
The app for independent voices

Hey Friends, I’m here of Substack, and here is why I decided to leave MSNBC and go 100% independent with all my content.

Substack Launch: Let's do this!

Hey guys. Sorry if you got a notification I had a video up. I opened a blaster of illusions and I somehow recorded it in slow motion making an 8 minute video 49 mins. I feel dumb. I’ll post “my hits” as soon as my daughter wraps up her basketball season. They are currently 0-7. Will they win the final game? I’m taking action on the game now. I’ll have a pod up later for my payers.

I'm hearing great things about this platform and I'm happy to share updates on my work sharing Maryland and the American people here on Substack!

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

After midnight, Aurora exploded into an energetic dance!!!


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For the rest of my life, I will never understand how a country full of people busting their asses, working paycheck to paycheck, allow the fucking richest guy on Earth to call them "parasites" while calling the Social Security we contributed to our entire lives "a Ponzi scheme."


Can endorse! Mauriac isn’t on the level of Proust or Gide but imo he’s better than Evelyn Waugh (a fellow gay Catholic), one of the best 20th century authors I can think of who has for some reason fallen completely off the map. (And Viper’s Tangle, while not 100% typical of his work, is really good.)

Related notes

Someone reposted one of my articles stating that they disagreed with me. A few days later, they became a paid subscriber.

We need this sort of culture in the intellectual world—respecting each other’s ideas even when you disagree with them.

These magazines are like, we'll get back to you about your poem in 8 months. Shit man, my poem isn't that deep. You could probably figure it out in 4.

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You should be able to write a PhD about a specific person, like just choose a random person in the street and follow them around, ‘writing a PhD about them.’ This would be better than writing a PhD about ‘society’ (which is too big to be described), or ‘critical theory’ (which is no longer very interesting).