
The power of reciprocation is an unbroken circle,

A force that grows stronger with every act.

Someone touched my heart yesterday,

It was just a moment,

But it sparked my desire to give.

Today, I pass on that spark,

For you to ignite a fire of kindness,

Spread it far beyond what we see.

Who will feel your warmth tomorrow?

The chain of reciprocation is endless,

Connecting hearts across time and distance.

In this web of connection, every touch matters.

Who’s beside you, who’s within your reach?

Extend your hand, offer your heart,

Build bridges where there were none.

Beyond giving and receiving,

You’re creating a network of love and kindness,

Spanning across the world.

Each link you form strengthens the whole,

Binding us together in a tapestry of humanity.

Let your touch be the one that keeps this chain alive,

Prove the power of giving,

The beauty of belonging,

Part of something greater than yourself.

Reciprocation is the rhythm of life,

A pulse that keeps humanity alive.

Give, you fill someone else’s cup,

Give more, you overflow your own.

A mutual love to find purpose,

A reason to keep the world afloat.

Your touch today might be a lifeline,

A push to get someone through darkness.

They, in turn, reach out to another,

Your kindness lives on, multiplied,

Transformed into a wonderful life.

2 Restacks
2:00 PM
Aug 31, 2024