I'm all for taking a pound of flesh from these corrupt liars!

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Disgusted but not surprised. Of course they covered it up. Imagine: "We literally locked you up for months and years, destroyed the very fabric of society, all in anticipation of a vaxxiine which we then ordered you to take, but now we discovered that the vaxxiine is killing your children.. Ooops.. sorriiee.. " That would be the Mother of all torches-and-pitchforks events.

Hang 'Em High. After proper trials.

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It's wonderful that you are sharing this and helping to bring it to the attention of the world Dr Alexander.

The TGA gets most of its funding from Pharma.

If that's not a conflict of interest I don't know what is.

Skerritt, the head of the TGA, has cut and run.

I'd like to think the rats are fleeing the sinking ship but the jabs continue.

The Aussies have created a new National Anti-Corruption Commission that will have the power to conduct retrospective investigations.

It's expected to be operating within months.

Cover ups should fall within its remit.

The meaning of corruption is not limited to pecuniary gain.

However, forensic accountants should be going through Skerritt's financial affairs.

My dad, who was a lawyer at one stage, taught me as a child that the job of commissions etc is to cover the arse of those who create them.

I hope that this new one will be different and will not provide cover for the TGA and simply conduct a whitewash but will carry out a truly independent and far reaching and incisive probe into what the TGA has done.

Yes, and pigs may fly.

But one can hope!

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Our whole regulators are corrupt liars and now taking early retirement John skerrit remember that name evil as they come

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Why exactly do we need Police again?? FFS 🤦‍♀️

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We aren’t supposed to have confidence in expert opinion. We are supposed to be given the true data and then make our own decisions.

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“Sold out crowds” brought hope 💖 to my weary heart.

I can sense the relentless march of truth.

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Dr Alexander,

I found the below post on another substack today and suggested the writer use the data to replicate the Ladapo Florida Health study.

He replied a while later:

"The main researcher has just informed me: 'We have asked SA health in an FOI for this previously and they won't give it. ie death within 28 days of vaccination'."

Here is the post:

"A small group of health professionals and university researchers here in South Australia have put together a truly phenomenal analysis of state government data comparing ‘“pre-Covid” (2019, 2020), “pre-Covid but high vaccination” (2021), and “high Covid with high prior vaccination and boosters” (2022)’ population statistics: https://sads.substack.com/p/the-curious-case-of-south-australian?r=2ilns&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

What makes the situation in South Australia so significant is that in a state with some 1.77 million people, only 922 ‘cases’ (0.052%) of Covid-19 were reported before state borders were opened on 23rd November 2021. But by the end of the year, some 10, 157 cases had been reported despite a v@xination rate of 88% of the South Australian population 15 years-old and over.

What is more, hospital admissions for non-Covid-19 related illnesses and conditions, such as encephalitis, myelitis, Bell’s palsy, etc. increased in the period following the v@xine roll-out. No surprises there. The analysis is a very long read but is supplemented with many detailed graphs. A shorter version is forthcoming. What makes this comprehensive analysis so crucial is this is the first time government data for our state has been obtained and scrutinised.

Although much of its content is relevant only to South Australia, nonetheless, it supports the many other data investigations that have been carried out around the world. Please consider including a reference to this Herculean analysis in one of your future substacks. "

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There are hundreds, if not thousands of deaths from this crap jab. The fact it doesn’t prevent COVID or even make you less-likely to die from COVID makes you wonder why they are so intent on pushing it!

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tbh, western governments these days are utter scum, beholden solely to their ghastly overlords of the fatal money-spigot, increasingly seeing their peoples as rabble to be suppressed by deadly force, and bereft of a narrative until one is placed in the teleprompter

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Will any of this ever be acknowledged? Every province in Canada is still promoting child covid vax.

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Questions for you Dr. Alexander:

1. Where did Australia (and other countries) get their vaccine vials? US DOD?

2. When Pfizer (etc.) did safety trials, did they use vaccines made to strict control/ quality standards customary to US manufacturing, or did they use the DOD supply line with almost no AQ and undetermined number of “dud” or low potency vials? If all the vials were high octane mRNA one must ask how many trial recipients would have survived.

No one has answered this question. If I missed it, the answer is worth repeating.

I’ll write to Malone’s substack comment section and to the CHD’s suggestion box. Will not likely get a response. But you can ask them directly.

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Every life matters.😔

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Thank you for sharing.

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Please look at the links though, the documents do not read that the TGA has confirmed causality. That section isn’t filled out. We need to find out what their final assessment actually was in each of these cases. The documents look incomplete.

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