Oh, come on, folks. France is the toady for the EU and their saliva-dripping desires to strip the world of any views which oppose theirs. Still, good for the UAE. I would suspect, too, that their leaders fully understand, if the EU can impose their views and force France to act in this capacity to initiate a possible "Julian Assange operation" on Durov, they can do so for any Middle East ruler who stumbles into their geographical territory where they can exercise their pronouncements and laws...which, undoubtedly, gives these leaders pause. They're not stupid. The Durov adventure is revealing to those who, up until now, have failed to understand the EU's mental derangement and impairment. "Revealing" that the CIA instigated the operation is equally stupefyingly anti-climatic. We now live in an age whose powers care naught for legality nor the appearance of legality. They evidently feel they can control the media to sway popular perception and opinion their way, and they frankly no longer give a damn. They're blatant in their actions and unbelievably arrogant in their power.

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5:55 AM
Aug 28