
Each word you choose is

A drop in the ocean of your creation.

Each sentence, a ripple spreading outward,

Forming connections and shaping thoughts.

String those sentences together,

They build paragraphs,

Stronger waves that gather momentum,

Pushing your ideas forward.


Merge those paragraphs,

And they form articles,

Each one a surge of energy,

Contributing to the greater current of your work.


High tide, low tide,

The articles collected,

A force of nature,

To influence, inspire, and transform.


Every word, every sentence, every paragraph,

small actions combining,

To create tidal waves of impact,

Thundering far beyond the initial drop.


Crash the waves of your words

Against the wall of thoughts,

Carve out new landscapes of sea and shore.

An everlasting motion of creation.

The tidal waves ebb and flow,

Carrying your message to distant shores.

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9:35 AM
Sep 1, 2024