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This is just the sort of pretentiousness I absolutely abhor from the literary world. You can’t choose ONE piece that you deem worthy? Not ONE piece out of the thousands that you received—likely from far better writers than these “editors” themselves?
Traditional lit mags need to die. Stop giving these absolute incompetents your money and…
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I’ve seen other people try this, so I figured I’d give it a go.
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Truly staggering to read a piece about the trans issue today which DOES NOT EVEN MENTION the two core areas of disagreement - unfairness in sports, protection of women in intimate spaces and prisons, and medical experiments on children with gender dysphoria. Just pure propaganda and lies. Using the history of marriage equality to defend …
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Tom Wolfe thought brain scans marked the death of the soul. Not so much, as @SpencerKlavan (no relation) explains in "The Fractals Declare the Glory of God," at the New Jerusalem.
Hi Friends,
I’m on Substack! When we started posting on social media I spent a lot more time writing than I do today. There has been a shift towards shorter captions, shorter videos, fast moving frames, etc. I’ve been craving a place to slow the pace a little bit, get back to writing, pondering, discussing, sharing different photos, recip…
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Finished Catch-22. The last time I read it I was a senior in high school. For awhile it was my favorite novel.
Second time around as a middle-aged man, enjoyed it. The Marx Brothers-esque patter was funny for sure, but I got tired of it after awhile.
Having 20 years of real world experience with dealing with bureaucracy made the novel all the more painfully hilarious.
I wrote a paper when I was a senior on Milo Minderbinder. Still think he’s my favorite character in the book. Just a fascinating…
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Trump laid the perfect trap tonight at the State of the Union.
Show America Democrats won't applaud anything. Make them commit to the bit.
Fill the speech with heroes, kids with cancer and victims of violent crime.
Cameras on them when not applauding or cheering things most people who are not monsters easily celebrate.
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A $20 Billion Slush Fund—Paid by You to Progressive Nonprofits
It appears the billions didn’t revitalize anything—except the coffers of a range of environmental nonprofits associated with former Obama and Biden administration officials.
King George III was sitting pretty for a portrait. He asked his Pennsylvania painter, Benjamin West, what General Washington planned to do after having successfully defended the independence of the American states.
“They say he will return to his farm,” West replied.
“If he does that,” the King responded, “he will be the greatest man in …
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One more thing about AI. Psalm 115 has this chilling line about people who make idols--wooden or stone images that look human on the outside but have no sentience on the inside. Eyes have they but see not, ears have they but hear not, and those who make them shall become like them. At least, that's how it's typically translated.
Well, after spending some time among these doofuses who think AI can do their reading or write their papers for them, I suddenly realized: in the Hebrew, that line can …
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A Canadian politician called on Justin Trudeau to bar comedian Michael Rapaport from entering the country for a few gigs—simply because he supports the existence of a Jewish state. Rapaport responded by offering her front row seats.
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EXCLUSIVE: Meet the Grandma Arrested by Scotland’s Speech Police
Rose Docherty, 74, was taken into custody last month for violating Britain’s censorship laws. She tells The Free Press: “I’m an elderly woman. What are they afraid of?”
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About 5 paragraphs in, please find a useful roundup of (polarized!) reactions to yesterday’s White House shitshow.
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Thomas Sowell deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom, if for only one reason: his courage.
I had a front row seat in the late 1980’s culture wars and saw how vicious the liberal response to my father, Shelby Steele, was when he spoke his mind freely. He was told he wasn’t black, was called a race traitor, and lost everything from jo…
Bezos never found out that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. Even before that the Chi-coms swapped their Mao jackets for Brooks Brothers and hung the Open For Business sign. Vietnam became a go-to spot for cheap, docile labor in multinational assembly plants. Cuba, and Venezuela try to keep the old red flag aloft, but remain impoverished anachronisms. North Korea is a wild card...and that's about it for the Marxist threat of world domination. Jeff could have read about it in that newspaper he…
Yeah, well, the glorious people’s cause is just biding it’s time! We’re posing as obedient wage slaves, but the vanguard will emerge when the bourgeois least expect it! BTW, I’m going to Trier, the illustrious birthplace of Karl Marx, and I fully expect to come back with a tshirt with his face on it, because that is probably what one does.