If you missed the news yesterday, the 538 at Disney era is over. Mostly, I just want to express my sympathy for the staff, which was full of highly conscientious people. Then there’s some discussion here about our short- and long-term plans for the newsletter. I hope the spirit of 538 lives on between Silver Bulletin and other news outlets.
About those “transgender mice”. Yes, it turns out it isn’t a lie. They have been spending millions to test the effect of cross-sex hormones on mice.
Now ask yourself one question: how many medical experiments are carried out on humans before they have even been tested on mice? Now remember the humans are CHILDREN. This is the most grotesq…
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Awwwww…….Poor Sam Alito is “stunned” that the Supreme Court actually acted like a co-equal branch of government for a change, ruling against Trump/DOGE freezing already allotted USAID funds. Or maybe he’s just pissed because he works for the executive branch. In any case, this has the makings of a true constitutional crisis (in his fever…
The FIRE rankings are based on the largest survey ever conducted of student opinion on the free speech atmosphere on their campuses. It also factors in the largest database ever assembled of professor cancellations, student cancellations, campus speech codes, deplatformings, and other threats to campus expression. There has never been an
Only a person without any character strengths would find empathy to be a weakness. This is about running. This is not about running.
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How did the MAGA online right start comparing Ukraine soldiers to “literal Nazis?”
Douglas Murray argues it is because “Biden, Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, and every other hated left-wing ‘globalist’ was shimmying up to Zelensky.” thefp.pub/41GVdcW
It’s fun to watch JD Vance stand up every 30 seconds or so and applaud like a trained chimp. He’s not terribly smart, but he is very nimble! But if anyone’s seen Vance’s soul, please report it to the lost’and’found. He needs something to resell after already selling his ass to Trump/Peter Thiel.
I do feel sorry for Elon, though, having to sit through this boring speech. He could be doing something more useful right now, like firing more food safety inspectors or siring more illegitimate children. What a waste.
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Trump Wants to Use the IRS to Track Down Immigrants. They May Stop Paying Taxes.
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A $20 Billion Slush Fund—Paid by You to Progressive Nonprofits
It appears the billions didn’t revitalize anything—except the coffers of a range of environmental nonprofits associated with former Obama and Biden administration officials.
Joe Thuney was a machine when the Chiefs needed one... now what?
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I want to ask all those who favor the transing of children on this site simply to tell me what they would say to this young woman.
Do you care that she exists? That this is still going on? Or do you think of this person’s life as necessary collateral damage in the gender revolution?
Here’s a long newsletter for you. With some thoughts about Twitter — why it’s been in decline, though not a sudden one — and why I don’t expect anything else to come along to fully replace it.
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“The move to suspend aid to Ukraine came on top of other Kremlin-friendly steps recently taken by the U.S. The Trump administration has also been considering lifting sanctions imposed against Russia for its brutal all-out war against Ukraine.”
A reminder: Vladimir Putin could end the war in Ukraine right now, just by ordering his soldiers to go home. No need for treaties or negotiations.
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Bobby can’t turn this ship 180 degrees overnight. This will require time and political acumen. So drop the circular firing squad/purity spiral and virtue signaling nonsense.
A Canadian politician called on Justin Trudeau to bar comedian Michael Rapaport from entering the country for a few gigs—simply because he supports the existence of a Jewish state. Rapaport responded by offering her front row seats.
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When The New Republic ran a cover story on trans rights (long after my time there), Bill Kristol’s Weekly Standard, which used to run a weekly parody page of something in the media, merely reprinted the TNR cover without any change at all - with the mocking title: “Not A Parody”. For Kristol, trans rights were literally laughable.
NEW EPISODE drops in just a few hours so spend your time waiting by listening to the latest episode of Coach Bennett’s Podcast! podcasts.apple.com/us/p…
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Was walking my kids to school today and wasn’t paying attention to the ground as I crossed the street. Stepped on something squishy going through the intersection. “Nooo… not dog poop,” I thought. Good news: it was not dog poop. Bad news: It was a freshly killed rat and my foot had just squarely squished its guts out onto the street. I jumped up and down for about 2 minutes in full recoil mode. My worst nightmare come true. Baltimore, man.
President Trump shouldn’t tolerate Andrew Tate. MAGA is a big tent. But it’s not big enough for an alleged human trafficker who brags about beating women.
The Democrats unanimously back an obviously unfair policy opposed by 80 percent of Americans and a majority of their own voters. Why? Because a few super-woke mega-rich “queer” donors and their foundation-funded orgs control the entire joint. They control every Dem Senator.
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Doing a live convo with Mehdi Hasan at 5 on the app.
Also, given today’s abject retreat on tariffs, I think Sheinbaum should demand that Texas become Mexico’s 32nd state
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Normally, idiots’ bad ideas don’t get implemented, and then they get to sit back and say “You shoulda done it my way!” It looks like this time around might be different.
Difficult night at the Westfalenstadion. After a strong first half, Dortmund just completely ceded control of the game to Lille in the second half. Kovac made a number of changes to the team that played so well at the weekend. In hindsight it seemed to really limit Dortmund. Especially in attack.
The Gegenpressing Extra Podcast
Champions League reaction: Dortmund frustrate in 1-1 draw with Lille
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -6:01
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"I’d say this isn’t a productive way for an opposition party to behave, but I also see the behavior as mostly symptomatic of the unenviable position the Democrats are in... they’ve lost normal control of messaging, and are grasping for some sort of way to break through."
With the Libertarian National Committee meeting three hours from now, it’s critical to contact the LNC and let them know that you want to see full discovery in the derivative lawsuits.
Libertarian Party Prospects for 2025: It Starts With Discovery
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EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Grandma Arrested by Scotland’s Speech Police
Rose Docherty, 74, was taken into custody last month for violating Britain’s censorship laws. She tells The Free Press: “I’m an elderly woman. What are they afraid of?”
Color me easily impressed. But I’m surprised Speaker Mike Johnson could speak clearly enough to bounce Rep. Al Green from the chamber with Trump’s cock planted so firmly in his mouth. A talented man!
Would like to dedicate this love song by another Al Green to Mike Johnson and his one true love, Trump’s schwantz:
Just one of many signs that Elon Musk is consigning countless children to death. And doesn’t give a flying fuck. It’s truly staggering the level of sociopathy in this man.
Trimming USAID of fat and DEI is one thing. Throwing all of it away - with no warning, no transition, no care - is indecent and insane.
Confident people don’t lie. And confidence is all about acknowledging your own accomplishments, achievements and abilities. I guess that means liars at least know the truth. And the truth is that liars know they haven’t accomplished all that much. Which is why they try to convince you they have. This is about running. This is not about running.
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