Whatever it is that allows one to watch that speech and analyze it in any serious way is something I just don’t have.
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This is just the sort of pretentiousness I absolutely abhor from the literary world. You can’t choose ONE piece that you deem worthy? Not ONE piece out of the thousands that you received—likely from far better writers than these “editors” themselves?
Traditional lit mags need to die. Stop giving these absolute incompetents your money and…
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God knows you completely—your struggles, your fears, your hopes—and He walks with you through it all. His mercy is never exhausted, His grace never runs dry. Even in the silence, He is there, drawing you closer. You are known. You are loved. You are never alone.
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Truly staggering to read a piece about the trans issue today which DOES NOT EVEN MENTION the two core areas of disagreement - unfairness in sports, protection of women in intimate spaces and prisons, and medical experiments on children with gender dysphoria. Just pure propaganda and lies. Using the history of marriage equality to defend …
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Tom Wolfe thought brain scans marked the death of the soul. Not so much, as @SpencerKlavan (no relation) explains in "The Fractals Declare the Glory of God," at the New Jerusalem.
I’m on Substack! When we started posting on social media I spent a lot more time writing than I do today. There has been a shift towards shorter captions, shorter videos, fast moving frames, etc. I’ve been craving a place to slow the pace a little bit, get back to writing, pondering, discussing, sharing different photos, recip…
C.S. Lewis said somewhere that Protestants look at Catholics and see an overgrown jungle—”What is all this stuff?” Catholics look at Protestants and see a barren desert—”Where is everything?”
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JUST IN: Give me a Thumbs-Up 👍, if you support Elon Musk and DOGE auditing EVERY SINGLE Gov. Agency that wastes YOUR tax dollars.
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You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
The Democrats unanimously back an obviously unfair policy opposed by 80 percent of Americans and a majority of their own voters. Why? Because a few super-woke mega-rich “queer” donors and their foundation-funded orgs control the entire joint. They control every Dem Senator.
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A $20 Billion Slush Fund—Paid by You to Progressive Nonprofits
It appears the billions didn’t revitalize anything—except the coffers of a range of environmental nonprofits associated with former Obama and Biden administration officials.
King George III was sitting pretty for a portrait. He asked his Pennsylvania painter, Benjamin West, what General Washington planned to do after having successfully defended the independence of the American states.
“They say he will return to his farm,” West replied.
“If he does that,” the King responded, “he will be the greatest man in …
One more thing about AI. Psalm 115 has this chilling line about people who make idols--wooden or stone images that look human on the outside but have no sentience on the inside. Eyes have they but see not, ears have they but hear not, and those who make them shall become like them. At least, that's how it's typically translated.
Well, after spending some time among these doofuses who think AI can do their reading or write their papers for them, I suddenly realized: in the Hebrew, that line can …
The best thing my parents ever did for me was NOT affirming my transgender identity. From ages 12-24 I hated them for it. I thought they stood in the way of me becoming my ‘true, authentic self.’
In reality I was a brainwashed kid and my parents were my protectors. I love you, mom & dad.
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A Canadian politician called on Justin Trudeau to bar comedian Michael Rapaport from entering the country for a few gigs—simply because he supports the existence of a Jewish state. Rapaport responded by offering her front row seats.
I learned last night that my wife is at the stage of pregnancy where she turns on Alvin and the Chipmunks’ “You had a bad day” as a joke, and then actually starts crying to it
You haven’t really experienced the full benefits of multilingualism until you’re reading a fat book and realize that you understand all four languages in question.
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I’m looking to speak to women who are emotionally attached to/in love with AI companions. If you know me and my work, then you already know my style—observational and nonjudgmental. Please share widely!
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talked to my friend and colleague Jordan Castro about his writing and way of thinking about culture. What Jordan says in this interview encapsulates much of what the
EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Grandma Arrested by Scotland’s Speech Police
Rose Docherty, 74, was taken into custody last month for violating Britain’s censorship laws. She tells The Free Press: “I’m an elderly woman. What are they afraid of?”
Disappointing, but not all that surprising that a bunch of Substackers & podcasters who built huge audiences between 2020-24 for being brave anti-establishment truth-tellers can't bring themselves to criticise the establishment now that it's changed hands.
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Thomas Sowell deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom, if for only one reason: his courage.
I had a front row seat in the late 1980’s culture wars and saw how vicious the liberal response to my father, Shelby Steele, was when he spoke his mind freely. He was told he wasn’t black, was called a race traitor, and lost everything from jo…
This is terrific. Maybe his next adventure is having lunch with Patrick Bateman *
* Not to ever compare you with Bret Easton Ellis, one of America's worst authors . From the title, I thought Less Than Zero was going to be a brutal self evaluation of his nearly non-existent writing talent. It wasn't. Turned out to be just another turgid exercise in hysterical minimalism.