Apr 2, 2023Liked by Richard Pennell

KOKO!! Lovely stuff, Richard. M

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I enjoyed the connection of vinyl with hickory - I missed out on using the latter but was once obsessed by the former. This is the second online conversation I have had about vinyl this week and I feel a nagging desire to return. Far from an affectation, it's beginning to feel like a necessity. There was the deep connection with the music which you mention - a work of art, heard as the artist intended. There is also nostalgia for simpler times - limited access to music meant it had more value and as a teenager, I carried LPs around like a calling card. Thanks for the memories, Richard, as finely articulated as ever.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Richard Pennell

Dear Richard, you know from earlier remarks that I find your writing sublime, mind-calming and wonderfully rich in imagery. The Advent postings offered a perfect end-of-day tonic to produce a peaceful sleep. Today as I read this at breakfast I find new energy for the day and its inevitable tops and shanks. I presumed that you and Grant Books would find each other. Perfect. Chip

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