I just want to say thank you to everyone who has reached out with kindness and encouragement, both personally and in these social media streets. So very proud of The Reidout @joy.msnbc.com team, who are truly family, and all of our supporters & friends. See you tomorrow night at 7 ET, one more time ‼️
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
I don't know what this says about me, but I think the most remarkable thing about this story is the fact that parents exist who decided it was a good idea to name their daughter "Trashelle."
Her siblings are Sluttercup, Pricardo, and Douchellina.
(Whoever is writing the insane script we are all living in, please take it down a notch will you?)
They probably meant that to be a "c" instead of an "s".
When I saw Noem's daughter was named "Kassidy" I said " Of course."
I just Google Noem to get Kassidy's name spelled right and the number one Google choice is " Noem Lewandowski"
It just gets better! So this afternoon the latest news in the ongoing saga is Noem has cut ties with Cory, politically speaking. Her communications director was quick to note "Corey was always a volunteer, never paid a dime — campaign or official,"
Got it - he never not paid- with money. Anyway the Communications Director's name is , swear to God, Ian Fury.
Ian Fury. You know he's fucked up with a comic book name like that. Might as well have named him Thor.
Oh my god, Ian Fury and the Blockheads. Somebody tell Ian if he announces Corey wasn't being paid, then it definitely seems more likely they were fucking, lol.
Kind of like "Cinderella" - she was called that because she had to sleep in the ashes of the fireplace. Trashelle was probably in charge of taking the garbage out.
I used to work with a girl named Lazanya whose parents did not anticipate that it sounded exactly like Lasagna, so maybe not every baby is named using the same intensive "how will this get made fun of" process that led me to engineer the perfect name for my potential child, Invincidor Tiberius gromet. (If a girl, then Invincidina.)
Scrolling back through memories and seeing this makes me relive traumatic episodes all over again. (If you're wondering what these pictures are, it's evidence of my ex's bite marks that bruised me. This all happened because I wanted to move back home to my family; this was his way to keep me from leaving.) It's crazy to think that it got worse than this, but these are the only photos I have left.