'Why did you move to Russia?'
That's the number one question I'm asked.
If I were merely visiting Russia during the SMO, one could write me off as a thrill seeker, a rebel, or merely someone who is very curious.
But to move here during one of the worst possible times...that takes something different.
When I visited Russia for the first time in 2023, I was shocked: none of the propaganda I had heard was true, and Moscow was a clean, beautiful, and modern city.
The government was modern and efficient, with one government portal for just about everything you need to do to interact with the government (Gosuslugi).
The payment system (SBP) was more advanced than the United States. If I have someone's bank account or phone number, I can pay them. There's no negotiation to find a compatible payment processor. The payment is instant, and it's usually commission-free.
And the food was much better quality. Fruit and vegetables, and especially dairy products, have a taste here. I never touched cottage cheese (творог) in the States because it had no taste. GMOs being outlawed, means they're much less likely to be putting bad stuff in your food behind the scenes. (You still need to watch what you eat, but I see much less chronically obese people here in Russia.)
I saw the potential for business. All the ideas for small businesses and business opportunities that I had dreamed up before in the States but shelved because they would be too expensive there started coming back to mind. I saw a vibrant and growing IT sector here, which has helped spurn me on in my Russian studies. I want to be able to talk to these brave souls who are building systems to make Russia independent from Western slavery.
For me, Russia is a new frontier. In America, we have not forgotten the pioneer days, when we were told to 'Go west, young man!' and look for opportunity.
That cry is still in our DNA. But the direction has changed.
Today, the call is, 'Go east, young man!'
Come to Russia for new opportunities.
You'll find a new and brilliant life here.