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Honoring a REAL President of honor, integrity, and bravery on Presidents Day. 🇺🇦

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A reminder: Vladimir Putin could end the war in Ukraine right now, just by ordering his soldiers to go home. No need for treaties or negotiations.

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This man is the leader of the free world.

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White House correspondent April Ryan reacts to Democratic protests during Trump's speech and Democratic strategist Chuck Rocha explains how Democrats can get the people back on their side.

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️

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  1. You meet a better class of person

  2. It’s not run by the greediest man in the world

  3. I’ve forgotten what this one is

I'm sorry, but I'll be the one to say it: JASMINE CROCKETT needs to be Speaker of the House. I'm done with these Democrats giving the same nonchalant answers. We are losing our democracy. We need leaders who arent SCARED! Like if you agree with me.

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Hi everyone, I have a request for you all.

Please follow my page as much as possible. I get my information directly from my CDC sources some were sadly fired last week, but others remain inside, risking everything to keep me informed about Bird Flu.

I report on Bird Flu, COVID-19, Tuberculosis, Measles, and other infectious diseases.

Stay informed and share for public health awareness.

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Örülök, hogy egyre több olyan spanyol focis írásod van, ahonnan új játékosokról tanulok vagy kevésbé ismerteket mutatsz meg másoknak is.

De van pár csúnya hiba már az elején:

Cádizban, Jerez de la Fronterában - vagy vagy. Az ember nem születik Székesfehérváron, és Dunaújvárosban is.

malagueñói klubhoz - vagy málagai vagy malagueño klub, a kettő együtt olyan mintha egy HSV játékosról azt mondanád, hogy hamburgeri klub. Remélem, építő kritikaként veszed ezt a kommentet. Olvasok tovább.

Hannibal a kapuk előtt #21
Nov 21
7:49 PM