
As I was looking for a new job opportunity a few days ago, I was reading a novel in which the heroin was a writer working at home - rings some bells, here - working on a freelance platform called Fiverr. I didn’t know it so I went to check if it was real and, as it was, thought that I was going to take a chance on it.

Next day, I read a note on Substack mentioning Fiverr. I smile for I know that’s one of the Universe’s nudges and I’m going to follow it.

Last night, I woke up at 03:33 and, as I like to think that mirror hours are messages from my guides, I go and check it after my meditation. The first article I open has only one recurring ad on it: Fiverr! And the signification of the mirror hour was “a divine alignment of events in your life”.

As I rise my eyes from my pad, I look at my clock and it shows 10:10. I smile and try my luck with the signification of that mirror hour. It says: It announces a big change, a professional success through talent and boldness.

I love my guides! If you want to meet them, go and check my last post!…

1 reply
1 Restack
1:15 PM
May 15, 2024