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Hey Friends, I’m here of Substack, and here is why I decided to leave MSNBC and go 100% independent with all my content.

Substack Launch: Let's do this!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️

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You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Five Points roundabout timing update. The Y will be "fully operational" today. And an update on efforts to replenish the City reservoir.

I'm sorry, but I'll be the one to say it: JASMINE CROCKETT needs to be Speaker of the House. I'm done with these Democrats giving the same nonchalant answers. We are losing our democracy. We need leaders who arent SCARED! Like if you agree with me.

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Spoiler alert: I wasn’t nice to him.


30 Replies
63 Restacks
Feb 27
7:18 PM

We are Americans! Soooo yer going to move to the hood on the south side of Chicago? 😂. Ever been a cracka or gringo serving time with the. “POC”? 😜😘😂.

A-holes come in all colors and nationalities. But most people are decent human beings…..

Totally disagree with you. But don’t block me. I still love you! 😘

And I disagree with you and no I won’t block you! 😘

Aaaww! Yer so different from many “conservatives” who will say they’re against “cancel culture” and for “free speech” bashing progressives for being in an “echo chamber” but as soon as you disagree with them about anything they’ll block you , cyberstalk, trying to get you banned from social media, especially when it comes to cop worship, race mixing, criticizing Israel, Jews, Zionism, mens rights, etc.

I’m not a ❄️. Too “old” for that kind of silliness…..😌

Indeed. . .but we are more than just americans. . . we're hueman 🤟🏿✊🏾.

A planet wide species of beings. . .not to be divided by the imaginary boarders created by the “elite” class in order to make us see each other as enemies. . .and therefore easier to control, manipulate and destroy 🤟🏿✊🏾.

Exactly! The “e-lites” can go to h3ll and stay there and leave the rest of us alone!

Sad thing putting “Americans” in front of those words is one of the most racist things possible. By stating You are Americans, you are claiming to be an instigator of some of the most racist events in history. Check out a few of these.

  1. The genocide of native Americans,

  2. The Chinese exclusion act.

  3. Abraham Lincolns’ setting aside finances to deport any and all freed slaves out of the USA.

  4. The so-called interment camps for Japanese.

  5. The terrible treatment of Irish and Italians in early US.

Well, we need to learn from history and not make the mistakes that were made then….

I do agree. And one the biggest mistakes was trusting the USA that committed all those crimes. Hopefully we will learn not to support it.

Pity you live in the most racist country on the planet. We know the majority don't care about race but media think you guys are boring, they want the idiots and butthurt Americans to jump on the rascist train. And they always get viral attention from predominantly Americans, so the cycle continues.

It's not about American racism for me,…

Well, you certainly are a Debbie Downer and I beg to differ when it comes to Americans. They are for the most part wonderful people and most are not racist……

Anne marie. I apologize i just scanned your profile and your safe. You don't know the big picture so you don't understand the racism propaganda agenda. Not your fault.

It’s just that saying All Lives Matter is a MAGA statement to counter Black Lives Matter. MAGA people mean that in a racist way. Sadly.

Nope! Absolutely not!

Largely irrelevant I think.

The U.S. government has a consistent 250 year policy of fucking over the natives , whoever the natives happen to be at the time.

Not good news for the natives , whatever color ( s ) they happen to be.

Ever since the Declaration of Independence it has been great propaganda, though , I'll grant you that.

Whatever that is worth.

I reckon it's worth less than painting me as the bad guy.

Well, we need to learn from history and not make the mistakes that were made then….


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Pretty accurate sum.