Kessie Zhang 🌟 

I share insights from my journey as a data scientist and confidence coach to help ambitious professionals ditch self-doubt, own their value, and grow their career without overwhelm.
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Do You Ever Have a Dream? πŸ’­ How to Find the Courage to Chase Your Dream

🀯 Did you know that staying silent might be holding back your career?

  1. Visibility:

    When you shy away from sharing your ideas and contributions, you're actually hiding your own value from everyone. When it comes to promotion, no one knows why you deserve it.

  2. Opportunities:

    You might complain that opportunities don’t come your way. But by not voicing your thoughts, nobody knows you're ready to open the door to new opportunities for collaboration, leadership roles, and professional development.

  3. Probl…

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Gratitude is not forcing ourselves to be grateful for what we haveβ€”

it’s about recognizing the abundance already within and around us, so we can confidently step into the life and career we truly desire. πŸ’«