
Like I said, I have been raging about the disrespect of smiling and thumbs up at Arlington, as ANC is a very sacred and precious place to me as a military spouse. Had I lost my husband, had he been buried there, had I seen that family stand by his grave like that, I would likely be in jail for assault.

Ironically, I hate violence, and MAGA bring out the worst in everyone.

There are servicemembers and there are dirtbags; MAGA even disgrace their dead. MAGA are SCUM.

I never knew Trump and his fools could stoop so low, but clearly that’s what you get, when you vote for a boastful sexual abuser with his violent thugs.

May the Lord bless and keep MAGA FAR AWAY FROM ME. Literally no words for how disgusted I am. Our Afghanistan exit disaster does NOT justify classless disrespectful entitled narcissistic abuse. No Gold Star earns you the right to disrespect US; Gold Star families generally have more respect for the fallen and the bereaved, not less, but MAGA have a pattern of being obnoxious scumbags.

For the good of our country, MAGA must go, and that family owes the family whose headstone was in view a clear, public, honorable apology. Bet it won’t happen, because in my experience, and in this case, MAGA don’t value their own family as much as they worship that vile brute Trump.

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9:16 PM
Aug 30, 2024