Stephen Goetz 

Retired supply chain executive and life long Democrat.
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We all should be. These jackasses need to be reminded who they are really working for.

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The Democrats are a bunch of weak kneed cowards. En Masse they should have exited the House Chamber on Tuesday night when one Rep was escorted out.

And ping pong 🏓 paddles? That’s the best they can do ?

Gimme a break. Trump smells fear and cowardice like a bloodhound looking for a steak 🥩. He’s a bully and all bullies are essentially weak. Don’t the Democrats realize this? Use every parliamentary trick you can. And hit him back hard publicity-wise. Time to fight (loud and clear) for once.

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Fascism here isn’t just a possibility. It isn’t just something we have to guard against.

E. Loon, who fancies himself as a James Bond movie supervillain, and nazis like stephen miller and many others, have succeeded in completely taking over the U.S. government, military, justice department, law enforcement, and the “supreme” court.

As for trump…he’s just their “useful idiot”, a figurehead, worshiped by breathtakingly stupid people who needed his permission to act out on their feelings of inadequ…