I often wonder why were so hard on ourselves. Trapping feelings and emotions deep within our heart.
Holding on tightly onto mistakes and failures prevent us from seeing the joy in our current circumstances.
How about just for today? We find a place for humility and empathy for others. And while we're at it, let's choose to forgive ourselves.
The other day, while I was working in my garden, a little dog came to visit. First, the little devil went into the garage and then ran into the backyard. I called him a little devil when actually I should've called him a Little cheetah. That sucker, ran the length of our backyard at least 10 times unwilling k to be caught. All I wanted to do was to catch him and read his collar. He was having none of that. After several hours of trying, the little stinker was caught. His name on his collar was. BANDIT. How appropriate
Fortunately, for Little bandit, his owner was thoughtful enough to have him registered with a service that reunites pets with their owners.
Several years ago, our last dog passed on to the rainbow bridge, precious little Coco, one of the sweetest dogs ever. Prior to Coco we have had several dogs, cats and even a rabbit. When we first moved here from California, we realized we were going to have to build a large kennel In the backyard, for our dogs when we went away for a few hours. Little did we know then that after Coco’s passing and even during her time with us, we would host several dogs in that little kennel. In my lifetime, I have been called,The dog lady, the crazy cat lady, walking around the neighborhood with my cat in a stroller, and several other names that I will not mention.
Nine times out of 10 the little rascals have had either chips or collars, identifying them, and their owners.
Of course, every time one would wander Into our yard, I wanted every single one of them. Thankfully, my husband,
put the reins on that idea.
Back to little Bandit . His owner was called. And needless to say, he was excited and grateful that Bandit was safe. Bandit was one of the cutest little dogs I have ever seen. His ears looked like huge butterflies. As he was running in our backyard, I thought with those ears, he could literally fly away. Several hours went by before his owner was able to come and fetch him.
Talk about experiencing pure joy, just reunite a puppy with its owner. The little cheetah, that we were unable initially to capture damn near, jumped into his arms. No more shaking out of fear, just sheer contentment in his owners arms.
Apparently, the owner was not literally the owner. He was supposed to be a caretaker while his girlfriend was out of town.
He was not the one that received the call when bandit was found, she was. Neither one of them were aware that the Little appropriate named dog had dug out of the backyard. Let's just say when she informed him, the relationship may have been a little strained. I felt bad for him as he was trying to do a favor and the little dog had other plans. Got me to thinking,Is bandit jealous of him.
in the end, love won. Bandit is safe at home and everyone had a very happy reunion.
This is Bandit reunited. The owner was kind enough to send us a picture of Bandit safe and comfortable back in his own home.