Nice to see someone on the Right catch up to insights made on the Left going back 150 years to Marx's notion of Superstructure, through Antonio Gramsci, on to Michael Parenti's "Inventing Reality: The Politics of Mass Media" to Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" (who himself highlighted Bernays), to the ultimate, sophisticated, revelatory vision of Guy Debord in "Society of the Spectacle." We swim in a sea of propagandistic manipulation so ubiquitous that, like fish who don't know what water is, we think our thoughts, tastes and opinions are our own. Bottom line: turn off mass media and open a goddamn book--lots of them. Unfortunately, it's a red pill that few will swallow. By the way, I don't know anything about the myriad of jugglers and clowns mentioned in the article--and never will.

Apr 5
4:46 AM