
“Novalis once said that Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason. Plato, too, understood that Poetry is nearer to vital truth than history. Even the strict rationalist Sigmond Freud was forced to admit that “the poets and philosophers before me discovered the unconscious. What I discovered was the scientific method by which the uncons…

Three Poems to Live By

For all of time, humans had to do hard things to survive.

  • We were constantly exposed to the elements. It was often too cold, too hot, too windy, or too rainy out. The only escape from the weather required hard physical work, such as constructing a shelter or escaping into a cave.

  • We faced hunger often. Early humans didn’t have an abundance…

The Case for Doing Hard Sh*t

Wet? Windy? I can thoroughly recommend snuggling up with the dahlia websites. I had a lot of fun with this, the first of the dahlia collections, inspired by a Murano glass chandelier:

“Around age 60, I finally discovered my ideal role: writing obituaries. I’ve now written more than 1,000 of them for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and other publications. I never tire of exploring how and why people take (or choose?) one path or another in life.” - Obituary writer James Robert Hagerty takes the


This is 68: Obituary Writer James Robert Hagerty Responds to The Oldster Magazine Questionnaire