If you missed the news yesterday, the 538 at Disney era is over. Mostly, I just want to express my sympathy for the staff, which was full of highly conscientious people. Then there’s some discussion here about our short- and long-term plans for the newsletter. I hope the spirit of 538 lives on between Silver Bulletin and other news outlets.
About those “transgender mice”. Yes, it turns out it isn’t a lie. They have been spending millions to test the effect of cross-sex hormones on mice.
Now ask yourself one question: how many medical experiments are carried out on humans before they have even been tested on mice? Now remember the humans are CHILDREN. This is the most grotesq…
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Awwwww…….Poor Sam Alito is “stunned” that the Supreme Court actually acted like a co-equal branch of government for a change, ruling against Trump/DOGE freezing already allotted USAID funds. Or maybe he’s just pissed because he works for the executive branch. In any case, this has the makings of a true constitutional crisis (in his fever…
The FIRE rankings are based on the largest survey ever conducted of student opinion on the free speech atmosphere on their campuses. It also factors in the largest database ever assembled of professor cancellations, student cancellations, campus speech codes, deplatformings, and other threats to campus expression. There has never been an
Only a person without any character strengths would find empathy to be a weakness. This is about running. This is not about running.
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You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
How did the MAGA online right start comparing Ukraine soldiers to “literal Nazis?”
Douglas Murray argues it is because “Biden, Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, and every other hated left-wing ‘globalist’ was shimmying up to Zelensky.” thefp.pub/41GVdcW
It’s fun to watch JD Vance stand up every 30 seconds or so and applaud like a trained chimp. He’s not terribly smart, but he is very nimble! But if anyone’s seen Vance’s soul, please report it to the lost’and’found. He needs something to resell after already selling his ass to Trump/Peter Thiel.
I do feel sorry for Elon, though, having to sit through this boring speech. He could be doing something more useful right now, like firing more food safety inspectors or siring more illegitimate children. What a waste.
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Trump Wants to Use the IRS to Track Down Immigrants. They May Stop Paying Taxes.
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
I live in a tiny mountain community where most residents believe Elon Musk is awesome, Trump will make lives much better, are not concerned about those losing their jobs, they really believe all is already so much better now. They are waiting for cost of living to go down. Actually are so happy to see federal agents fired, have no care that the firings might cause a problem. They believe that Elon is finding billions in fraud. Have no concerns about agency shutdown. AND say they LOVE DEMOCRACY 😳
Today I am a pissed off Canadian... If people would only do their own homework and learn how their government works, who is running their government....but they don't care...there is no excuse for pure ignorance. They hear something and run with it...Living in a small community in this day and age is no excuse....they are just ignorant to want to know.. This just doesn't happen in small communities throughout the United States of America....which as we all know are not united at all...Maybe that is the name that Trump should try to change instead of the Gulf of Mexico This ignorance is rampant throughout the whole country. I just finished reading a comment from a fellow Canadian who was returning home from a cruise to Antarctica. They said an American on the trip found out they were Canadian and starting chanting "51st State, 51st State". That loudmouthed ignorant American was put under cabin arrest until the next day. The ugly thing to me about this was that this comment did not surprise me at all about how this US citizen treated a complete stranger. The ignorance and uneducated assholes in the United States have always been there it's just that they have been given the greenlight to show the world how really ignorant and disgusting they really are. I just chuckle to myself knowing that this ignorant human being probably couldn't recite the existing 50 states, in fact the majority of Americans probably could not. Some don't even know their own capital. Canada is no pushover and if Americans would actually learn their history they would know that. The evil and corruption in the US government is out there for all to see and the cult following it is here to stay. I do not believe that will ever change...the door has been opened. Yes, there will be lots of pushback from the "normal" people but how is it going to continue.....with bloodshed? Honestly the way I feel right now with all the ignorant hate coming from the US towards Canada for NO REASON I say if any country should be building a wall between countries it should be Canada building a wall between Canada and the United States. There is a wall being built right now....tariffs or no tariffs....by the Canadian people against the US. It may not be made of stone but it is building and it will continue to build. When Trump started with the tariffs against my country for NO REASON that hurt...considering he signed the deal between Mexico and Canada it was actually laughable but when he continued to call our Prime Minister "Governor" and Canada to be the 51st State, that was a slap in the face which will NEVER be Forgotten or Forgiven by the people of Canada. The only good thing that came out of this was it showed everyone the LOVE OF COUNTRY Canada has and that it is time to wake up and realize that the US never really respected or gave a shit about Canada or Canadians in the first place. We may be "nice", "polite" and it may take awhile to really get angry but our history has proven how strong we really are.....we just don't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops.....our self esteem is in tact.