
Leave no room for mediocrity,

Crowd it out with authenticity.

Your world can only hold,

What you choose to pursue.

24 hours in a day

What will you say?

"I’ll spend it like any other,"

Or will you stack up,

Make yourself 1% better,

Every second, every minute, every hour?

Your thinking can transform,

Your methods can change,

Your life can alter,

But only if you decide today.

When you choose greatness over mediocrity,

You’ll pour effort into your work,

You’ll take pride in every endeavor.

Nothing beats a decisive mind,

When you steer yourself in the right direction,

Elevate yourself 1%,

From moment to moment,

Until you go,

From mediocre to great.

1 reply
1 Restack
4:28 AM
Aug 15, 2024