Contrary to what some in the far-right echo chamber have been saying this week, I have not been silenced. I’m right here folks. And I am ready to get started!
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I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️
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Bezos never found out that the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989. Even before that the Chi-coms swapped their Mao jackets for Brooks Brothers and hung the Open For Business sign. Vietnam became a go-to spot for cheap, docile labor in multinational assembly plants. Cuba, and Venezuela try to keep the old red flag aloft, but remain impoverished anachronisms. North Korea is a wild card...and that's about it for the Marxist threat of world domination. Jeff could have read about it in that newspaper he…
Yeah, well, the glorious people’s cause is just biding it’s time! We’re posing as obedient wage slaves, but the vanguard will emerge when the bourgeois least expect it! BTW, I’m going to Trier, the illustrious birthplace of Karl Marx, and I fully expect to come back with a tshirt with his face on it, because that is probably what one does.
No doubt Main Street Trier is lined with Karl Marx souvenir shops. Don't sleep on the wall clock with the swinging beard that emits a quote every hour on the hour. "It's one o'clock. You have nothing to lose but your chains."
It looks like Trier has a bunch of Roman stuff, along with Karl Marx house and the Fell Exhibition Slate Mine is not too far away. There also is a sculpture memorializing the deportation of the Sinti and Romany. I did not see a t-shirt, but Marx commemorative Euros and Deutsche Marks look good
Hahaha! I'd just been thinking about how some of the recipes I've come across have that weird temperature setting suggestion that are based on gas marks - maybe it's common in Yurp? Give me degrees, f or c, either is fine!