand very well that Trump does not speak for all of America.
We see the millions who stand with us. We hear your voices, your outrage, your massive support. We know your hearts burn just as fiercely as ours.
And that is why we do not lose hope.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
JD/Trump are thugs. And this ambush of Zelensky at the White House will do deep damage to Ukraine, to our allies and to the U.S.
Openly ridiculing and demeaning a man who has kept his country alive for three years against all the odds is a national embarrassment and runs counter to our own security interests. But they could care less that Ukraine was invaded by Russia — the second biggest military power on the planet — led by a ruthless dictator willing to sacrifice soldiers and civilians by th…
It’s hard to take Bezos seriously when his logo looks like a pen^s with Peyronie’s disease. (Wait, you thought that was a smile?) I really feel for all the good reporters and staff there, but clearly he’s looking for even fewer subscribers and business. Happy to oblige.
Jeff Bezos’ decision to unilaterally regulate the WP OP-ED column is exactly why I CANCELLED my subscription. How frightening and troubling for democracy and freedom of the press, when one very rich oligarch can compromise a Pulitzer Prize and once great newspaper. Jeff Bezos lacks the courage of a Katherine Graham, who stood up and spoke truth to power no matter the cost to her, or her paper.
JD/Trump are thugs. And this ambush of Zelensky at the White House will do deep damage to Ukraine, to our allies and to the U.S.
Openly ridiculing and demeaning a man who has kept his country alive for three years against all the odds is a national embarrassment and runs counter to our own security interests. But they could care less that Ukraine was invaded by Russia — the second biggest military power on the planet — led by a ruthless dictator willing to sacrifice soldiers and civilians by th…