Schumer showed himself to be a fucking doormat, a quivering little pooch rolling over and showing its soft belly. Comity and bipartisanship? When the other side wants to roll over the top of all that is decent and small-d democratic and get rid of everyone who isn't white and who doesn't immediately kowtow to them? Are you frickin' kidding me? We know from history that appeasement and handwringing DO NOT WORK.
Dems need to grow some balls or ovaries, whichever is appropriate, stand strong and stand tall, every damn day. Loudly and plainly call out how the orange criminal's administration's tactics are supporting its larger fascist and racist goals. Harris would be a good one to start the hit parade. She needs to bring her sharp-tongued ready-to-kick-ass prosecutorial self to the fight, not the nice-lady-you'd-love-to-have-over-for-dinner self.
Oh -- the mainstream media won't cooperate? THEN USE OTHER OUTLETS. Don't know how? Ask AOC, Maxwell Frost, and some folks younger than 40 years old -- they know!
And be ready to start gouging the other side's eyes and kicking them in the groin in the political arena. I am sick and fucking tired of the "Be nice, let's all get back to the status quo" bullshit. We are in a fucking war against the criminals, oligarchs, and christo-fascists for our country.