Stephanie Bell 

Retired HS teacher, opinionated leftie

I don’t know where else to vent about this, so I’m going to say it here. I guess I’m still steamed about the purging of the DOD of photos that highlight the accomplishments of minorities, POC, and women. During WWII, my father was a bombardier who flew 35 combat missions with the 15th Air Force in Italy and the 8th Air Force in England. At one point someone in Army PR got the idea to put together a a special crew of men who had all been immigrants and were naturalized American citizens. My dad …


NEW AD: The Republican Party is back. Back to its old tricks, back with more chaos. And they’re set on letting a madman break America piece by piece, but only if we let them.

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Social Security and Medicare are PUBLIC INSURANCE programs. You and your employer have been paying the PREMIUMS your whole life. Congress has been BORROWING FROM THE TRUST FUND. Congress needs to pay it back and LIFT THE CAP so EVERYBODY PAYS THE SAME PERCENTAGE OF THEIR INCOME.