
The app for independent voices

Hey Friends, I’m here of Substack, and here is why I decided to leave MSNBC and go 100% independent with all my content.

Substack Launch: Let's do this!

The media asking Zelenskyy if he wants to apologize to Trump is everything wrong with the media. They should be asking if Trump wants to apologize to Zelenskyy. Most Americans are humiliated at the trash behavior by Trump and JD in the Oval.

Did anyone else see the horrific display in the Oval Office last Friday as a ritual exercise in male domination? I don’t want to insult great apes, but I’ve seen similar performances at the zoo. Trump and Vance sought to humiliate Zelensky, treating him with the same disrespect they treat … well, women.

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Five Points roundabout timing update. The Y will be "fully operational" today. And an update on efforts to replenish the City reservoir.

There’s nothing wrong with Billionaires having billions. There is something inherently wrong with billionaires cutting your benefits, and help to the poor through USAID, and running around with a chainsaw giggling.

You can have power or billions. But we refuse to be an oligarchy

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How to brainwash your mind in next 7 days:

  1. Wake up and don't look at your phone for 1 hour.

  2. Drink 3 litres of water every day.

  3. Do your most important task in the morning.

  4. Exercise at least 1 hour per day.

  5. Replace social media with knowledge books.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️

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Regardless of RFK Jr being confirmed as HHS secretary, I will continue to provide evidence based health education on social media. We need more helpers now more than ever.

I wish every living former U.S. President would stand up, hold a press conference, and tell the world Trump’s treatment of Zelensky is not right. Who’s with me?

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Trump and Vance beclowned themselves in their meeting with Zelenskyy. They came across as weak, petty little bullies. Zelenskyy’s position will now be strengthened around the globe while America continues to sink further and further into disrepute.

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Most people will do anything to avoid being alone with their thoughts. They drown themselves in entertainment, distractions, mindless scrolling. They're running from themselves. But solitude is where the strongest minds are forged. Learn to be alone. It's a superpower.

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With recommendations, referrals, and a powerful growth network, Substack creators spend less time on marketing and more time on their craft.

Who still owns a physical Bible? 👀

I woke up this morning with a heart full of gratitude.

We are building a movement that will usher independent media into a brighter future. Thank you for everything. We are just getting started.

No more billionaires. No more dictating what we say or write. It’s time for independence. Full stop.

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Marketing isn’t all on your shoulders. More than 50% of all new free subscriptions and 25% of paid subscriptions come from within our network.

Let's Keep Showing Up

"How dare Zelensky not wear a suit in the Oval Office!"

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

I encourage everyone interested in America’s place in the world to read this — extraordinary analysis and presentation of the facts. Also, I just donated to one of the charities he lists at the end. I think it would be a good idea for as many of as possible to do the same, send a powerful message that we, the American people, stand with Ukraine and democracy against Putin and tyranny.

The War Trump Chooses
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L’eccessiva prudenza non ti protegge, ti imprigiona.

Alla fine, non saranno i tentativi falliti a tormentarti, ma le occasioni che non hai colto, le idee che non hai avuto il coraggio di seguire, i passi che non hai osato fare. Non smettere mai di metterti in gioco, anche quando sembra che il rischio sia troppo grande o la ricompensa troppo lontana.

Ogni tentativo è una dichiarazione all’Universo: ci sei, stai vivendo, stai crescendo. E questo, in fondo, è tutto ciò che conta.

Un giorno ti guarderai indietro e realizzerai che le cose più ordinarie — una risata a tavola, un abbraccio distratto, il suono della voce di qualcuno a cui vuoi bene — erano, in realtà, le più straordinarie. Erano il centro di tutto. I momenti migliori della vita sono spesso nascosti nei dettagli, in quegli attimi fugaci che condividi con le persone a cui tieni di più. Sono proprio questi frammenti, apparentemente insignificanti, a comporre il mosaico della felicità. Non lasciarli scivolare via senza accorgertene.

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Riflettere eccessivamente ti porta a inventare problemi che non esistono, a costruire barriere invisibili tra chi sei e chi desideri essere.

Le vere occasioni, quelle che possono cambiare il corso della tua vita, ti spingeranno sempre fuori dalla tua zona di comfort. Non puoi afferrarle senza provare il disagio che ogni passo verso l'ignoto comporta. Valuta la situazione, certo, ma poi agisci.

La paura non indica che stai sbagliando: è la prova che stai crescendo.