Despite harsh winter, regional snowfall far below average
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The fundamental problem with progressivism — and I say this as someone who was a leftist for my entire life, until maybe five years ago—is that progressives want there to be a different reality than the one that is, and become angered when confronted with reality, and blame whoever is presenting that reality to them for being the perpetrator of whatever unpleasant or imperfect reality presented.
The conventional wisdom not so long ago was that Trump was either doomed to irrelevance or prison. Now, he's a world-historical figure, ushering in a new era of populist nationalism. The irony is that he wouldn't be playing that role had Democrats not tried to put him in prison.
They Accidentally Made Trump A "World-Historical Figure"
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
BREAKING: The Canadian government just admitted that Covid mRNA “booster” shots significantly increased the odds of death among people who received the “vaccines”.
My oldest daughter used to say she wanted NOTHING to do with God.
Now she’s studying the Bible and sharing the Gospel.
Never stop praying for your kids.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
#Solution: Exclude North Dakota from the newly forming “new” United States of America 🇺🇸 … “Oh! We’ll trade with ‘em just like any other indigenous tribe in North #Amerika. But, no longer will they participate in our form of government.” ~ President Gavin Newsome (D) California 🦅
And close some of the budget deficits. Now tax corporations. They are not people. They just do buybacks with excess cash. Time to say either invest in innovation, your people or capital expenditures like a new factory. CEOs don’t need that kind of money. Ford, while an antisemitic fascist, At least understood that you have to pay a living wage. If people can’t buy your stuff you have no one to sell to.
Don't you need people to lord it over you like feudal times when serfs were socially controlled as well as financially exploited? What's the fun in building large businesses if all you get to do is spend alot but no one else takes notice of you? If the top jobs are the preserve of elite schools with the legacy children and the wealth is handed over without much tax via trusts then America has simply copied the old British monarchical class system give or take a few mavericks like Epsten or Bezo…
So, when the all the billionaires and their government and their politician purchasing Foundations such as the Thiel and JD Vane Superpac Foundation, and the good old Project 2025 Oligarchical Heritage Foundation, and the Muskonazis, and all Felonious Trumpicusians have implemented every sociopathic step to take the USA back to the pre-LBJ, pre-FDR Gilded Aged Jim Crow America, what will they do with the few hundred million impoverished Americans who have no personal savings left because all b…
I will make one addition to this. It’s the democrats and republicans that are responsible. What they plan on doing, is putting us into indentured servitude. The privatized prisons are being built so they can house the workforce in them.
Harris’s proposal would have resulted in sellers increasing the price by however much the subsidy was.
You help first time home buyers by making their pre-qualified mortgage just as good as a cash, no-inspection offer that the REITs use to outcompete first time buyers